Sunday, May 26, 2024

Auditor reveals more financial irregularities


The latest Auditor General’s report has revealed that about K28 billion was misapplied on unrelated activities such as fuel, stationery, workshops and seminars, and payment of housing allowances.

The report further reveals that another K5.4 billion meant for repatriation of health workers was unaccounted for in that, although the amount was reflected in financial statement, there were no expenditure records provided for audit scrutiny.

According to the Auditor General’s report for the Financial year ended December 31, 2006 which is due to be presented to Parliament and obtained by ZANIS in Lusaka today, imprest totalling K4, 411, 793, 224 involving 150 transactions issued to 82 officers during the period March to December, 2006 had not been retired as of October, 2007, contrary to Financial Regulation No. 96(1).

The report further reveals that K1, 838,731,252 meant for drugs was unaccounted for from March to December, 2006 as there were no receipts and disposal details in respect of drugs purchased.

Over-payment amounting to K142, 968,000 was made in an unexplained circumstances


  1. Can somebody in Chuchu’s govt tell us how different this is from FTJ’s who Chuchu has spent his entire presidency chasing? I think nothing has changed and even things have become worse. All these crimes have been committed after launching the so called crusade on corruption. Maybe the gun barrle for the crusade is point in a wrong direction. The crusade should also be about stopping current and future corruption and not hell bent on the little acts of corruption committed 10 years ago

  2. Zim’s ruling party expels Mugabe challenger
    Zimbabwe’s ruling party on Wednesday formally expelled a former ally of President Robert Mugabe for launching a challenge to the veteran leader in next month’s elections, a Zanu-PF official said. Veterans of the country’s liberation war have branded former finance minister Simba Makoni a traitor after he entered the race on Tuesday.

  3. Thanks baNationalist for the info, but you are in wrong place. You are misleadind us, we didnt come to discuss Zims problems. Pliz try snooping around for Zim Fora.

  4. ……… K28 billion was misapplied on unrelated activities such as fuel, stationery, workshops and seminars.
    Whatever z discussed every week in these seminars.

  5. At least we are hearing about the application of funds. So we NOW know how hard earned taxes are being used/misued. This was not the case in the past, so even if K5 was misappropriated then the public would not even have a CLUE. Granted this should not happen so for the current establishement to “somewhat” redeem themselves they should prosecute the controlling officers. Else we are serious trouble. Mind you we longer have a slash fund…and WHO today can tell us how those monies were accounted for. Enough said.

  6. In any civilised society, heads would roll. But not so in Zambia where we glorify crooks as “being sharp”. We are well endowed with everything except visionary leadership! We have cursed ourselves and perhaps collectively, we deserve our abject poverty!

  7. I think i need to pass a comment on this one.28 billion misappropriated,what a gvnt?I think the auditors should extend this to plot 1,because levy is another culprit.How does levy justify his fight for corruption when there are such revelations coming out.I think MMD is a corrupt party and it doesn’t deserve the support of poor zambians.The difference between ftj and levy is that,levy is big and tall,ftj is short, but there are all corrupt.Its a mess bad combination no wonder we’re not developing.Something needs to be done,otherwise we ‘re finished.

  8. “Zambian embassy in Moscow fails to account for K1bn”

    Its time for an intensified across the board transformational leadership.More than ever pressed down my fine advocacy line is focus that Rev.Chintala be recalled from Moscow immediately. Admittedly the screeners acted with oversight in ignoring Rev.Chintala’s years of plunder and failures that led to a summary dismissal from the Fiwale Baptist missions top leadership-Ndola.On Graduation from the Dallas based Baptist University, Rev. Chintala was heading the Copperbelt Baptist District in Zambia.

  9. More than enough donations trickled in from the Southern Baptist mother board in the USA.Plunder and ladding took the toll to no benefit of the target members. The Church fire him and FTJ picked him up in hope of reform. Building on the same hope, the New Deal acted in hope but to this mess. Following the audit, and authentication of misappropriations if proved that old habits never die hard, Chintala must be recalled. The predecessor to Mbita Chitala in Tripoli Enock Chikamba did the same plundering. But thank God we were heard with a decision on evidence. I stand here initiating a targeted advocacy that will bring Chintala home for accountability.

  10. i think am not here to listen to politics no. 7 but all i think is no.5 is right so what is levy gonna do about it i wanna here more news from the LT especially those cowboys that misappropriated the money should be put behind bars no sacret cows in this matter not mentionaing more than half our population lives below the poverty life, and now the floods

  11. #8/9 You are spot on. The man needs to be recalled. I also know that his MMD card was fraudulently backdated by some officials in Ndola for him to be fielded as a candidate during the Chiluba time. He must be made accountable there should be no sacred cows.

  12. Well we should not just confine the “fight against corruption” to politicians or those holding political office only. Public servants are some of the biggest culprits some of whom live beyond their means. These civil servants have built huge NIGERIAN style mansions using looted tax payers money. Go to places like woodlands chalala and some places on the copperbelt and you will find were hard earned tax payers money is being spent.

    As if that is not enough these corrupt officials have even crippled the efficiency of institutions such as the Road Traffic Commission, Ministry of Lands and the Passport Office. The matrix of corruption in Zambia has become complex.

  13. These embassies dont even serve Zambian’s interests anyway. Shut them down. As for the AG, this is really good, the very fact that the information is coming out. Its a big step in the right direction. The next step should be punitive measures, and the law is quite clear on what happens to people convicted of stealing public funds-Chimbokaila;

  14. If you can fail to account for this much in one year, how about 10 years. I hope we shall sue Levy in the Russian court this time.

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