Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Hichilema; thanks for demonstrating you’re smarter than Edgar Lungu


There’s no doubt about it; Edgar Lungu and his cronies in the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) used the opportunity to have their rally over the weekend in Kitwe to abuse and insult President Hakainde Hichilema instead of providing alternative solutions. Understandably, this left many of his ardent supporters seething with anger and they took to Social media to castigate and school Lungu!

Therefore, when State House informed the nation the President would be addressing the nation through the press, Tuesday, many of us were anxious to know the issues the President would be raising. In one way or another, we suspected the President would be responding to some of the personal attacks occasioned on him by his nemesis.

However, many of us were taken aback when the President focussed on addressing pertinent issues affecting the nation as opposed to reducing his status as head of state by dwelling on petty or irrelevant issues. Even the master of ceremony, Thabo Kawana advised the media to stick to issues raised by the President in his briefing instead of sneaking in non issues.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s briefing:

  • Controlling Officers and public service workers in Procurement Departments have been directed to continue using resources in a prudent manner.
  • Major steps have been taken to address the energy crisis in the country such as working on lifeline power supply for small business in communities that have negatively been affected by energy insecurity caused by the El Nino induced drought.
  • The President reiterated his directive that Hospitals should not be load shedded.
  • Maamba Collieries phase II with a production capacity of 300 Megawatts will soon be launched noting that US$90m had been secured for the project.
  • Government expects companies selling solar products to reduce their products as government has zero-rated tax on solar equipment.
  • Citizens who can generate power in excess were encouraged to consider selling to the national grid.
  • Open access electricity has been operationalised and ZESCO limited has no option but to supply the electricity.
  • The President directed that Hichilema has civil servants must have access to transport 24/7 for efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery, overriding the pronouncement earlier made by Secretary to the Cabinet, Patrick Kangwa.

What do we make of this?

The President has simply demonstrated that he’s definitely not cut from the same cloth as his predecessor or any of those bitter and desperate individuals shamelessly parading themselves at the podium to promise pies in the sky; he’s far smarter than them! He’s in a class of his own.

From now onwards, we should expect the President not to dignify their attacks on him with any responses. He should leave it to his Cabinet ministers or the party’s media team, which is inactive unfortunately, to respond to them, pronto!

Thanks a lot baadala.

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Polical/Social Analyst


    • Thats why HH is failing. Listening to advisors who talk like you. His job is not to ” demonstrate that he is smarter than Edgar Lungu”
      It is among other stuff, to make sure there is no Starvation in Zambia, No inflation in the country, No load shedding, no potholes on our roads, No crime on our streets

    • The reason why Zambia is forced to export electricity is that it has pay for the US $32.5 billion that Michael Sata and Edgar Lungu borrowed and squandered. Zesco historically has made more money for the country than the mines have as it is 100% owned by the country. The shortage of electricity is Lungu/ Sata’s fault, and it is also due to the inclement weather patterns.

    • The reason why Zambia is forced to export electricity is that it has pay for the US $32.5 billion that Michael Sata and Edgar Lungu borrowed and LOOTED. Zesco historically has made more money for the country than the mines have as it is 100% owned by the country. The shortage of electricity is Lungu/ Sata’s fault, and it is also due to the inclement weather patterns.

  1. Which of his supporters were angry on socials? Mulekwatako insoni!!! The only ( few ) who took to the socials were you hh praise singers who blows your povertic trumpets while you are hungry

  2. I have seen your president has trimmed the hair coz of ECL words during the kitwe rally. Your hh has no swag, he behaves and lives like an old person… see the way his trousers and suits seats on him. Charity starts on your appearance. Just saying, even ba Banda was a bit swaggy though he was old to be his dad

    • Lungu is treading on thin air. Unfortunately the laws of Zambia empower the police to arrest Lungu if he says something wrong. Lungu is not president and therefore what he says and does now is not covered by presidential immunity. He has been warned. Lungu is saying things which are far worse than what he locked up HH for. Lungu is guilty of looting the country, and will be prosecuted for it. Lungu is deluding himself when he thinks that he will be allowed to run for a 3rd time. There is no judge in Zambia who will agree that he can contest the presidency again.

    • And the way he stands! As if he has just disembarked from a bus arriving from Bweengwa. How do you hold your hands like a Moye coming out of confinement. Advisors, work on image you fawning loafers.

  3. Open access electricity has been operationalised and ZESCO limited has no option but to supply the electricity”
    How do you mean?
    And what does our laws say about power generation? If there are laws that restrict citizens from generating power these must be repealed. You can’t act on mere pronouncements. A future government may not support something that is not supported by law.
    Please don’t get excited, nothing has been solved yet.

    • He speaks from his knowledge of the law. There is no law in Zambia that bars a citizen from generating his own electricity, dimwit. Those who have solar panels often generate more power than they need, and it is this power in some countries, that is sold back to the utility providers for supply to the rest of the country. However, you people here were celebrating a few weeks ago, about the drought that has hit Southern Province, and blaming the Tonga people for changing the climate of the province, in what was a demonstration of sn incredible ignorance of science. Well, why are you crying now about the lack of electricity from Southern Province? Why does Southern Province owe you electricity?

  4. Smatter how, when he said nothing of substance? How can the entire president boast of being the first one to meet King Charles III. Anyway, you can take someone out of the village, and in this case the village has not been taken out of our president. Ubututu bwekabweka fye

    • I am disappointed that a man perceived as an elite can boast of such trivial things. So he went all the way to Britain just to become the first Zambian to meet the English Chief.

    • Did you see the fantastic welcome given to the Japanese emperor by King Charles three days after he had casually met HH? That should show everyone who was considered to be wasting Charles ‘s time. Olo Nima complex sure boasting about shaking an imperialist’ s hand!

  5. President from ADEDO Mr. Brown Chibale Kapika, was on several occasions invited to meet the royals. Last time was during Prince Charles Foundation fund raising for the youths.

  6. Me I greeted Charles’s mother as a 2 year old when she came to Lusaka in 1979. I should be president. Move out HH! I’m moving into state house this weekend since you don’t even stay there.

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