Saturday, September 21, 2024

Maize Stock Bora caterpillars invade Chongwe farms


A different type of caterpillar known as maize stock bora has hit Chongwe District and it is feasting on the maize farms.

This is a different type of caterpillar from the army worms that have attacked maize in other parts of the country.

This was revealed this morning by Acting Agriculture Minister Michael Katambo who accompanied Vice President Inonge Wina to assess the damage caused by the maize stock bora caterpillars on the maize fields in the district.

Mr Katambo disclosed that 28,882 small scale farmers have been affected who have planted 26,000 hectors of maize.

And Vice President Inonge Wina has encouraged farmers not to be discouraged but replant early maturing maize seed.

Mrs Wina said farmers should also consider planting other crops than can mature during the remaining part of the rainy season apart from maize.

And Lusaka Province Minister Japhen Mwakalombe who was part of the entourage said government’s quick response will serve the maize crop by the provision 1,360 litres of paste control chemicals to save the maize.

He said 17,220 hectors has been affected in the district out of the 33,000 to 35,000 total hectrage in Chongwe District.

Mr Mwakalombe who is also Chongwe MP said the situation is worse in Katoba and Kaluwe areas.


  1. Double whammy! Watch out for Locusts next. The breeding grounds are ripe, ready to swarm! Do we have surveillance systems in this country? We don’t look prepared for climate change and global warming. These are important times to take Risk Management seriously! You can pray all you want but the real God who made the heavens and the earth expects us to use our brain and think! This is what differentiates us from chickens – the ability to think and analyse logically!

    • It’s amazing they have the figures of affected acreage very accurately but they have no solution at hand nor surveillance systems. Zambia, indeed. For the reporter, this caterpillar bores the stalk, hence the name stalk borer not bora like bora bora.

    • Lol! Iwe stock no batter, some kind of bread spread. Say Stalk Bora naiwe walansembanya LT reporter. Kuwayawayafye!

    • Please LT I beg you not to expose such ignorance to keep treating us to reporting by the ear on things you can easily cross check with experts! What on earth is a MAIZE STOCK BORA caterpillar pitifully assisted @ Thorn in the Flesh calling it STALK BORA (At least Stalk is right but Bora)? Laughable and educators in Zambia must be grinding their teeth gauging wasted efforts! Then you go on to say HECTORS referring to farmed area!

  2. Some statements from evil people seem to suggest that they are rejoicing in the happenings in the agriculture sector. Shame on you.

  3. Ala tebwanga iyo! Such agriparasites always thrive in periods following erratic rain patterns or partial draughts. We expect comprehensive statements from Unza department of Agriculture to enlighten the nation academically.

  4. Meanwhile DORA SILITI is in BED with another woman’s newly married Kasai HUSBAND in USA at the Zambian tax-payer’s expense.

    Yesterday it was a S3X-Photos of WIFE to a Pastor from “Christians for Lungu” & their CHOIR-BOY which went viral. Today its DORICA

    Ati Christian nation. Nxaaah!! Do NOT use God’s Name in vain. You’ll just bring 7-plagues upon the nation

  5. A never before witnessed concoction of pests is hitting us.

    Fall Armyworm. Imported from the USA. Not to be confused with our native African Armyworm. Though hardly anyone has picked up that this year we are dealing with an alien invasive species that we have no experience with.

    Maize Stalkborer

    Corn Ear Worm

    Corn Boll Worm

    African black beetle.

    I have seen infestations of all of the above within the outskirts of Lusaka.

    I cannot comprehend how such a combination of deadly pests are hitting us all at the same time.

  6. What about Malawi and Zimbabwe? Are they facing these worms and the stalk borer?

    The whether reporters are not helping us. They should mention the dangers associated with every weather pattern. a dry spell after initial rains after planting is always a recipe for attack by Army worms.

  7. Just use a combination of KINALUX and FORSKILL. You will see no more of those pests. However, am not to sure about the side effects

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