Friday, March 7, 2025

NAPSA closes the Society Business Park


Hundreds of jobs are on the line following the decision by the National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA) to close the Society Business Park (SBP) in Lusaka.

Apart from shops, the SBP right in the heart of the central business district is home to the prestigious Hilton Hotel, Pick ‘n’ Pay, Hungry Lion, among other investments.

The developer for the Society Hilton Hotel is reported to have invested about US$98 million in the mixed use complex with the hotel being the biggest part of this development.
NAPSA board of trustees chairperson Shipango Muteto said the decision to close the SBP with immediate effect and until further notice was necessary though painful and costly.

“We have taken this decision as a precautionary measure to protect and safeguard human life,” Mr Muteto said.
He said the decision follows the structural failure of some columns at the office block at Society Business Park.
“In October 2019, the office block was vacated and remedial actions taken thereafter,” Mr Muteto said

He said the authority commissioned a comprehensive assessment of the structural integrity of the entire development in November 2023.

“The detailed report received in July 2024 has revealed that some parts of the development, namely the office block and parkade, are structurally not sound and therefore not safe for continued occupancy. The assessment has further revealed that part of the Society Business Park, that is the retail mall and hotel tower are sound but need attention to address identified structural defects,” he said.

Mr Muteto said the decision to close the entire business park also arises from the fact that the parkade and the office block, which are not safe for continued occupancy are directly linked to the hotel and the retail mall through common facilities.
The closure of the parkade and office block, which has been recommended by the consultants, will result in impeded access to the mall and the hotel tower.

“Further, services to the hotel and the mall will be severely affected, making the two facilities inoperable. Therefore, the board has resolved to close the entire business park comprising the parkade, retail mall and hotel tower, in order to protect the wellbeing and safety of the tenants and the public,” he said.

Mr Muteto said all current tenants at SBP have been informed and given notice to vacate the premises within ten days as a safety measure.

“All motorists, customers and tenants who use or visit the society business park, and parkade are hereby informed that the entire business park will not be available until further notice. The board and management deeply regret this unfortunate development and will do everything possible to ensure that we lessen the negative impact of this development especially on the tenants and the staff working at the business park,” he said

Some of the measures that NAPSA will implement include refunding of all security deposits to tenants, refunding of all advance rental payments and assist to identify alternative trading spaces.

“We have also deployed extra security to guard and protect the business park to prevent damage to property and avert any unwarranted activities. We wish to state that the authority is taking serious and decisive action against anyone found in contractual, legal or any violation that has led to the current state of affairs. The authority is in the process of determining the total financial loss resulting from this unfortunate development,” Mr Muteto said

He said as NAPSA explores the development options and the way forward with the business park, the public will be informed.

“Meanwhile, the authority has set up an ad hoc committee to deal with all the issues arising from this development,” Mr Muteto said

By Benedict Tembo


    • UPND did not undertake that project. It was done under RB MMD government. Abel N’gandu has been warning from the word go but people never took him seriously.

    • @Anonymous – Do not let bias cloud your better judgment. NAPSA has its autonomy and operates largely autonomously. This project was commenced way before UPND was even coming in second place in elections. You need to question the persons that commissioned the building and their contractors.

    • What does UPND have to do with with a faulty building that was constructed under the supervision of another Government. This business of trying to link anything negative to UPND undermines national unity.

    • A dog died, owner reported to government that it died after eating nshima. Someone with a PhD mentioned some word called affloxin. You people went to destroy mealie meal in country.
      What a country.
      Renovations are done all over the civilized countries, you don’t compromise business.
      That complex is over, they will bring bulldozer and destroy the building, foools. Make my words.

    • @St Desperate. You think so. How come HH just woke up and ordered Napsa to give partial withdraws to contributing members. This was against the Napsa Act.
      Of course Upnd were not there when this building was erected but knowing their agenda they may be involved in the current situation.

    • The building was constructed by UNIP not any of those Johny come latelys you are all mentioning.

  1. There was corruption in the refurbishment of this building. If I recall correctly a company from Kenya was involved.

    • @Swahili for the unity of Africa…and a Chinese company was the main contractor if I am not mistaken. When Sata came to power he cancelled the contract thus complicating matters even further but yes plenty of corruption there was!

    • I was surprised on what two gentlemen were talking about on a bus. They are convinced Lungu is behind whatever evils we are experiencing in the country. They “know” which individuals Lungu is using to destabilize the kwacha etc. I advised them to report such individuals since they knew them… I’m suspecting they were referring to the STTC.

