Friday, March 7, 2025

Grabbing GBM’s Assets: A Tangled Web of Conviction and Controversy


Grabbing GBM’s Assets: A Tangled Web of Conviction and Controversy

On October 9, 2024, Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba (GBM), a former Minister of Defence and a prominent political figure, was sentenced to five years imprisonment with hard labor by the Lusaka Magistrate’s Court. Magistrate Sanford Ngobola, presiding as an Economic and Financial Crimes Court, found GBM guilty on 13 counts, including eight for conflict of interest, four for possession of property suspected to be proceeds of crime, and one for money laundering. Additionally, GBM was fined K50,000 for the money laundering charge and ordered to repay a total of $899,970 (K24.9 million) and K20 million to the State, proceeds from business transactions linked to his time as Minister.

The court alleged that while serving as Cabinet Minister, GBM used his position to facilitate business between the Ministry of Defence, which he supervised, and his companies and relatives. It was argued that GBM flouted procurement procedures and failed to declare his interest in the transactions. Despite presenting a document purportedly submitted to the Permanent Secretary as proof of declaration, the court contested and dismissed this evidence.

The goods in question, however, were undisputedly delivered in full. “GBM didn’t supply air, nor did he steal,” his defense asserted. Yet, the proceeds of these transactions, deemed irregular, were classified as proceeds of crime, forming the basis for his conviction. This has fueled a contentious debate about whether the judgment was a fair application of the law or a politically motivated decision aimed at targeting a high-profile opponent.

In light of his conviction, GBM has appealed both the sentence and the judgment, maintaining his innocence and dismissing the charges as unfounded. Despite this, the courts have denied him bail pending appeal, a decision that mirrors a pattern seen in similar high-profile cases.

The move to seize GBM’s assets, while his appeal is still underway, has raised legal and ethical concerns. Critics argue that it is premature to forfeit assets linked to a contested judgment, particularly one with substantial prospects of being overturned on appeal. GBM’s health, as a serious cardiac patient, adds another layer of urgency and complexity to his fight against the charges under these circumstances.

The case has reignited discussions about the misuse of judicial systems to pursue political ends. Proponents of GBM’s innocence argue that the current wave of prosecutions is deeply rooted in lawfare the strategic use of legal systems to suppress and discredit political adversaries. This, they claim, undermines the very foundations of justice and sets a dangerous precedent for the nation.

While Zambia’s leadership often laments public sympathy for individuals convicted of corruption, this sentiment is not unfounded. Observers note that public trust in the fight against corruption diminishes when legal processes appear tainted by political motivations. “You lose the corruption fight because you abandon the due process of the law and resort to prosecution as a punitive tool,” critics warn.

The legacy being created by such approaches to governance is cause for concern. If perceived injustices persist, they may haunt the very systems and leaders perpetuating them, leaving Zambia’s fight against corruption mired in doubt. As this case unfolds, it serves as a stark reminder of the need for fairness, transparency, and due process in the pursuit of justice.


  1. Everyday day we read about assets being siezed
    Is it only opposition persons involved in this ??
    what about money laundering by private citizens and where are funds coming from for all theses fancy lodges and houses going up, ??
    One can righly assume now maybe its political pursecution

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    • Tikki stop stirring the hornets nest. It will land you in trouble. Deal with facts. Remember the non sense you suggested over the napsa? Stop inciting people with lies. Some people latch on to these lies and act on it.
      Speak with facts

    • Politicians are always in the spotlight because they were or are public figures whom we can easily audit as compared to other citizens. GBM in this case was exposed by his inolvevement in the procurement of military hardware during the time he served as defence minister. It is a pity indeed but the man did not follow procedure or declare interest in all the activities he was convicted of. We need to report such issues at an early stage but the problem is that people get fired for doing the right thing.

