Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Opposition ZAWAPA holds rally in Ndola


Opposition Zambia Wake Up Party (ZAWAPA) held its first public rally at Chifubu Grounds in Ndola, Copperbelt Province.

The party was registered and launched in 2023 with the human head as its symbol.

ZAWAPA President Howard Miselo Kunda delivered the key message at the rally attended by party officials, members and people from all walks of life.

In his remarks, Mr. Kunda discussed the cost of living, food security, agriculture, job creation, mining, energy and education.

He said the People of Zambia should not have been struggling to eat decent meals if the Government had enhanced food security through improved agriculture policies.

Mr. Kunda said the UPND Government has failed the people of Zambia and must be voted out in 2026.

He said President Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND have been deceiving Zambians through unfulfilled promises.

The former Muchinga MP and Public Accounts Committee Chairperson bemoaned the high cost of living, load shed


    • Divide and rule. It ain’t gonna work. The outgoing UK High Commissioner told Mwiimbu not to stop opposition parties from holding rallies…. and boom a one man party is allowed.

  1. HH and his party have studied the colonialists’ strategy of keeping authority when they were our masters. Divide and rule. First, PF has already been divided and if it cant come together it offers no threat to UPND. Now the broad opposition has to be divided. Bring Nevas Mumba closer. Give some parties permission to hold rallies but not others. That way ZAWAPA will be loyal to UPND. UKA therefore cant bring ZAWAPA or MMD under their ranks to fight a common enemy

    • PF divided Zambia along tribal lines, looted Southern and Northwestern Province for the personal gain of PF leaders and the provinces they came from. PF promoted and practised tribal discrimination in hiring and firing in the army, police and civil service. Do not blame the chaos in PF on the UPND government. The PF party never stood for anything. Now that they are not in the position to steal, each one is fighting to keep what he stole. PF cannot come back to power because no one wants them, none of them will spend money to buy or sway the elections, and no foreign government will sponsor them the way Rwanda, Nigeria and Angola did, at the behest of Rupiah Banda in 2015. The IMF will ease the suffering of Zambians to allow Hakainde to win in 2026. You fuuls will see.

  2. This party was allowed because they did not pose internal security problems. They were not promoting regime change, they were not preaching tribal war, they were not preaching hatred.
    When PF and the socialist party call for political rallies everyone knows is because they want a punch-up with police and to cause mayhew and say to the outside world that Zambia is unstable

    • What a useless excuse… today Harry Kalaba was supposed to attend a church service in Ndola just by the entry into Ndola. The police got wind and stormed the church looking for Harry. Guys running a government is not as easy as running your house. Never before have police stormed into a church building especially when Mass is in progress.

    • They held a rally because they did not pose the threat of violence. If anything, this party is more threatening to the UPND because it is focused on the issues that can unite all Zambians against the sitting government. They are raising cost of living issues, which in the final analysis decide who wins fair elections everywhere in the world. PF on the other hand is saying ‘forget all the violence we inflicted on you; forget all of your assets which we stole; vote for us because we are from the two correct tribes’, whatever that means. The tribalism empowers the government to shut them down legally, and it drives away everyone else, and even their right thinking tribesmen. This government needs to be attacked on its right wing economic policies. You focus on tribe, you lose.

  3. F@ck Harry Kalaba, I also do not believe what you are saying. The police are probably looking for Kalaba because he looted while he was in power, like the rest of PF. HH has said that the prosecutions are coming. The government is auditing the US $32.5 billion debt to see who looted what. Expect the Kalabas, the GBMs, the Lungus, the Lubindas, the Kambwilis, etc, and who ever was in the Satan/ Lungu cabal, that misruled Zambia from 2011 to 2021, to be in trouble. According to HH, the prosecution in each case will take no more than 5 months. If these fools from PF are now trying stir tribal discord, it is because they have information from inside on what is about to befall them

  4. In 1996 when the main opposition party UNIP boycotted elections because of the newly enacted Constitution that was aimed at barring KK from being a candidate, Dean Mun’gomba and his ZADECO saw an opportunity and borrowed money from a drug dealer Goswami to contest that election. Apart from being humiliated, Dean legitimized that sham election. Howard Kunda can’t cleanse the tinpot dictator in our midst. He’ll remember what I have said soon

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