Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Sangwa is right; Lungu was an indisciplined lawyer, a drunk!


Prominent Lusaka lawyer, John Sangwa SC has laughed off assertions by ba Edgar Lungu ‘ati’ he was a topnotch lawyer!

“When he was practicing, Edgar Lungu was an indisciplined lawyer who would come to court unprepared and reeking of alcohol,” reveals Sangwa in a podcast interview.

He further disclosed that as one of the lawyers representing those jointly charged with President Chiluba in the corruption and plunder cases early 2000s, ba Lungu would pitch up in court totally blank…..without a clue as to where the case had ended, previously. Court clerks would normally come to his aid most of the time.

What do we make of this?

Well, we shall begin by explaining the meaning of topnotch lawyer. Topnotch simply means something of a high quality or value. You do not therefore expect topnotch lawyers to come cheap. A few individuals from ba Lungu’s time as a lawyer that could easily fit into the “Ivy League” of lawyers obviously include the likes of Vincent Malambo, Sakwiba Sikota, Robert Simeza, John Sangwa, Erick Silwamba and the madam at the Electoral Commission of Zambia, Mwangala Zaloumis.

These guys normally live in upscale neighbourhoods, they’re usually chauffeur driven in state of the art SUVs and it would cost you an arm and a leg to access their services. These are not the kind of lawyers that to easily “chew” money of a widow as it happened with ba Lungu in 2010. Ba Lungu can’t wake up today and claim he was a topnotch lawyer; he couldn’t make the cut! Those who knew him them would tell he lived in a modest bungalow in ‘kwa’ Jack but usually found himself in Chawama compound where he would enjoy his favourite Jameson, from time to time!

To further add weight to Sangwa’s assertions, this author has interacted with senior prosecutors from the National Prosecutions Authority who’ve dealt with ba Lungu as a lawyer. They’ve no or little regard for the man! According to them, he would pitch up in Court with unkempt hair and ruffled suits only to seek adjournments as he wasn’t ready to proceed with his cases most of the time.

We therefore find it absolutely ludicrous that today, ba Lungu can claim he used part of the money he earned as a lawyer to prop-up his wife’s and children’s businesses therefore helping making them become proud owners of properties spanning from highly mechanised farms, breathtaking mansions in secluded neighborhoods, impressive SUVs and boasting of substantial amounts of cash in Banks and garages!

Naimwe ba so-called investigative wings, are you telling us you can’t establish the trail of ba Lungu’s unexplained wealth from the time he acted as a lawyer living in kwa Jack to date?

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Polical/Social Analyst


  1. Don’t implicate others. Lawyers like doctors do not disparage fellow professionals in public. Just say it on your own.
    I wonder why you have to daily talk about Edgar Lungu instead of helping HH find a solution to our electricity malaise.

    • Lessons NEED to be learnt, otherwise another conman will find a way into State House. Mind you Lungu went to the extent of “entertaining” Zimbabwean convicted fraudster and controversial business man Wicknell Chivayo in June 2019. Who has strong links with ZANU-PF, some are linking his wealth to corruption and money laundering.
      So what was Wicknell doing at State House, was it about tenders? Because there serious concerns about his role in the tendering process in Zimbabwe.

    • Greetings Mr./Dr Bill M. Kaping’a! Thanks for your continued splendid reports, which are interrupted by normal intervals of expected silences. Your reports are educational tools for everyone including crooked Lungu. You are truly teaching us that we must be honest to others and our own conscious at all times. Reminding Lungu of his miserable known and untold stories, you are informing us that we must humble ourselves and be tolerant towards all human beings. I have alluded to the supra analysis, because it reflects a set of implications which stem from your above-stated report about Lungu. When we read your excellent reports, as learned professionals, we should look for concealed meanings which are revealed when we read and reread your well-measured reports. Viva UPND and viva HH

    • @Mwamona Nomba but there’s another conman right now in State House. Ooops sorry he doesnt stay in State House

    • when the former president opts to become another problem on top of current problems the country is facing, he needs to be solved.

