Friday, March 7, 2025

KCM Clarifies Mine Accident Claims


Konkola Copper Mines Plc (KCM) is aware of media reports claiming that eight miners lost their lives in a mine accident on 29th October, 2024 at the Chingola Open Pit (COP) number 5, a purported KCM dumpsite.

KCM extends its deepest sympathies and condolences to the families affected by this tragedy. However, the company wishes to clarify that, contrary to the media reports, the COP 5 mine operation (also called overburden number 5 or OB5) does not belong to KCM, although it was part of KCM’s operations many years ago.

KCM remains committed to enforcing strict safety and security protocols across all operational areas to protect the lives of its employees, surrounding communities, and company assets, in accordance with safety measures enforced through the government-run Mine Safety Department (MSD).

Issued by Maurice Sichone

Acting General Manager – Corporate Affairs


    • Who is in control of the Mine areas in Chingola? Is it Spax,Max, Kapoka Mulenga or Paul Kabuswe? This issue in Chingola needs to be addressed seriously. Are there viscious wars going on ? Who is sending these “illegal” miners into the dangerous bellies of the earth? Who is buying this copper? Where is the minister of mines? Where is the MP for Nchanga, ? Abana bafwa pafula. Ala twanaka ukulosha. Where the Chingola council?

  1. What is going on in this country….. Not long ago in Chingola, 38 MINERS died . It took nearly a year to retrive all of them. For sure not all were recoverd. Some remain buried in the copper ore bodies. The President, Ministers and almost the who cabinet attention was moved to Chingola, Despite assurances by the President that this will not happen again, more deaths in the sector continue. In Mumbwa recently the vice President and Collins Nzovu,,,buried 11? MINERS and assurances were given that this will not happen again. Now back to Nchanga ….more deaths. Who is in control , who is in charge? I wonder

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