Friday, March 7, 2025

President Hichilema Counsels District Commissioners on Service Delivery


President Hakainde Hichilema has called on the District Commissioners (DCs) to work as a team with the Government structures in their respective districts to deliver quality services to the people.

Mr Hichilema said the ultimate goal of his administration is to uplift the livelihoods of the people who gave his party a mandate to form Government with the sole purpose of uplifting people’s livelihoods.

Speaking at a meeting with DCs from across the 10 provinces at State House , Mr Hichilema reminded them to serve people passionately and with integrity.The Head of State called for responsibility amongst DCs in the distribution of various services to the people in their respective districts especially amidst the adverse effects of climate change.

“We need to work as a single team in our endeavour to deliver quality services to the Zambian citizens who are our masters, ours is to serve the people, that is our sole mandate and nothing else,” he said.

Mr Hichilema further advised the DCs to promote unity and team work in their respective districts in a bid to realise meaningful economic development across the country.

“We are put in Government through our constitutional democracy to run the affairs of the country properly, grow the economy, attract investment and trade so that we can support the people of Zambia,” he said.

The President also reaffirmed his Government’s commitment to bettering the welfare of the people as opposed to self-enrichment like what used to happen in the past, and that DCs play a crucial role in coordinating government programmes.

The Head of State further explained that there can never be tangible economic growth in the country if there is infighting between the DC, town Council Chairpersons and Mayors in districts adding that the culture of differing among Government officers in the districts retard development.

The President advised the DCs to maintain a high level of discipline and moral conduct as they superintendent over various affairs of the districts in order to command respect from their subordinates.

“I implore you to promote peace among yourselves, DCs, Mayors, town Council Chairpersons, Permanent Secretaries and Ministers, you must be Coordinating programmes collectively,” Mr Hichilema said.

The Head of State has also disclosed that plans to include DCs in the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) committees are underway and will soon be expected to start contributing their inputs on the usage of CDF.

Mr Hichilema has since promised for more meetings with Government workers in future, aimed at comparing notes with one another on the best practices to serve the country and announced that the next meeting will be for the ward councillors on the date to be communicated.

Earlier, Lusaka District Commissioner, Rosa Zulu, praised the President for creating a platform to interact with DCs aimed at exchanging notes on enhancing professionalism in the discharge of Government functions in their respective districts.
Ms Zulu expressed optimism that out of the fruitful discussion between the President and DCs, a roadmap will be drawn out on how best to work for the people and realise social and economic development across the country.
“Mr President, we are grateful for this meeting with you here at State House, my friends and I are expectant to hear more from you. I am sure from this meeting we will be encouraged to work harder,” she said.


    • No they are not. They are just an extension of the ruling party created by Fredrick Chiluba to create employment for his cadres.

    • A district should have only a District Administrative Officer (a professional)to coordinate government departments and report to the provincial permanent secretary. As it is now there’s no distinction between civic leaders, political leaders, civil servants… even in a Zoo animals are grouped as per species.

  1. Mr President sir please sort out electricity crisis…Mr President sir why did you iie to the Zambian people that you had solutions….please Mr President next time if you’re looking for votes don’t lie because what you did to the Zambian people is FRAUD…..and you committed a crime by “false misrepresention ” you need to be sent to jail…now the whole country is in darkness because of your lies

  2. I suggest we change their titles to District Cadres and we can continue calling them DCs, because that is what they are.

  3. DC is an Ex-Officio and as such, they can attend to any gathering concerning Governance within their District, and with the concert of the President can attend a meeting in another District or any meeting.

  4. KAINDE (hh) loves the spotlight, he loves teaching pipo his so-called wisdom kikikikiki, full of himself, munshololwa

    • @UFIMBENUMA, Come on you can do better.
      It seems you cherish mediocary, we need people who are passionate and confident at what they do. Not umugulu, get over it!

  5. ………

    Well done mr President………

    Its like constant schooling and reminders……..

    Let each one develier a virifiable report about their work thus far……

    While others are agitating over globsl inflation and climatic conditions……..

    The real work carries on, the normal zambians are with you…….

    Forwadee 2031…..

  6. DC for Lusaka, please assist cross check with ZESCO why power went at 04 this morning today Friday and it is now after 17hrs and it is not restored in PHI. No communication, no nothing

  7. DC have no job description. They are like ministry of religious affairs just report to the office make a bit of noise, ruffle some papers here and there and at the end of the day get free salary, free fuel, transports etc.

  8. SPAKA
    As you know I was behind you 110%
    But you really have to take off your rose coloured glasses now
    HH is not listening to the people who put him in power.
    I’m just Praying a new credible party is formed
    No recycled goons thank you

  9. I just watched the Paris olympics and I was mesmerized by Tebogo…i have always said that Africa has raw talent…we have all what it takes to be number one in the world in terms of sports and economy…but corruption and poor leadership…money meant to improve sports ends up in Politicians pockets….look at how Chileshe Kangwa is looking now…with a massive potbelly….yes chewing all the money and the youths with raw sports talent end up being Jankies…..CONGRATULATIONS TO TEBOGO FOR MAKING AFRICA PROUD…

  10. Just returned from Zambia after a 3 week visit to homeland. It is my worst visit. No electricity, no water, high cost of living, dirty dust roads, no traffic markings on the roads, trash etc. Very unfortunate, people had high hopes in HH but he is a big letdown. He came into government with no solid plans, speeches with solution/ delivery plan.

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