Friday, March 7, 2025

Lusaka City Council to Commence Free Distribution Of Chlorine


Lusaka City Council says it will commence the free distribution of chlorine to households starting Monday, October 28, 2024.

In an exclusive interview with ZANIS, Lusaka Mayor Chilando Chitangala said the free distribution of chlorine is aimed at ensuring that the residents drink safe and clean water.

Ms Chitangala indicated that chlorine is meant to avoid diarrheal diseases among households as the rainy season starts.
In related development the Lusaka City Council says it has heightened its efforts of unblocking blocked drainages in the city ahead of this year’s rainy season.

She explained that the construction of new drainages and the unblocking of blocked drainages is aimed at ensuring that the city is not flooded in an event of heavy rains.

Ms Chitangala revealed that the local authority has intensified the clearing of dumpsites so as to avoid stagnation of water during the rains.


  1. I hope it will not be another cholera season. It would be like fighting a war on multiple fronts, with blackouts still raging and no end in sight.

    • Add chlorine to water tanks, then distribute free water. It’s cheaper and effective.
      Those bottles of chlorine will be resold pa th ntemba.

    • Very true Nostradamus I dont see this working. This local govt authority has a plan in its head but it doesnt know how to effect it. You cant be sure that the person you have handed the chlorine will use it according to your plan. He can sell it to swimming pool owners, plastic manufacturers etc.

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    • How many pit latrines are in Lusaka? How many council workers does LCC have? How many are willing to work?

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