Saturday, June 1, 2024

Zambia will continue promoting good governance and the rule of law, Lungu tells EU


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu holds bilateral talks with European Union High Level Facilitator Mr Louis Michel at Sheraton Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu holds bilateral talks with European Union High Level Facilitator Mr Louis Michel at Sheraton Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

President Edgar Lungu says Zambia will continue promoting good governance and the rule of law in order to create an enabling environment for investment to thrive on the African continent.

President Lungu says development can only take place in an environment of tranquility in which tenets of democracy are respected.

ZANIS reports that the Head of State said this in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia yesterday when he met a delegation from the European Union parliament on the margins of the ongoing African Union (AU) assembly of heads of state and government.

President Lungu said government will continue working with the European Union to improve living standards of ordinary Zambians.

He said Zambia wants to continue enhancing partnering with the EU in areas such as education, Agriculture, health and good governance.

And Member of the European Parliament, and high level facilitator for post-cotonou activities, Lousi Michel, said the European Union is currently exploring best ways of supporting African countries in different areas of mutual corporation.

Mr Michel said the EU wants to invest in the right areas according to the needs of partners in Africa and beyond.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu holds bilateral talks with European Union High Level Facilitator Mr Louis Michel at Sheraton Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu holds bilateral talks with European Union High Level Facilitator Mr Louis Michel at Sheraton Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


  1. What rule of law Bwana Lungu? Is threatening to with hold development cash from opposition voting areas also part of “your rule of law” ?????

    • This man lives in Fantasy Island. What rule of law when he has broken every constitutional law as way back as when Dr Scott was acting president? Zero caliber. Absolutely no love from me. I hate hypocrisy!!

  2. He doesn’t believe in what he is saying. Who is going to believe him? Actions speak louder than words.

  3. You PF unemployed thugs are now attacking opposition mourners at funerals on your command and you want to lie about rule of law ?

  4. City market on fire. Bachaya ka grenfell tower. We told you that there is lack of security in Zambia under pf. Chaps are burning

  5. This Lungu is a joke. What law did he honestly study? This the problem with people that study to pass exams and fail miserably in translating the knowledge gained into practice. Rule of law, are you ok upstairs?

  6. To Lungu, the rule of law is to find an innocent citizen guilty before investigations, to Lungu the rule of law is to pick on one citizen driving on the same road in the same manner and charge him with treason. Why has the same imaginary rule of law not applied to all the motorists who were on that road? To Lungu, the rule of law is to close the Post and plunder its assets out of envy and leave ZNBC, Times and Daily mail who owe myriad times what he purported the Post owes. To Lungu the rule of law is to threaten an innocent Chief with arrest and to impose a mercenary as a Physician on the citizen who has the right, the ability and capabilty to have a Physician of his own choice, To Lungu the rule of law is to disregard Court orders with impunity and the list is endless, Does he think the…

  7. I came across 3 what’s up groups for upnd cretins which has even their prominent people sharing evil plans about Zambia. This is where they encourage each other to attach any article on media and insult ecl. Even when there is a radio show they will inform everyone in the group to call in and attack govt. Am not surprised they have lined up themselves from the first comment and below me. Very soon I will publish their phone numbers on this forum and the whats up comments they make. A tribe turned political.

  8. Corrupt convicted embezzler Clown has spoken. Only support, as usual, from arse lickers suffering from genetically induced 1mbecility.

  9. We hope President Lungu will live up to his words that are attributed to him in a meeting with the EU Parliament Representative, Mr Michel.
    Zambia has never been and its not a Democracy.Zambia doesn’t respect the Rule of Law and Human Rights.
    Zambia is aptly a Savage Democracy , just like Syria , Turkey, Zimbabwe, etc.
    Governments serve all people in the nation; Regimes serve the selected few; Savage Democracies are focused on serving an Individual and his selected few.Savage democracies are more dangerous than regimes – their real power lies in their Intelligence and Security or Military personnel.
    The Zambian intelligence / OP is Indirectly running the affairs of this country.
    Under the sway of OP , Zambia has been turned into a country of Torture, Terror and Fear, Impunity,…

    • Col Musonda I cant agree more with you,our intelligence has become a tool for misgovernance,shame.

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