Sunday, February 16, 2025

Geoffrey Mukuma Paramilitary Training School Passout Demonstrations In Pictures


Geoffrey Mukuma Paramilitary Training school Passout Demonstrations for Intake number 55 of 2023/2024.Pictures courtesy Zambia Police Service





    • Very true! They look so professional and extra committed to duty. I want to cheer the pictures! Awesome skills!
      Give them three months in Sikanze or Peter Singogo camps and they are busy planning fake roadblocks for cold drinks. How can we protect these youngsters from rotten police veterans and their vices?

    • Jack Mwiimbu looks presidential.
      He will be next president for sure. Ba Nalumango is too nice, too motherly. She need up game.

  1. In our Army I see indiscipline and their blue lights pushing us off the roads etc, before only in a state of emergence did the army have these rights
    ZNS well well we all know what goes on there
    Can only hope these chaps are more reputable

  2. Is it Commando unit, this is more millitary than police,yes we know that paramilitary is half millitary and police know how, but this is more than half millitary, it’s totally Commando training.Could it be a special force under cover,or State House Elite unit? Let this unit, not to disguise in police combat, give them another uniform

  3. Yayi a Kennedy here in the US there are what are called SWAT squads. Usually they turn up in situations like when those women were kidnapped in Lusaka south. They would have climbed the walls in bullet proof gear and stun grenades to rescue the women. They have to be prepared for combat situations

  4. The only problem is they will be misused by ruling party politicians. Unethical tasks will be given:
    1 Disperse PF crowds
    2 Don’t allow Lungu to wander about
    3 Surround the cathedral as Sata is remembered. Beat up anyone wanting to enter
    4 Harass opposition PF turning up at private radio stations for interviews

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