Friday, March 7, 2025

Crack the whip Mr. President; get rid of Judas Iscariots in your team!


From the outset, we must confess we’re proud praise-singers…..we’ve actually had a soft spot for UPND since its inception when it wasn’t even fashionable to do so for the simple reason that we firmly believed and subscribed to the aspirations and principles of its founding leader, Anderson Kambela Mazoka aka mwana mubotu!

This explains why we’ve always been quick to scale the mountain top and sing praises of President Hakainde Hichilema each time the New Dawn Administration has scored mammoth milestones such as breathing a new sigh of relief in our critical mining sector; taking great strides in reuniting our otherwise polarized nation by assembling a cabinet that represents a national character; activating jobs galore for our highly expectant youths in the civil service and security wings; nipping the ugly spectre of cadrerism in its bud; reintroducing free education and of course, restoring meal allowances for our ‘starving’ University students, including old man Prof. Nason Ngoma who has seen it fit to go back to the Copperbelt University as a law student even if they’re only a handful of them in the classroom……the list goes on and on, of course.

In case some in the ruling party have forgotten, one of the many reasons why ba 2.8 million elected to wake up wee hours of the day in August 2021 and endure punishing hours of standing in winding queues to kick out the previous administration from office was undoubtedly the overpowering stench of corruption in government! Citizens were obviously aghast and livid at government and party officials flaunting their ill-gotten wealth in public when many of them were actually paupers before they assumed power! They became multi millionaires overnight – boasting of countless fleets of impressive SUVs and breathtaking mansions in secluded neighbourhoods to their names, sending their children to exclusive schools abroad, not forgetting splurging colossal sums of cash on alcoholic beverages and call girls!

But lo and behold……… read the heartbreaking news of some of the officials in the current administration – cabinet ministers, permanent secretaries and director generals etc are actually engaging in acts of corruption defeats the very essence of logic. Last time we checked, the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) was breathing heavily on their necks! In an interview with Joy FM, UPND National Youth deputy chairman, Trevor Mwiinde seems to confirm the problem of corruption amongst some government officials. We’re at a loss to come to terms with this. This is obviously not the change we voted for! Where’s this unquenchable appetite to accumulate massive wealth while the majority of our people continue wallowing in abject poverty coming from? Are you in a race against time to catch up with the former PF leaders in terms of asset portfolios?

It seems President Hichilema is after all “on his own” in the fight against graft. It’s quite interesting that while a few of us continue putting our necks on the chopping board defending government from the barrage of incessant and vicious attacks and criticism from the opposition on Social media as well as electronic and print media, most cabinet ministers and party officials choose to conviniently remain mute. What are they afraid of? Are they probably preparing for “safe landing” just in case their is a sudden change of government in the foreseeable future in order to escape punishment?

One influential and fearless UK based blogger puts it more succinctly; “As you defend them and earn yourself enemies, they are heaping money for their children. You insult PF on their behalf but they are sharing deals with the same PF guys…”

Mr. President, this may not be dismissed as mere gossip as this is what exactly happened at the infamous Black Mountain in Kitwe. Some named cabinet ministers and senior party officials went into cahoots with PF members who had tipper trucks and excavators to ‘devour’ the same in record time! They shameless shared the proceeds to the exclusion of ordinary members of the public after which they went on rampage acquiring properties everywhere…….some of them even became ranchers overnight!

You have the good will of the public on your side Mr. President; do not even be dissuaded or distracted by insinuations from some traditional leaders that the fight against corruption is targeted at specific ethnic groups. We expect you to crack the whip and show suspected Judas Iscariots in your team, the door! We are eager to see you tackle both the previous and current cases of corruption tooth and nail until all our jails are filled up with corrupt individuals!

In our next offering, we take a look at transpired in Mwansabombwe, Luapula province.

