Sixth President ECL has been dribbled in a 90 minute match by the two top scorers in the likes of Emmanuel Mwamba and Raphael Nakacinda.
These two guys are crafty and they have systematically dribbled the Sixth President ECL.
These two guys perceived the future of the former President ECL and dribbled him in such a way by leaving Ukwa Party and join the proxy Tonse Alliance in order to save them selves from the embarrassment and subsequently save in their respective positions while they nurse the loss of the big Man’s political career, and the dashed hope of alebwelelapo projects success.
Why exert so much pressure on the Concourt judges as seen on social media even naming some judges.To me this is uncalled for behavior of desperate people who are some how exhibit the behavior people of Zambia rejected through the 2021 elections.
And after realizing that the sixth President ECL has no vision for the country,as each time he opens up the mouth as seen in campaigns and even when addressing his supporters,no alternative solutions has ever been offered by the Sixth President ECL apart from criticizing the government of the day.
The guys have noticed that the sole purpose of Opposition to offer checks and balances is not up to the game.
Even as things have not gone well with the Sixth President ECL concerning the landmark Con court judgment , these two guys remain in their respective positions currently and slowly continue to deceive the Man that he can still be a shadow President just as they previously did with Honourable Mundubile and play the don’t kubeba.
Honestly how could the Sixth President ECL be lured into jumping from Ukwa to Tonse Alliance and be a President of a party on paper and media,I mean the party without even a councilor and an MP.. What a miscalculation.
Even if Tonse Alliance has let’s assume 20 MPs can that number produce a President and unseat the current President and government in power,be honest and serious about national matters.
So these two guys know very well that Dr ECL is not sellable and an attractive candidate except to the blind few, moved by kasaka kandalama.
The unsatiable appetite for power and desperation of the sixth President ECL paved way for manipulation.Where are the political strongholds for Tonse Alliance? None apart from being on paper and media.
The concerned Citizens spoke and advised you sir to reflect on the comeback decision, out of love, with love and for the good of the man.We fully understand that it’s your constitutional rights to participate in any elections but done with reality and truth.People can deceive and manipulate when they see a weakness.
I always say “If men can promote you,then the same can bring you down”
Tiyende Pamodzi dimutima wumo, people can sing this song with you and you believe them yet they are far away from you, they don’t mean the song,form and meaning.
This is a good case study for current and future politicians that aspire for high office.Learn to listen to people you least regard and despise, for Wisdom is far from intellectualism.A good leader is a good listener and always seek wisdom and when he finds it he treasures it.
By Pastor M.Ching’andu
Popcorns please…, as the finger pointing gets underway!
Oh we have a learned Pastor now
They are as fake as they come. They are all over. Some are even on government payroll doing government propaganda and are called Presidents of parties that don’t even exist
He is dreaming.
How can one say Tonse alliance cannot produce a President because they have no MPs. Is it MPs who vote. ECL should do what he wants and should not be pressured to do otherwise, even those calling him to resign and be a statesman should know that there is no constitutional provision for statesman in Zambia
I agree as we have so many issues Load shedding, Fuel, Looming Food shortage due to so far poor rains, rampant police corruption, Yet we are distracted by this one person
Nobody dribbled anybody, stop day dreaming
Tulu! Chintu Very tulu!
Paster touch not the anointed? Telling lies is unbecoming of the anointed.
Why is it that UPND are so scared of Lungu? surely if you are that good one would think meeting at the ballot box is the best way to settle things? 2H was voted in not because the people wanted him, but because they wanted to get rid of the arrogance of PF. Zambians are fully aware of their powers at the ballot. Betray them and you will soon find out at the ballot box.
UPND did not make the ruling on ECL eligibility. The ConCourt did that. Please listen to the judgement again instead of spewing rubbish.
Afraid of lungu ????
That’s like asking why you won’t let your wife go out wearing a mini skirt or revealing clothing , what are you afraid of ???
What is wrong is wrong, period………
On top of being no eligible, lungu has corruption allegations against him that he can’t prove otherwise………
Imagine have a known theif as president ????
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.
The hour of reckoning comes when the chickens come home to roost
A man does not go in the river twice for it is not the same river and he his not the same man.
Socrates 399 BC
“Anger may in time change to gladness; vexation may be succeeded by content. But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.”
The Art of War
illud est quod
The writer and his ability to articulate issues leaves alot to be desired.
How has the “duo” dribbled Lungu. Dribble suggests to “outdo” to “cheat out of”. Further reading doesnt bring this out.
Editors as the saying goes….”not all who are called. Are chosen.” Your propensity to tolerate article that are poorly written and lack real content, will reflect on the manner society will be shaped.
The disqualification of Former past immediate President is a good thing to the opposition and alliance It has given them real options going into 2026
The likeness and attractiveness of the alternative ruling party or alliance leadership has actually grown based on the choice and optimism of the voters going into 2026
As observed grass route organization and choice of presidential candidate will matter for a potential political or alliance better for 2026
The poorly articulated content of this article fails to contribute meaningfully to the debate or inform readers. The central issue stemming from the Court’s decision lies in the erosion of the rule of law and the glaring inconsistency in the Court’s rulings.
Congratulations Zambian posters above! For having the patience to read the article above. You are as good as a Teacher marking exams; he has to read all the rubbish to give a fair mark.
I could not go past the third sentence as by then I could foresee balderdash after balderdash. LT for sanity’s sake please spike such stories. Or ask the writer to rewrite them.
ZESCO why is PHI in Lusaka sliding into over 24hrs without power restoration. Any issues we should be aware of? To me this is more important than the article and comments above.
The only person who dribbled Lungu is Akainde. Remove the competition and sail through. Shaka once said, ‘Don’t leave your enemies behind’.
The time has come to find one opposition leader free from the old crop … towards plot 1 we march .. ulya Plan b ulya ..ulya ulya…
Sishuwa Sishuwaaaaa!
I urge the UPND govt to work hard and deliver on its promises. Lungu is no longer a factor now but economic solutions are the factor. Next year we want to see improvements on our economy to warrant another 5 year term.
Fuseke ! Who dribbled who bakabwalala ba Upnd .Just leave ECL alone .Shaa