Saturday, June 1, 2024

Government to enact law to compel political parties to embrace democracy


Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo
Home Affairs Minister Hon. Stephen Kampyongo

Government has revealed that they are in the process of drafting an Act of parliament that will operationalise article 60 of the constitution of Zambia, that compels political parties to practice intra party democracy.

Minister of Home Affairs Steven Kampyongo told journalists in Lusaka today that efforts are underway to come up with an Act of parliament that will enforce the law on political parties to entrench and embrace democracy in their parties.

Mr Kampyongo added that there is nothing new and sinister about the move as it was part of the National Dialogue Forum agenda under the political party’s bill.

He said operationalization of article 60 will ensure that all political parties that are governments in waiting, are subjected to democratic tenets of electing leaders at party level before they contest national elections.

The minister has further urged political parties to ensure that they promote and adhere to intra party democracy, for the betterment of the entire nation.


  1. HH of UPND wamuyayaya.. forever life president. And can such a person preach democracy..? The answer is, No..!

    • When you are done sucking Kampyongo’s rectum considering your head is embedded in his @ss, please look in the mirror and reassess the safeness of your !d!ocy levels. Friendly advice.

    • Democracry in Africa hasn’t worked.When will we stop copying and badly pasting western democracy?In the West, governments are accountable to the people- not so here. In the West,poor people are taken care of eg given food stamps etc (quite socialist) not so here. So lets not pick and choose Democracy when it satisfies the few pockets in leadership.No prizes for guessing whom this law is meant to fix.

    • What intraparty democracy is there to talk about in PF when they can expel KBF for merely expressing a wish to run for Pf presidency

    • KBF and Komaki expelled for wanting to challenge ECL at PF convention. Pf central committee has already said ECL is sole candidate even before the convention. How can PF preach democracy in parties when they can’t practice within their party. This is what makes people to conclude that this is for sinister motives and not democracy. It’s really a shame how low our values have reached. May our Almighty God Bless Zambia with true leaders.

    • Spot on charity begins at home. Opposition political parties are breeding grounds for pseudo dictators. This will be a great piece of legislation for Zambia. It is not meant for HH but for any Zambian politician. We cannot have one legislation for heard of state and another for opposition political party’s. All political party’s must be subject to the same law. Thumbs up.

    • Dingo is the sound you hear when you throw a stone in an empty clay pot…Dingo!!!

    • To these dunderheads, democracy only applies to intra party politics. When they deny citizens the right to assemble, the right to peaceful demos, a right to have credible elections and campaigns, a right to decent water and meals, that is democracy in their tiny and rotten brains.

    • And according to you there is no Government in Zambia. Or is it that unless HH forms government otherwise no Government. Grow up man,. Yes PF formed government and they are recognized rulers of this country whether you like it or not. Are you so dull to comprehend that.

  2. What have we done to deserve this kind of leadership ai? Is this really a priority considering the prevailing harsh economic conditions in the country. Ifyabupuba atase

    • @Zambia vs the rest, we have this kind of leadership because the people who deserve to be leaders are shunned for those who make a lot of noise and also a lot of good people shun politics as a result, all sorts of unscrupulous and opportunistic characters have taken advantage and got into leadership. Let’s us all work together, we the ordinary and orderly people must take leadership away from who don’t seem to work for all of us.

  3. Look who is talking? What democracy is there in PF? No one can challenge Lungu, we all know that. And, yet they claim to be champions of democracy, my foot!

    • Always working 24/7 thinking of laws to fix opponents….forgetting that they are just one ballot box away losing!!

  4. “law to compel political parties to embrace democracy”
    “Compel” and “democracy” are like water and oil .
    Kampyonga should go back to school and retake the primary school Civics subject.

  5. There’s no doubt that this Law is targeted at Hichilema and UPND. As much as I don’t like the chap I can’t support a Law that targets an individual. If PF wants to defeat Hichilema let them do through the ballot not senseless machinations. These are the deeds that make idiiots popular

  6. It appears that for Hon. Kampyongo democracy is limited to elections and instead of sorting out kleptocracy and economic mess, PF is busy in which hunts agaìnst voice of reason

  7. No ideas. Just political st.upidity. How do you compel another party to be ‘democratic’? Whose yardstick are you going to use? Do you have a mirror?

    ‘Obliterate’ other parties at the ballot box, not through silly time wasting laws.

  8. It’s okay if that is going to be valid and effective from 2030. You want to force democracy via undemocratic means…..hmmmm.

  9. So in other words, PF is going to force democratic values on other parties. Interesting! How about you start with your own party and allow KBF to challenge ECL. PF is full of nonsense!

  10. Just wondering what these bone heads would do when they wake up only to find Zambians have put on the throne their dreaded arch rival? They would scamper like rats in all directions even when no one is pursuing!
    Democracy is none existent in PF! Ask CK, KBF and Komaki! Wrong for a kettle to call the pot black! We have not forgotten the 42 Wheelbarrows!

  11. I have waited for this piece of legislation for years now it appears the reality is dawning. We need it. We do not need tired politicians. Our constitution is clear and any one practicing politics must abide by the constitution period.

      Anyway, just look at yours “fresh politicians” of to day.
      You want this scum, “fresh ones” (LOL) for next 10 years?
      What type of 1diocy you are suffering from? Genetically induced !mbecility?

  12. So this proposal came from the NDF, i guess its one parties for Cosmo,Dan pule, tayali, sakala etc, who came up with this idea, my question is which people in their parties are they going to intra party Democracy with, why do Zambians like playing Russian roulette with themselves? Enough respect to the Malawians and Congolese.

  13. This law was long overdue. We have noticed especially the largest opposition party is non democratic as they hold no conversions where new leaders are supposed to be elected. Insteady the structure they have is dictatorial and allows no criticism from inside. This is not targeting UPND but all parties to adhere to democratic principles starting from within the parties. Under the current set up we might end up with a dictator like HH as President. Getting rid of dictators is no easy task. So we dont want such. Thumbs up Kampyongo and your PF.

    This P.F Brute /enforcer wouldn’t know Democracy even if it slapped him hard on that P3n1s shaped dome of his.
    Does Shiwan’gandu Helicopter Democracy comes to mind anyone???

  15. Comment: What sort of leadership is this Kanshi? Of what immediate value is such a law going to add to the suffering masses?Bushe, is your brains locked when it comes to making progressive laws on uplifting people’s standard of living and fighting corruption? Are you only operating in the circle of perpetuating your stay in power? Kampyongo, remember that what you love most with all your heart ‘artificial power’ may one day slip away and disappear from you. Then what will remain of you?

  16. Has PF ever held a successful convention before? is there a difference between the guy who sat for exams & failed all subjects ad the guy who didn’t write? Same wine in different bottles

  17. @ Just asking: This is typical of low-level individuals, when they cannot reason they use insults to express themselves. We are talking policy issues. You have a right to disagree and not to insult. We know that if a child is raised up in a home where insults are the norm, they will tend to insult others easily. Some opposition leaders attract such individuals by their insults too. Freedom of association to you and your opposition leader means insults to others.

  18. That should include a prison stay if they break that law.

    We are tired of spiteful wooly haired opposition running amok around our government system.

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