  2. You are doing a very good Job by selling President Lungu, especially you Kamping’a,job well done.Keep on campaigning for him.A normal Zambian can easily see that,for sangwa it’s jealous because lungu has achieved what he sangwa will not.

    • It’s only the truth that will set us free. Lungu lied and “stupid *****s” like you believe in lies and untruths. So let the truth be told because lies have short legs but the truth stands the test of time anywhere in the universe and it’s indestructible
      Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  3. When I was growing up in Lusaka, we used to watch kung fu movies at Plaza 2 In some movies you had these old men drinking some beer and kicking butt. We called them drunken master. Lungu was a drunken master, the more he drunk , the more successful he was in developing the country

  4. Yet he brought about infrastructure developments in the country, Stop this propaganda you leeches. Give credit where it is due. Your sober hh has failed big time

    • Come on stop treating us like I D O I T S. Don’t push as too far, otherwise we will request for the variable paper trail of those flats and other properties he has been distributing to his family.
      When we’re they built, by who, at what cost etc. Where did the materials come from, let’s hope no materials went missing from the so called Infrastructure projects through diversition. Police, DEC etc could have reports of theft or missing items (materials).
      What was the source of funding, how much tax was paid?


    • unless you say if was HH that bored the $3 billion Eurobond that ECL defaulted in 2020. the same have been scheduled for the years 2024, 2028, 2033 and 2053, and you call that development! you are crying foul just because you were on government payroll for cadreism in PF… that’s the only explanation… you can’t survive now.


    • FAZ is riddled with corruption. These people receive “cuts” from potential coaches. Paulsen took over a newly reconstructed Zambia Football team after the Gabon disaster. He was being paid by his government. He qualified the team to the Cairo Afcom finals. But from nowhere John Fashanu started frequenting the FAZ offices. We discovered that he was an agent of one Porterfield who eventually got picked against Paulsen. We had a very good team which managed to reach the final with a coach who always looked lost on the bench.

  6. It is high time we started acting like professional and responsible citizens. These issues of disgracing others only leads to underdevelopment. Let’s just put our ideas together and develop this country.

  7. It is interesting how we tend to dwell on one “scandal” in Zambia. Fast forward, Lungu did enter parliament and it is likely he started making his second-tier financial wealth there as well. Like he has said — and I am not in any way defending him — show us what he stole. Show us his incompetence aside from that widow-depriving theft (which lawyers are notorious for in the name of ‘deposit’ or ‘trust funds’). Just get pragmatic and get to the root of this so that people can yap excitedly or shut the eff up!

  8. ECL said they must ask him how much he made when he was a top notch lawyer..maybe his unkempt hair and wrinkled suits were part of the evidence of the sacrifice he made to ensure his son ended up owning 22 state of the art motor vehicles and trucks, his daughter ended up ring fencing land in nyimba amongst other properties..his other daughter settled in new kasama and owned a lodge …and the wife with state of the art flats…. never mind the young lady who had so much cash and properties.This explains why he couldn’t even afford to pay the Presidential Candidate fee but for ABC paying for him…Besides he declared his total wealth to have been 2 million before rebase!

  9. I’m sure ECL has a trail of the cases who won and who he represented, they can speak for the man. Nowadays data is kept so well that it cannot be an issue finding it.

  10. If Mutaware Jameson Dununa Reverse Mbeba Lungu was a top-notch lawyer, then I would say Professori Nkandu “Sansamcation” Lunyokolile is the most “beautifullest” Zinjanthropus kwa jungle of NaBwalya!

  11. I do not like the Pull Him Down Syndrome (PHD) that we Africans have when we try to bring down successful people. Here is an ordinary person that rose to the position of Head of State. Instead of learning how he achieved it and use those lessons as direction, we basically are in denial that he is an exceptional man, as if that will validate our miserable lives. This man’s achievements and failures are out there for all to see. No need to disparage him. In any profession, it is not acceptable to speak against your peers publicly. I do not know about the legal profession in Zambia


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