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


  1. Suppose the appointing authority is the Judas Iscariot? Then who’s supposed to get rid of the other?

    • Here is why Field Ruwe is encouraging the nation to read. Judas Iscariot has nothing to do with illustrating what is happening in our government. Kapinga go and read the Bible and see what Judas did. How is that appropriate with HH’s inefficient thieving corrupt selfish cabinet that is doing everything it condemned about the previous government?
      As usual, your article just wanders everywhere without fulfilling what its headline promises.
      “each time the New Dawn Administration has scored mammoth milestones” When did it ever score a mammoth milestone you praisesinger? What is mammoth ba self proclaimed social analyst? Go and read!

  2. The person you are asking of getting rid of Judas Iscariots is the biggest Judas. After lying to the Zambian people on fuel, mealie meal, fertilizers, electricity and cost of living, he is busy giving our our resources for free to white people. What uniting the country are you talking about when he is busy arresting people from Luapula, Northen and Eastern and arm twisting the police and the courts. Which government is balanced when all we can hear of are the Haimbe, Mweetwa, Nkombo, Haamasaka. A few pawns he has appointed are just there for show and do nothing. Caderism has just takem a new face and which is worse because it is now in offices. The likes of Thabo Kawana are cadres. Continue singing on empty stomachs while Zambians are regrouping for 2026.

    • These Nkomboz, Mweetwa, Hamasaka, Haimbe ,Mwiimbu and the Whole privileged cohort are no where near in leadership quality and competence compared to Hamukale. We had a genuine selfless born leader in southern Province in Edify Hamukale

    • All these namely nkombo, mweetwa, mwiimbu, kayumba, hamasaka etc are nowhere near in competence, leadership and selflessness compared to Edify hamukale. That was a genuine born leader we had in southern province. The guy is natural and real

  3. ….and to day, Zambia is receiving Aid from Burundi. What a shame. We have now been reduced to beggars even begging from beggars.

  4. HH himself is the worst Judas Iscariot…we are very disappointed with his leadership and his way of enabling and enticing corruption instead of fighting corruption HH has now become the corruptor in chief …he has surrounded himself by known Criminals Jito Kayumba and Hamasaka who are in the forefront making corrupt deals and working as chola boys…..Kakubo was caught red handed just a few months in office….No electricity for more than 22hrs in a day….how are businesses surviving????

  5. HH is a known privatization bandit and he has surrounded himself with criminals…Musa Mwenya has enough evidence of corruption at State House

  6. HH should give a job to Prince Bill M Kaping’a so that he shuts up just like Pilato. We are getting fed up with these brainless articles.

  7. And loadsheding is getting worse and getting out of hand… opposition HH sounded very smart but it turns out he is a dunderhead who made his money via theft and corruption…we are on 20 million….china has a population of 1.5 billion and zero loadsheding….WHAT IS WRONG WITH US AFRICANS

  8. What whip is going to whip with and against who? Where on earth have you heard of an investigation where the investiged are not mentioned. HH is part of the Iscariot clan. Kaaba was influenced by HH not accept the challenge to go to court because a whole can of worms was going to be opened…it was like banene tuli basankwa let’s not wash dirty linen

  9. ………

    We trust the president is doing the right thing for zambia………

    The fight against corruption, stealing is a generatinal fight, it is impossible to win against it overnight ………..

    Lungu and PF were in final stages of legalising and normalising corruption……….

    Even the youth were aspiring to be caders , seeing the money the caders were flashing……..

    To the least ……..10 years of fighting this scurage

    • You Dejavu and your other theiving brothers were the ones prasing on PF to steal in the name a tribe……..

      You are corrupt and tribal to the core……..

      As long as its your tribeclan stealing , it not a problem to you

    • SPAKA I was more supportive then you in the beginning
      but his HH is not listening to the cries of his pipo he appears to be in another world
      Your right Lungu and Pf did encourage orruption but hasn’t HH taken it to new hieghts
      by atleast 50% more ???

    • Dejavu

      You have been agsinst anything not bemba………

      Stop your lies ati i was more suppotive……….

