Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Elias Chipimo steps down as NAREP President and quits Active Politics


Elias Chipimo at the Media Briefing
Elias Chipimo at the Media Briefing

Elias Chipimo has stepped down as National Restoration Party President and quit active politics with immediate effect. Mr Chipimo made the announcement at press briefing in Lusaka today.

He said he has decided to leave active politics to leave room for fresh perspective in NAREP and allow fresh ideas that will the party to grow.

Mr Chipimo said Party Vice President Charles Maboshe will lead the party in the interim until new leadership is put in place.

He said the search for President has started and is being supported by all.

Mr Chipimo said he will not join any political party and those planning to offer him jobs in their political parties will be wasting their time.

He said he will now concentrate on developing opportunities in the private sector particularly agriculture, energy, technology and supporting development of entrepreneurship in the country the sectors which will help him create employment opportunities for all Zambians.

Mr Chipimo thanked those that walked the journey with him in politics including those that abandoned him to join other parties.

He says he does not not regret having joined politics and his hope in the nation is not lost.

Meanwhile, Mr Chipimo has acknowledged that he was too rigid with his principals which denied the party the boost that was required to grow the party.

He feels he would have allowed new ideas and managed the defections better which during his time weakened the party structures.

And on the constitution reform process, Mr Chipimo has advised speaker of the national assembly Dr Patrick Matibini not to allow the NDF to be debated in Parliament.

He warned that history will judge him harshly as he could have prevented the assault being done on the constitution through the proposed NDF.

Mr Chipimo said he is troubled that the speaker has failed to play his part as the gatekeeper against the injustice being done to the Zambian constitution by the PF government.

Mwanwhile the former NAREP leader said the decision on whether to continue in the opposition alliance will be made by the party leadership.

He said NAREP still remains a member of the opposition Alliance.

And Interim President Charles Maboshe applauded Mr Chipimo for steering the party in the right direction.

He said NAREP will rise to the occasion and provide credible checks and balances to the party in government.

Mr Maboshe said he will now concentrate on mentoring young people to take up leadership positions in the party.

He appealed to NAREP members that have left to join other political parties to come back and help grow the party.

Elias Chipimo at the Media Briefing
Elias Chipimo at the Media Briefing
Elias Chipimo at the Media Briefing
Elias Chipimo at the Media Briefing


    • Sadly the zambian political space leaves no room for integrity. Its a realm of vultures and hyenas greedy for gain by corrupt means. A good man like Elias cannot survive. Not until the thinking, the very fabric of our society learns to value morality and principles, we are doomed to having the FTJs, the RBs, the ECLs of this world. Farewell Elias

    • Just the way they hung the party banner and what kind of a table is that…vinyl??? and these guys dream of forming Government

    • It’s a big loss to Zambian politics. I hope it’s not for good. He should hv stayed on as an ordinary member or something like emeritus president of Narep. How does a captain jump ship?

    • I made this prediction on this platform in the last general elections that Elias Chipimo will stop politics before the end of 2019. And someone called me … F***K YOU…. this and that !!

      I made this prediction – because I could not see Chipimo expanding his party based on his strategies of just sitting in the safe zones.

      Elias could not aspire for office by just being posh and always giving his press conference in his comfort home/offices or just posting “Opposite The Editorial Page” (Op-ed) Online.

      He was too naïve and scared to face the common people in the streets and compounds of Zambia.


    • Zambian politics is no place for a young man with his whole future ahead of him. Succession is not built into our social system. Young people spend their most productive years in the wilderness while they wait for old men to die at the helm. Britain had the Camerons, US had the Obamas, France had Sarkozy and now Macron. Look at that grey haired minister of presidential affairs in the name of Freedom Sikazwe. Development is youth driven, no country in any corner of this world has ever been built on the backs of grey haired old men. We need to respect nature, when you are old, you body is not as healthy and strong. Go to the farm, hand over the instruments of leadership to young people. Chipimo is a rhodes scholar frustrated by this system, what a waste for Zambia. I wonder where our nation…

    • cont..

      Meanwhile HH is rich and yet he is NOT shy to sit with villagers or common people in the streets, shanty compounds of Zambia. Chipimo was not that at all. He talked but did not do the walking. That finished him. Though he is a SMART & INTELLIGENT GUY

      Of all the candidates, Chipimo should have been the one with the biggest youth following. But he failed to connect with the youth. Particularly the unemployed, students and graduates

      +++ Wishing him well and good things in his next chapter of life !!


