Friday, March 7, 2025

Lungu won’t be on the ballot in 2026 but unemployment and poverty


You can’t spend five years in government lamenting your predecessor’s misrule hoping this strategy will insulate you from sharp scrutiny in the next election cycle. The focus on former President Edgar Lungu is hideous and so is the outcome of today’s verdict on his eligibility to contest the next Presidential elections.

How did we even get here? Lungu who was resoundingly humiliated at the polls three years ago and was effectively staring into his political sunset is now perilously close to achieving political martyrdom.Blame it on the ruling UPND, this government is way too enamoured with his political relevance and governance record that it has unconsciously taken its eyes off the most pertinent issues facing the country. As such, snuffing him off his political oxygen through all manner of machinations and trickery has only elevated his standing.

Alongside today’s verdict on his eligibility to contest the 2026 Presidential elections, the integrity of our Judiciary is also on trial. What is concerning is that our judiciary has not only abandoned all pretence of constitutional delinquency but has made its disregard for the rule of law a fundamental part of its character. One is left wondering, what has happened to the seemingly infallible Mumba Malila? He was elevated to the Chief Justice position to cleanse political cobwebs from the Judiciary. But has Malila lived up to this expectation or has himself become a cobweb? This morning’s verdict will tell.

So, will government’s elimination of one of its biggest rivals from the 2026 Presidential contest achieve anything? Nothing, absolutely nothing. There will be honking and high fives flying in the corridors of power after the verdict is passed but these celebrations will be short-lived. Truth is and Just like the 2021 polls, Lungu won’t be on the ballot but poverty, unemployment, rising cost of living including load and water shedding. These rate as the biggest threats to the UPND’s political fortunes than Lungu.

Dangers of fiddling with the Judiciary

Does the UPND realise just how much today’s Constitutional court ruling will impact its electoral fortunes, and the goodwill bestowed on the party post the 2021 polls? President Hakainde Hichilema’s ascendancy to plot one was a pure breeze. With it came lofty expectations from an electorate that was weary of corruption, unemployment, high food prices and poverty. His biggest pledge while in the opposition was that he would deal decisively with unemployment, poverty and corruption. He also committed to deliver a Judiciary that would be free from interference by the executive. Has he
delivered on these promises? Your guess is as good as mine.

Back to the Constitutional court, an established doctrine is that a ruling by this court becomes a legal precedent. Can somebody explain the difference to Lungu’s case then? You see, there are a few lessons to pick up from the recent electoral outcomes in the US. The outcome were a stark warning of how weaponisation of the justice system can birth an anti-democratic establishment. While we may successfully bar the former President from contesting the next elections, we need to be mindful of the consequences. Unlike Lungu whose blemishes are widely documented and could have struggled to
beat President Hakainde Hichilema in a rematch, the alternative for the opposition might be an even worse prospect to our democracy.

Another pertinent question. Has this leadership succeeded in delivering on its pledges? It’s not so much that it has spectacularly failed to rise to the challenges confronting the country but the boorishness with which this government has defended corruption and other misdemeanours committed by the Judiciary is astonishing. For many an independent pundit, today’s verdict is a brazen departure from our Judiciary’s established legal principles. And while true that the PF was
unapologetically corrupt, President Hichilema can’t be fixated on chasing Lungu’s shadow while his own officials are plundering the country’s wealth in broad day light.

Is corruption is stealing HH’s promise?

For context, let’s digress a bit. We do not know Diego Cassilis from a bar of soap but those who attest to his business acumen have endorsed his opinion that corruption which is now endemic in Zambia is costing the country its lustre as an investment destination. Now, whether Cassilis’s pronouncement is born out of a possible squeeze in business opportunities or genuine concerns about the country’s economic trajectory is debatable.

But what is indisputable is that the court of public opinion has become a jungle – more so in this era of social media. There are no laws, etiquette or decency whatsoever. Perception is the lodestar. This phenomenon is understandable. As humans, we are naturally inclined to operate not on reality but on our perception of reality. If it quarks, it’s a duck. If it’s got a long neck, it’s a giraffe, if it roars, it’s a lion.

And if it’s sung by Casillis who is known to have plot one’s ear, then the corruption allegations ring true. Add to this equation, the voices of disenchanted youth who are crumbling under the weight of a devastating socio-economic crisis, the electorate is surely twiddling its fingers in anticipation of 2026.Don’t’ forget, three years into its reign, the UPND has riled a significant number of its most ardent supporters, the clergy, politicians who served in the previous dispensation including the business community. The former President has effectively managed to coalesce this group of the walking wounded by transposing their ideals and suffering to his own cause.

