Monday, June 3, 2024

New Solwezi town construction under way


SOLWEZI Town Clerk Jim Zya says the construction of the new Solwezi town has commenced, with South Africa’s construction company Africana expected to build 500 houses, shops and schools.

MrZya said in an interview in Solwezi on April 5 that the new Solwezi town will be located between the turn-off in Chief Kapijimpanga’s area and the old Chingola road, about three kilometres from Solwezi.

Mr Zya said Africana will construct high quality houses and highrise flats, a replica of some apartments in South Africa.

He also disclosed that apart from Africana constructing houses for the new Solwezi town, the commissioner of lands has also reserved land for the construction of satellite towns.

He said the National Housing Authority and NAPSA will each construct 100 houses, while another 8,000 houses will be built in satellite towns under the Private Public Partnership (PPP).

“We have also reserved land for the council to construct 100 houses to be rented out to the public,” he said.

Mr Zya said the new Solwezi town is expected to be completed by 2015.

He also said the construction of the first shopping mall in the province will commence as soon as the council completes relocating the old show ground to a new site.


  1. Why everything in Zambia is written in future tense. Nothing is written in present or past tense like they have built so and so houses, they have constructed so many malls etc. This project is just a campaign strategy for RB and his MMD. Mr. RB you are not going anywhere because you are losing.

  2. #1. We have had so many good plans in zambia but because of corruption, nothing is happening. Even this one is going nowhere. You will tell me.

  3. This is the only real development since the KK era. I wish Sata behaved better against other tribes, so that he could be voted by the whole country to ensure a landslide. He doubtably has a golden hand where it comes to such projects. Unfortunately anaitaya with his SG winter Kabimba.

  4. #2 you are a loser if you never plan or think long term and if all you think of is the past achievement you made then you are a sad person for living a life of a retiree my friend. The future is your friend.

    Let me break it down for you, the poor plan and think in short term, day to day, and think about food all the time , that is how they plan.

    The middle class think in terms of month to month because over dependence on a monthly salary which shape their lives.

    But the real wealthy people think in terms of year to year or even decade to decade and that is why they are able to put long term plans that deliver real wealth for them. And when they arrive, people like you just shout how lucky they are forgetting that they planned years ago

  5. #2.
    You are myopic. Anyone who wants to build a chicken run or toilet tomorrow will talk about his plans to today. Grow up. Don’t politicise everything.

  6. #6 I am with you. when are we going to have a new Ndola and new Lusaka etc. We’ll believe them after work starts.

  7. i hope they will complete the constructions in the time frame they have stated. i love to hear news of develpment in zambia

  8. Just a point to mae here, ladies and gentlemen. I have been reading the LT stories and comments for a long time indeed. there is always one pattern as pertains to the commentators, however. Whatever story is published, noted or just shared; there is always someone who has to link it to either MMD or PF; and even to a lesser extent UPND. Is the readership so narrow-minded that they do not see anything else apart from the fat, retirees we call leaders? Can’t we constructively weigh out the articles to see how we can be of help to the issues to make it a better notion. I mean, in the current story, we would be confering on how we can get some land and have a house, condor, bangalore or an office building in Solwezi. I know most of you have never been to varsity like us, but common sense is…

  9. #5 and #7 don’t misquote me. I did not say one should not plan. What i meant was that since MMD came into power, it made so many plans and 20 years down the line, we can’t see any single plan implemented. What we are seeing is loss of jobs, companies being closed, delapidated roads stealing, corruption, hero washiping etc. If MMD failed to implement the many plans it had when it came into power 20 years ago, what makes you think this plan will be implemented when they are remaining with only less than 4 months in government? We know you are paid for bootleaking and hero worshiping you myiopic leaders who have no focus. Let sata come into power and you will see how things will improve.

  10. #11 and there you go emotionalism and lack of objectivity and lack of enability to objectively think for your self but believe every lie fed into your moribound brain. What is the point of having a mind if you can use it?