    • Lungu Ka? Not Munir Zulu?? Musamba has been arresting the wrong guys all the time. What an incompetent police IG. Surpassed by two bus commutters.

  2. Nothing seems to be working for New dawn.
    I think let them revert to old way of less CDF,
    No free education etc.May be things can get

    • Free education is a ruse. Free education in poverty stricken Zambia will give birth to poorly skilled manpower and subsequently sub-quality professionalism. Zambia will become Lagos where crooks run improper civil structures that pass for buildings and there will be no one to police anything. Arrest this free education thing now before it becomes a self devouring worm

  3. This is a reflection of our poor and low standards, incompetence in our construction and civil engineering sectors. This smells of corruption. Someone either didn’t dig deep enough to steal some money or stole some of the reinforcement steel that are used secure the columns. This is going to cost money to correct. This poor construction extends to roads as well. Eg How does a sector continue to put dangerous kerbs on roads? Look at the Poor turning angles or unnecessary bends on some of our roads?

  4. Two major issues I have identified in the Zambian psyche. One is a lack of confidence in ourselves (we can recall a capable Zambian contractor being sidelined for this project). The other is a lack of standards; everything and anything goes. This is why mostly things are run until they break without any heeding the need for maintenance. Oh! Bonus issue: lawlessness. A lot of beautiful laws without any coherent or consistent enforcement.

    • @Kalok I concur with you but I think corruption is the major factor. Kenya is corrupt to the core and them guys are finding a fertile niche in Zambia. Just recently there have been reports of a Kenyan supplier wiring funds back to Zambian facilitators. Chinese will work according to what you want. If you want a quality job they will do it for you. If you want to shoddy job and pocket/share the loot with them, they will do just that

  5. When i say that corruption and theft is a serious cancer in our society…..yes it doesn’t matter which Political party was in power when the Project was commissioned….what matters is that its now affecting ZAMBIA as a country…..i always tell people to put Politics aside and develop Zambia as ONE ZAMBIAN PEOPLE…..

  6. And in Africa we don’t know that all infrastructures…..buildings and roads needs to be maintained and properly taken care of….you don’t just erect a building or road and just leave it to become dilapidated… in the USA buildings are inspected almost every year…..and the buildings inspector doesn’t get brown envelopes in order to give a favorable inspection report…..roads are regularly resurfaced use tolls money….but in Zambia tolls money ends up in the pockets of Politicians and they use it to buy houses

  7. When the Chinese are working to develop China…they work together as Chinese….when the Emirates are working to develop the UAE….they work together as Emirates….you don’t hear Political parties claiming…” we are the ones who did this…we are the ones who did Kazungula…we are the one who did this Hospital etc….I REPEAT….LETS BUILD ZAMBIA AS ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION…to hell with Partisan development

  8. @Peace Maker
    And thats why we will never develop with such kind of reasoning….lets do away with ” this was done by so so mentality”….it doesn’t matter whether it was done by Lungu or Welensky….or Rupiah Banda or KK….

  9. The story isnt complete. It makes it look like the “closure of the parkade and office block, which has been recommended by the consultants” is going to heal the building. We arent told what engineers will be doing to rectify the discovered anormalies.
    Is it possible to correct the structural defects or is the building going to be imploded? Do we have a building safety act in Zambia and was it adhered to here? In London where I am parts of a building fell from the Cheesegrater building ten years ago.

    • The media highlighted the inherent dangers raising concerns about the building’s structural integrity.
      A probe was done and safety measures implemented. The same year in Nigeria TB Joshua’s building came crashing down killing hundreds of worshippers. New Zealand also saw a Television building crashing in 2010. What are our measures to avoid these tragedies in Zambia? There’s lots of examples to learn from

  10. There is nothing to blame the UPND party for because that building was constructed before UPND came into power. Therefore, this shows that :

    1. The contractor did perform according to what was supposed to be done in terms of constructing SBP.
    2. The government that officiated that building didn’t have qualified engineers
    Finally in Zambia we have bush engineers who graduate locally and abroad but the still fail to meet the international standards and its the duty of each government to protect the lives of the citizens regardless of how much will be lost.

  11. *****s are already linking an establishment to politics, rather keep quiet if you have nothing to add value.

  12. The Supreme leader Ayatollah Hakainde Hichilema is busy attending traditional ceremonies whilst buildings are collapsing in the Capital city…Kariba dam is shutting down

  13. ……..

    Very very very useless and corrupt council and GRZ engineers who give these rubbish buildings the green light.

    These are probably people with a wardrobe full of degrees , suits and ties yet useless on the job…….

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