In their world, they see in Lungu an apparent larger than life saviour who is on a mission to liberate them from socio-economic and political bondage. Their fortunes are hinged on his political survival.After today’s ruling, will he go quietly and carry with him the PF, UKA and the Tonse Alliance’s political ambitions into oblivion, or will he hold his ground to fight another day? This is politics. If a week can be lifetime, what of two years? I doubt we have head the last of Lungu.

By Chimwemwe Mwanza


    • That in itself is not a suggestion that they know the outcome. Its presumptious of one to suggest so.
      Government is saying the Judgement can go either way. And urge people to accept what courts say.
      In the same manner this article asserts that “Government is fiddling with the Judicary.” How? Without factual proof. The statement is unfound and baseless. The fact that the executive applies or puts into effect the outcomes of the other arms of government; enforces the laws that the legislature enacts, or enforces the interpretation of the laws that the courts have ordered by way of order or judgement. The executive only applies the law, contrary to the narrow minded views.

    • So when incumbent presidents facing elections ask the citizens to respect the outcome of those elections……..

      Does that mean the out come is known ??

      Forwadee 2031

    • This Article is biased and one-sided. Truth be told that Lungu himself manipulated the judiciary system, used the same court to be seen eligible to stand in the last election. Yet he was NOT. Who are losers to all this? “We Zambian Citizens” because now we have Judges that are not ethical but only there to serve the President of the Day. Because they would have stopped this nonsense then. It’s a shame.

    • It CLEARLY indicates this was a fixed judgment. The Judges and HH knew what the ruling would be. I am not a Lungu fan but this judgment shames our country

    • “Lungu won’t be on the ballot in 2026” Thats okay we can live with it.
      What would be a disaster is if we had a headline saying “Sishuwa Sishuwa won’t be on the ballot in 2026” or “John Sangwa won’t be on the ballot in 2026”
      Then we should riot!!

  1. If the Constitution says Lungu is not eligible, be it. We need to move on and start planning on how to deliver HH into our rearview mirror!

    • The constitution doesnt! It can obviously be manipulated by corrupt judges. Thats the problem with writing constitutions for your white audience to think you are civilised like them. Write a constitution that suits your citizens not NATO

    • Iwe Mpapa; rear view mirror? Thats not enough for that chap! Dont you know how he loves overtaking Presidemtial motorcades?

  2. What can you expect from a government that has two cabinet meetings; one at the official State House and another at a personal residence.?

    • Your comments are laced with malice and naivety. What did HH do to you? Can one day pass without you making a comment that is reminencent of a child in capable of having a rational and objective discussion. Or its just your nature to be infantile?
      When will people grow up and act beyond high school? If thats who you are, no wonder you grow crops during a weather advisory period. Reasoning like a grade two and expect a different out come. Na tu kuleko bane. Everything isnt jokes and insults. You hate HH tell us why? Otherwise this continous jabs like a broken record is really irriating. Or maybe your hungry cause the free stolen money from Lungu is fast running out. Either way it comes off as infantile

    • #HaMulenga. Who told you that I hate HH? Is pointing out wrongs hating someone? Or since you also hate Edgar Lungu, you believe I hate HH. Come on you people, you are too sensitive to criticism that you have to arrest anyone who points out wrongs.

    • He hates him because he is from the wrong tribe………

      This one is a stinking tribal supremacist bigot who thinks zambia belongs to only one tribe………

      Forwadee 2031

    • Iwe Spaka just shut your mouth. There’s no wrong tribe anywhere in Zambia. For your information I have more than fifty friends from the ” wrong tribe”… how can I hate someone because of his tribe. We hate individuals not the entire community. You are actually the tribalist

  3. Whatever the ruling today, the journey is still there, this is a scheduled journey which cannot be deffered, they are going in 2026

  4. Is not liking someone classed as Hate ? I say no no
    If one hasn’t a grasp of the English language lets revert to our mother tongues
    then be accused of tribalism

  5. It’s embarrassing that some one who went into the presidency broke 7 years ago…….

    Exits with a multi million dollar property portfolio for him and his family………

    He cant account for those richers…… recites , no money trail, no tax trail , nothing……….like he was manufacturing money……..

    Even when lungu was president, he did not mind being called a theif every day……..