      Most of The corruption in the press is PF propaganda…………

      The PF realise they already lost the elections in 2021 because of corruption stories in the press, which lungu and PF completly ignored to their cost…………

      They are hoping to repeat that , only UPND are responding to most corruption allegations

  10. Am planning on buying some good quality mukwa wooden door and my friend back home suggested that I should buy mukwa doors from China…..mind-boggling isn’t it….China gets mukwa from Zambia and i should go all the way to China to buy mukwa doors…..i think we have a very serious problem…..and lithium batteries from China

    • We buy copperwires and bullets from Japan. Nigeria buys refined oil from Saudi Arabia. Ivory Coast, biggest producer of cocoa in the world, buys chocolate from Switzerland. Why hasnt intra-Africa trade taken off? Because we are mentally colonised. Wake up mentally colonised Africa! You will be economic slaves forever.

    • No ……….

      To you he cant because he is from the wrong tribe……….

      The tribal supremacists will never accrpt a president who is not from their tribe…….

      To them , zambia cant be ruled by anyone else but their tribe…..

      Its until 2031,

      Forwadee 2031

      vimba upuleikee

    • #Spaka just go back to where you have been hiding. A normal person would feel ashamed of what is going on in your tribal government. You people all you want is to have a Tonga president regardless of the crimes being committed. I’m not PF but I am a proud Luunda who harbours no hatred for other tribes… unlike you.

    • You are a shamless lier……….

      You are on recored saying you dont like and trust tongas from your days in the mines

    • Iwe chi Spaka who are these tribal supremacists-apart from you? Because you wouldnt like to be ruled by a Northener you imagine everyone else doesnt? We all can see your Ackson Sejani character. I ask because Zambia has never been ruled by one tribe. Its been ruled by a Tonga (nyasa) Luba, Lenje, Bisa, Ngoni, Nsenga and now a Zambian Tonga; your tribe.

    • @Kanitundila I think Mwanawasa was Lamba. The Lamba and Lenje are neighbour’s so their identity gets confused with each other.

    • Kanitundila

      I take it you are new to LT and dont know the cliuqe of tribal supremacists on LT who are still in mourning over the loss of PF

  11. He can’t he’s part of the whole charade.
    HH to Kaaba: Tulibasankwa let’s sort out this as a family. End of the story.

    • Sort out where naimwe………..

      You are being ruled over by a tonga until 2031……….

      Order your depression medications ready, its going to be a long 8 years for the tribal supremascists

  12. If what happened to Chitotela and Chilangwa had happened in Choma, they were not going to be convicted…why? There were not going to be any witnesses to testify against them. That’s how our friends operate

    • To you a notherner can comitt any crime , its ok….

      Zambia is not a bemba fifdom…………

      You committ a crime, you pay

    • Chitotela committed a crime and he deserves the jail…. but for you, you were going to refuse to testify. Look at the Solwezi murder of Mr Kungo… even HH hasn’t mentioned anything about it in his I , Me press conferences….
      Just wait… time doesn’t favour anyone.

  13. And offering 25000 bribe whilst everyone is watching….these foreigners are now taking advantage of the corrupt UPND government

  14. @Spaka
    I told you Kakubo is still on Government payroll getting his full salary and all his benefits….he just resigned to fool gullible praise singers like you…

  15. @ Spaka
    No need to hire Kakubo he wasn’t fired and he is still getting his full pay ask Musa Mwenya these are the issues that he came across under UPND government and HH

    • Telling lies naimwe………

      Memembe and emmanual mwamba would have been on LT everyday if there was any truth in that………

    • So you are telling us that after all Mmembe and Mwamba are reliable source of information? What a turn round.

    • Are Mmembe and Mwamba Zambia’s FBI? So you at UPND fear them not your toothless DEC and ACC to say nothing of roadblock lovers called ZP

  16. The Civil Service is not there to fulfill reduction of unemployment. Its there to meet the needs of economic operations in the country not to take the unemployed off the streets. If it is misused by politicians it only drains national income into a bottomless pit and creates inefficiency and of course corruption.
    I remember the MMD crying about the overly huge civil service it had inherited but failing to prune it. The result was an ever-rising cost of living and ever rising inflation. Here comes economist HH and he piles the load on the overburdened state coffers

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