Sunday, June 16, 2024

President Lungu mourns freedom Fighter Mutembo


President Edgar Lungu is saddened by the sudden death of prominent freedom fighter , Mutembo Mpundu. President Lungu said he learnt of the death of Mr. Mutembo whom he described as a national symbol with a deep sense of grief and sorrow.

“ The country has lost a gallant freedom fighter who contributed immensely to the liberation struggle and subsequently became the national symbol as a chain breaker, “ he said.

The Head of State said this in a message of condolences delivered by Northern Province Permanent Secretary Royd Chakaba during Mr. Mutembo’s funeral service in Mbala District.

President Lungu said he was really touched when he learnt of the death of Mr. Mutembo and send his heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and the people Mbala.

The late freedom fighter is the one whose statue is erected at the freedom statue showing breaking of a chain to indicate Zambia’s freedom from colonialism.

And Mr. Chakaba says government will continue to recognize the significant role played by freedom fighters in the attainment of Zambia’s independence.

He added that the PF government attaches great to freedom fighters and senior citizens at large and will strive to honor them.

“This freedom we have today wouldn’t have been possible without the fearless men and women like Mr. Mutembo who fought for independence” said Mr. Chakaba.

Meanwhile, a representative of the Northern Province Freedom Fighters Association Joel Siame, commended government for making efforts to improve the welfare of those who contributed to the liberation struggle.

Mr. Siame has since thanked government for supporting the late Mr. Mutembo during his illness and subsequent death as well as giving him a befitting burial.

“As freedom fighters we want to appreciate the gesture by government because it shows that our contribution to the country’s independence is being recognized, ” he said.

Earlier, Winston Sikazwe, who spoke on behalf of the family, described Mr. Mutembo as a pillar and unifier.

Mr. Mutembo who has been put to rest at the Polish graveyard in Mbala District, died of Prostate cancer at Mbala general hospital in the early hours of Tuesday, 18th May, 2021.

Mr. Mutembo is survived by a wife, nine children and 47 grandchildren and 49 great grandchildren.


  1. This has touched me so much. As a patriot I am lost for words. We have lost a great man but am sure he is in heaven. Thank you for your sacrifice. On such important articles you won’t see many comments or if you do majority of them will be from the evil upnd diasporans disrespecting and asking for cause of death. That is why these tribal f00Is always lose elections.

    Anyway RIP. We in the patriotic front of patriotic men and women will mourn you

  2. Rest in peace Freedom Fighter. I remember how I always admired his chain-breaking statue along Independence Avenue as a child and how I was thrilled to hear the legendary story behind it. He may be gone physically but hIs memories will always be immortal.

  3. The man once not so long ago came out to highlight his plight and if anything happened only him would know but now he’s gone and as is usual accolades pour out to him! Of what use to have accolades piled on you when you’re gone? He was living testimony to the inspiration of the chain breaking statue that has become a “shrine” for wreath laying! Has anyone sat down with him to share first hand information behind “breaking the chains?” Many more but now fewewr in number heroes are dotted around the country but I fear the negligence is about who got into the driving seat as the freedom “fight” progressed and got won! Those given powers chose who the “contributors” to the fight would receive recognition! Go well ZANCO!

  4. Mpundu Mutembo is the man on statue of Freedom, the guy who broke a chain!!
    Sad that he died before HH & Nalumango takes office, they could have afforded him a perfect burial. It is sad to die under PF.

  5. @Chale, I thought you are freedom fighter like Field Ruwe, kanshi boyi iwe tulingene fye. But I was not a street kid like you in that hell of Lusaka. I grew up in village.


  7. Iwe Kambwanga Kaizar Zulu, why do you have to politicize everything? Iwe mambala iwe, have some sense.

  8. The man deserves a state funeral in honor of his heroic performance. In life he was a national symbol of freedom fighter. We will forever treasure your courage during the freedom fight and keep your name in annals of history.

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