    • It is opposition who were in power and stole. You mean you can’t see this???? There was so much impunity in Zambia that people like you became used to the wrong notion that politicians in power are above the law….just let this government work. Everything so far is fine. Talking about this GBM. Much as we wouldn’t want to belabor the point considering humanitarian reasons and moral ethos, but truth be told: GBM WAS THE MOST BRUTAL PLUNDERER OF OUR NATIONAL RESOURCES comparable only to THE EDGAR LUNGU FAMILY, MALANJI, RUPIAH BANDA FAMILY, SPAX MULENGA and THE FINDLAY FAMILY
      . It beg the end here….

  2. Zambians are an amazing foolish people. Even when someone steals their Lindy they still feel pity for the thief. Who ever curses us used very strong medicine

  3. Zambians are an amazing foo..lush people. Even when someone steals their Lindy they still feel pity for the thief. Who ever curses us used very strong medicine

  4. “…Proponents of GBM’s innocence argue that the current wave of prosecutions is deeply rooted in lawfare the strategic use of legal systems to suppress and discredit political adversaries……”

    How is GBM a political adversary ?????


    • The truth is something we all know whether we are in UPND or not.
      GBM would n’t have been prosecuted had he remained in UPND but he shortsightedly abandoned HH and he is therefore paying for that.

  5. Mr Patisan Prosecutor and all PF supporters seem to think prominent ex PF supporters including ECLs family had a right to commit corruption and keep proceeds of corrupt acts. WHY??? Were Chiluba , Katele and other MMD politicians not prosecuted and stripped of I’ll gotten wealth.Whilst your mother’s and children cant get medication from hospitals and children cant get decent education you would rather support theft.If UPND politicians are equally guilty they will also eventually be prosecuted.
    Let’s stop supporting crime

    • Who told you I’m a PF supporter? Where am I supporting crime? This kind of narrow mindedness needs to be pryed out of Zambians. Can’t you follow an argument without partisan labels for the participants? Do those you assume to be taking a stance against your UPND become PF?
      I’m merely putting forth valid argument. How can only opposition PF members be the ones in the dock? Are UPND members from heaven? They’re from corrupt Zambia so they should be indulging in crime right now. Charges don’t wait for a new government. That is not law but vendetta

  6. UPND should refund the money they received from GBM during their campaigns because that money was equally proceeds of crime. We have not forgotten that GBM was once the number 2 and chief sponsor of UPND at one point.

    • Prove that he funded them. We like to make wild and unsubstaniated statement to garner a narrative. If GBM used stolen money to fund UPND elections let him say so. And it will be another crime added to his conviction. Seeking to gain percuniary advanage with stolen funds. As good as a bride. So as the bembas say, tondolo musuma. GBM stole and he is paying the price to society for what he did.
      As for those that want to suggest UPND are not in the docket. There have cases of cadres arrested and jailed. If there any crimes you know of, not ma story ya mu moba; report to the police, dec or acc. If they are not doing their work. Let the public know. Otherwise fyongo mule panga fye bula mano. GBM nabakaka pantu ali iyaba.

    • GBM funded PF. I followed one of the interviews conducted at his house in Lusaka and in that interview he narrated how one Michael Sata would get money from GBM’s drivers and GBM did not have any problems with that. At some time when there was bad blood between him and PF, he openly said he was a major funder of PF. This is on record.

  7. Niye u chameleon wamene uyu ka!
    Typical of chameleons, you are the same colour when you are in his company. As your friend in the colours of opposition, he is a freedom fighter. The moment he leaves you, and you jump on a differently coloured branch you change colour. And the freedom fighter becomes a criminal.

  8. Zambia is one of very few countries where thuggery, thieving and bad behaviour are cerebrated. Zambians will do well to remember how PF cadres behaved during Lungu’s tenure of office. Money was burnt openly by the likes of Lusambo. Beatings of people was the order of the day by armed cadres. Whatever else we don’t have at least we have sanity and peace.

  9. Zambians are mad Coolsingel. Sterling are in there blood veins. They Will even come closer to you pretending to beur relatives. But wilt ultmate aim to steel and con you. More especially if you are abroad. What schoksgewijs. E is that these *****s win sympathy from Zambians. Let this happen in Europe. Such people will rot in prison.

  10. Seems someone has been release from his psych hold.
    Now we have to listen another psychotic patient who will be off his meds.

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