    • @ INDEPENDENT OBSERVER. Why don’t just form a Political Party. You have made your millions of dollars in Property, Investment Banking, Bitcoin Trading and Technology Stocks. Plus you are a very good speaker.

      @ BR MUMBA (SR) and yourself combined in one Political Party can be a formidable force. We need people entering politics not because they want to make money, but to develop Zambia. Both of you are Astute, Insightful, Intelligent, Educated and Razor sharp. We are tired of listening to the same broken record from HH. Zambia really need fresh blood. Just thought and stop hiding my man. Zambia needs you.

    • He is one of the few who is realistic. He knows there is no way in he’ll he will ever even enter parliament. Just parliament. Forget state house. His reality check should extend to fools in similar situ like the one man shows – Ganja man, that dick tayali, Nawakwi, etc. The General saw it too & he gave up way back

    • Welcome back to normalcies, Pal … so glad to have you back.

      Tweende webo!!! Focus on developing this country.

      It needs your legal and business mind now than ever before.

      Let’s roll … epo mpelele nebo


    • @xFactor … I appreciate the invite but I am not qualified to run for political office in Zambia.

      In the US, I can be a US Senator, Governor of my State or even US Congressman but I have chosen to remain in business, advise and consent with powers that be.

      I can serve humanity better in this humble role. On the other hand, I would root for INDEPENDENT OBSERVER any day, any time.

      I think he would be great … let’s roll.

      Epo mpelele nebo,


    • xFactor

      BR MUMBA (SR)

      Thank you, but I am better placed to continue being a private citizen, an investor and keep lobbying for Investors to come to Zambia. Politics is not for me.

      Like you, I have multiple nationalities. I have a Zambian, British and US passport. We are part of the crusade to bring solutions to Zambia, just like all other well meaningful Zambians doing good for Zambia.

    • The young man was running out’a ideas. I worked with his father closely years back. The voting pattern does not favour numberless political tutembas.
      2 (Heritage and Narep) parties gone, kwashala the tribal piece. When it crumbles, we will, Zambia will have a fresh perspective politically.
      The tribal political pattern especially of the SP gotta end. Fast fast. Needless to state that anything double h touches, dies.

    • Respect his decision to take a break from politics but it would a great loss to the Insaka if he where to stay mute. Followers might not see him now and follow. We are running a marathon.

    • I think Elias Chipimo will come back to politics in future. For now, Zambian politics is the poorer without him. Elias represented a brand of politics whose time had not yet come. He disagreed without insulting others. That’s a big plus but it doesn’t win you a political following in Zambia and that’s a shame. Aren’t we a strange country where decency in politics is a minus?

  1. Politics in Africa is very rough. It is survival of the fittest. If you are not as fit as a fiddle, you will end up throwing in the towel. It eats most of your resources in form of time and money. If you are not good at insults there is nothing for you in the political arena. The more insults one produces, the more popular he or she becomes. It is unfortunate that the political environment is crowded with corrupt elements who do not add value to the nation. All they think about is pilferage and ripping the national treasury. Most of the people of integrity do not want anything to do with politics owing to mediocrity and low caliber of those who are in it. Most of the people who join politics go there for self service and enriching themselves and their families. It is a big shame!!!

    • Apparently, it’s not ‘politics in Africa is for the fittest.’ It should read, ‘Politics in Africa is for the most unfit’

  2. He didn’t come forceful enough to make an impact on Zambian politics. His views were avarage and so was his leadership credo. Nonetheless, he made a wise decision to save his energy for more promising endeavours in his life. Time wasted is never recovered.

  3. The same thing that killed Nawakwi politically is what has killed Elias Chipimo – Muselela Kwakaba politics! You need to be more consistent in your next life!
    Good riddance!

  4. Good luck and wise move. Very difficult to stay in opposition. It
    Drains you financially. Only men
    Like HH can withstand with his
    Financial muscle the rest cannot.

  5. You were not meant for politics. The only thing I respect about you is your acknowledgement that you made a lot of money with the Freemason during the sale of companies. You were a vibrant young politician but the biggest political blunder you made was to publicly publish details of NAREP financiers. This isn’t Europe where Parties do such things. I doubt whether NAREP will be able to recover from that. Anyway, I wish you well and I hope we will meet more often here now that you’ve time. Our lusatimes.com Parliament can benefit from your expat analysis of topics, we lost one invaluable member the Brigadier. If you happen to see him please pass my regards. Zambia needs mature and disciplined leaders like him. At least ask him to come and say goodbye

  6. Agriculture, energy, technology and entrepreneurship promotion are good moves. Deficits in these areas can be seen everywhere, everyday. However, the economic diversification agenda also needs a strong legal and policy framework. This is one area where EC was supposed to intervene. It starts with a specialized Government department, such as a ‘Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises’ . The same concept could be approached as a ‘Ministry of Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship” or as a ‘Ministry of Small Business Development’ in South Africa.

