Friday, March 7, 2025

ERB Reduces Fuel Prices for October 2024


The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has announced a reduction in fuel prices for October 2024, bringing relief to consumers. The new prices, effective immediately, are as follows: petrol will now sell at K32.70 per litre, down from K33.47, diesel at K28.90 from K30.05, kerosene at K26.95 from K27.52, and Jet A-1 at K29.57 from K30.53.

ERB Chairperson James Banda attributed the price cuts to a drop in global petroleum product prices in September 2024. Banda explained that the reduction is largely driven by a decline in global oil demand, due to an economic slowdown in major oil-importing regions.

He noted that since the last fuel price review on 31st August 2024, international prices for petrol have fallen by 7.1%, diesel by 8.72%, and kerosene and Jet A-1 by 7.19%.

The revised prices are expected to provide some economic relief as the country continues to navigate challenges in the global energy market.


  1. Mmmmm!
    It’s a sad situation, so it’s twice as expensive as it is here. Here it’s P15.60 per litre so if you leave in Livingston just come refuel in Kasane.

    • By the time you pay the bridge fee both ways, the Bots road levy and buy a permit to take the car out of Zambia its not worth it plus convert to Pula at almost 2 to 1 Kwacha

  2. Let ERB reduce further as reduction is not much as seen on international market.As Zambia is going through the worst energy
    Crises fuel is key to everything.

  3. Lazy people / complainants

    Let me tell you one thing you people who are found of complaining and condemning your fellow Zambian for not managing the economy properly. Just keep on waiting until such a time when you think an angel will come to fix the economy, rest assured that you will be poor and you will even starting failing buying clothes for yourself and your family, while others are managing to buy expensive cars and properties , where do you think they get the money? Jump out of that laziness , create a valuable product or service , then people will give you the money, that is the answer sir/madam. The money hides in people and Zambia is not short of money , we have plenty of money in tones and tones if you did not know.

  4. Keamogetse, if you consider the Pula-kwacha exchange rate, you will be surprised that the price is almost the same. Convert you kwacha into Pula and go and buy fuel in Kasane and you will never repeat it!

  5. Not sure why there is difference of opinion here. People were promised, calculations done, middle men were identified as major culprits in fuel prices being high, figures were floated of what the prices would be after August 21st. Then for people to demand that which was voluntarily promised, somebody says you are complainants. How?

    • What some dont understand in our politics its not always economic circumstances that bring price reductions but political pressure There are so much smoke & mirrors its hard to tell the difference

    • This i s world price and kwacha has hit 26.5 plus we are using 13 x more fuel we normally use because we use it in gensets as well as cars and trucks

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