    He did not bother challenging those calling him a theif, because he is a theif……..

    Forwadee 2031

  6. I told you that Lungu would not be allowed to run in 2026. The only mistake the petitioners made was to submit their petition early. With this early verdict, they have given PF time to find another presidential candidate and build him up. Let the lesson of this be that do not put laws in place that you think apply to others, and will never apply to you. Lastly, Lungu will retire from politics, withdraw all of his money from PF, and never be heard from again, knowing that if he squanders it, he will have no chance to steal more. PF are in trouble. None of them will be willing to spend the money to mount a serious challenge to UPND. I a m not saying that UPND is guaranteed victory; I am simply saying that this ruling gives them a big advantage against all opponents

    • Mushukulumbwe how come your posts of the same length as mine are being published but mine are not?

  7. Unemployment and poverty in Zambia are the results of the borrowing of PF. You cannot say that UPND should not fixate on the failures of Lungu, but try to blame UPND for the failures that Lungu caused. The troubles of Zambia arise out of the fact that Lungu and Sata borrowed US $32.5 billion that Zambia cannot pay, and therefore has resulted in the country being poverty

  8. Whether there is poverty or not, he is not eligible. That said, Lungu’s true character will be seen now whether he is willing to put his resources on another candidate the way he would have done on himself. The UPND should now understand that whoever emerges from the opposition as its voice will be effective in a situation where inflation, electricity and other such matters are not addressed.

  9. Very useless article …. Would putting ECL on the ballot eradicate poverty and unemployment? Hes the reason we are here, the accidental president and the worst in the history of Zambia. Ekaleni panshi baiche. Let HH and his new dawn fix the mess left by this drunkard.

    Chimwemwe stick to sports journalism, your bias wont be seen, if seen it will be corrected by supporters. I dont need useless write-ups!!!

  10. Chiluba barred KK. Where’s Chiluba….his end was miserable with his anointed Levy Mwanawasa turning against him. These judges have just put themselves in a fix… worse than those who passed the judgment at first. They should pray there’s no change of government

    • you sound very smart…i like you. but remember the games pf played, 2016 election partition pf scored and won the game(var not applied because ref was pf), Bill 10, pf lost the game(var applied), 2021 eligible case pf won the game…no var was applied even when the goal was offside, 2021 pf lost the league, 2024 a rematch of 2016 game…pf lost because var was introduced and upnd won because they used the system pf used in 2016…General analysis…FAIR GAME FOR BOTH TEAMS.

  11. We Zambians do not like this; how can they claim he served two terms in office when he only took over as president after Mr. Sata?

    Is it possible to identify a widower’s new spouse as the father of two children whose father passed away?

    How, then, could they have declared Edgar Chagwa Lungu ineligible?
    Since he never fathered those two children from the beginning, how can he be considered their biological father? The two years are like two stepchildren to him.

    I would love to speak with those judges in person and ask them some important questions.

    If we are unable to use education in real-world scenarios, what good is it?

  12. Adada is gone, the same system he used on his friends has come back to hurt him problem tu pf have a short memory you taught your friends mingalato and now you complaining because they used it on you, if you are not happy with the outcome go to supreme court. its a free country. you are educating wrong people here.

  13. The only dissapointment for me is JOHN SANGWA. Why hasnt he announced his candidature? The nation needs brains like him and he would be a fresh pair of legs fresh brain from these sleepy Bweengwa and Chimwemwe denizens that are destroying our economy by selling us to the highest bidder.

  14. Comment:level headedness is just important.all we need to learn or know is who tempered with the constitution,without fear or favour or biasness.TWAKULA KALIFYAFYE IMITWE.

  15. Kaunda alala, Kaunda alala we went celebrating when high court confirmed that KK was not eligible to stand for Zambian presidency.
    Akashambatwa Mbikusita Lewanika petitioned the election of Frederick Chiluba as president on account that the man was not a Zambian.
    The court ruled that anyone who was found in Zambia on 24 10 1964 automatically became a Zambian. But Kaunda was not only found in Zambia on that date but actually obtained the independence from the British empire.
    Our courts are rotten to the core.
    I wish Aka had petitioned just before the election.

  16. Big mistake, advantage PF. If you are that good, you wouldn’t worry about an individual you accused to recking the economy. Now you have shown your true colours to the Zambian people and literally handed over the election to anyone other than UPND. Tik-Toc Zambia now know how to deal with cheating politicians.


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