  7. Leadership is a calling.Hope Chipimo is not regretting years wasted on politics.
    Another thing that you have forgot to say as you are move for better endeavors is put God almighty ahead of your family.
    Stay blessed


  9. It’s no surprise given that our politics is characterised or filled with the worst elements. Our politics reflects that but so do we as a people, and that goes for the intelligentsia. You only have look at the comment section to understand. At least Elias tried which is more than you can say about most people here.

  10. All the best Mr.Chipimo as you expend your energies on non political issues.I must laud you for this wonderful decision because you know just like I have come to know that in politics especially our politics,there are more snakes than ladders to climb on.You have done well before the python or indeed any other snake could reach you.Mother Zambia wants your energies.

  11. On Speaker Matibini Elias Chipimo is missing the Point. Speaker Matibini is a PF Cadre who is there to serve PF interests. Speaker Matibini is desperately engineering a 2/3 Majority Vote on Bill 10 in Parliament for PF.He knows that PF cannot get 2/3 Majority Vote on Bill 10. So he is scheming with PF Election Rigging experts on how to get Bill 10 passed in Parliament. Speaker Matibini is now in a dilemma on how to proceed with Bill No.10 now that it has been Petitioned in Concourt by LAZ and others. Speaker Matibini did a fantastic job for PF when he blocked the Impeachment Bill from further Debate and vote. Now he is caught between the Impeachment Bill and Bill No.10. Speaker Matibini has shown he has Double Standards in making Laws. Bill 10 and the Impeachment Bill are Speaker…

  12. Shameful exit. He left his party with no Councillor or ward chairman. In a serious analysis, he failed lamentable. I will give him respect for stepping down when he knows he has badly underachieved unlike kachema umo naishiba…

  13. It has been long overdue, hope others follow suit asap. It is a very bold decision he has taken but honestly, he would have eventually just vanished politically as he was offering nothing. How I wish he and others would have just dissolved the whole party and join PF and UNPD the only parties with real numbers at the moment. But good luck to the incoming and hopefully it does not end up ku Chipimo!

  14. You are not a politician and you seem to be more into church business then politics.Try to be
    a Bambo.You have to be a bit crafty
    To be in politics. Two options are
    You join ruling party or you resign.
    Good move.

  15. Mr Chipimo, thank you for your opposition input. Travel well into the next thing, and we wish you good health and God’s blessing; that the gates are wide open and a garden full of His lush gifts await you.

    I think had you made Presidents office, you might have been bought by Mine corporations judging by the support you gave them. This way, you go on to more honourable things.

  16. This is a politician who was not involved in any scandals meaning he was a principled operator. But people never want such leaders. They always want those who steal from them like Lungu, Kambwili, GBM, HH, Rupiah Banda etc. You will see very soon we will replace one thief with another because we keep saying that one is clever because he stole and he has nt been caught.

  17. Immediately one starts associating self with HH and UPND, just know your end has just begun. Lets count how many have vanished just after a stint with HH, too many.
    Obviously there is something very deeply rooted in UPND that its practically impossible for non-tribesmen to survive. If many can be repelled whilst HH is in opposition, do you stand a tinest chance if he held instruments of power if you dont hail from T land?

  18. Good for HH, alliance crumbling.
    Now, iwe Charles Maboshe, take over as president. You can groom the young ones when you are in power. If you dont make the mistake of associating with that cursed party and its leader in an alliance, we can vote for you. Anyone is better than the HH factor, just look at how all opposition alliance members are crumbling or heading to jail after associating with HH, I am not joking. Have you heard of Patrick Muchekeka of late? He is busy learning to swallow his pride, very soon the will abandon the HH titanic.

  19. Breaking News:
    Next running mate for HH is Charles Milupi after all bembas have experienced UPND politics and abandoned it. Then Milupi will feel also feel it and abandon.

  20. I think Mrs Chipimo has finally managed to pump sense into your small head. It was a total waste of time for you and your followers. You should have listened to her much earlier.

  21. I nominate myself to take over this party. NAREP should be the next generation of Zambian politics. One lead by young visionary leaders with new and fresh ideas. Not the same recycled politicians that keep moving from one political party to the other.

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