    What i meant was that since MMD came into power, it made so many plans and 20 years down the line, we can’t see any single plan implemented. ” Are you serious my friend?

    Any single plan? Are you Zambia or somebody who left Zambia in 1990 and has never been back? Wont waste further time on a Kaponya who thinks Kulima Tower is Zambia and Zambia is Kulima Tower

  11. @
    Prince Chinza, well said. The wise shall read your post and know exactly what you and I know. Sara is a great manager of works, if only he could control his temper and have better surbodinates.

  12. When Sata is elected this year, he will ensure that this project is finished within 90 days not in 2015 like this useless MMD govt because Sata is a man of action.

  13. #2 Dr. XYZ
    Maybe you need to revisit the definition of ‘Developing country.’ English here uses a present continuous tense. But having said that, the UK Labour government in its last year unveiled a 25 year UK transport plan! 25 years from 2010! This is good news for Zambia as a nationa. It is time that people had interest of the Republic at heart and not think in terms of political party. Oppose when you have a better idea to propose, but accept good things and commend government so that we move forward as a nation.

  14. #11 Dr. XYZ
    I think you are forgetting that in 1991 we had a debt burden of $7 billion. What can you do when you have such a debt and your GDP is $4 billion? Every penny we earned as a country was going into paying interest on the loans KK’s government got us into. The MMD government has had to deal with the loans, reach targets to have them cancelled, renegotited, restructured etc. It is when this was done that we could be able to move forward. You say 20 years as though it is 20 years of dog’s life. 20 years is nothing in national terms. Go back 20 years ago and see how much the US Presidents have done for the USA in proportion to Zambia. The US deficit keeps growing inspite of promises by every incumbent to bring it down, only Bill Clinton managed!

  15. I am not MMD and I have never been, but I can say with hand on my heart that notwithstanding the set backs, the MMD has done better in the last 8 years, but that is because the hard work of digging the foundation was done in the first 12 years. It is natural that where there is so much money awash, certain people will develop sticky fingers and try to pinch some. You don’t steal from the poor, you steal from the rich. Corruption was ‘less evident’ in KK’s days because there was nothing to steal. Now there is plenty to go around.

  16. I hope thats our future capital city, with modern buildings, beautiful schools and roads, because Lusaka city is not there anymore. it looks like a big compound.

  17. I thot sata was one of senior archtects of all the MMD dev plans which never came to be up to the time he left the party? Todate, he has no new plans except the same ones which RB is now slowly but surely implementing after Chiluba and Levy made ground works which included debt cancellation, marcro & micro economic achievements etc, etc. If you luk at who is running MMD now, u will be shocked to nete that it is all new chaps with an old guy (RB) from UNIP…few old guys are in the background though.
    Listen, RB is not bad thou my president has owez been Miyanda.
    Let us see Solwezi hav a 1st class and 2nd class come 2015, Iam going there fo a plot perid.

  18. I concur with No. 10. Let’s learn to share ideas on how best we can benefit from this or any other development within Zambia.

    You said there would no development in Solwezi if the people voted for the opposition UPND.

    UPND wins the day and there is still development so who tells the truth? NOT GEORGE WITH HIS VERBAL ELECTION BRIBES

    VIVA H.H ……..VIVA UPND…..The winners of this years elections for the good of Zambia

  20. Unfortunately the MMD Chief Bootlicker has shot himself in his foot again! Whilst I agree the planning should be long term, we are rely (again) with foreign South Africans to develop our country! Its seems so good that a new town of high complex town houses (as those obtaining in South Africa) will be built in Solwezi (a place of extreme poverty)! The question is who will live in them? Solwezi although the recent Lumwana upgrade has contributed to the development of the province, the jobs that are obtaining are low level unskilled jobs as Lumwana is not a labour intensive mine such as KCM or Mupani. I shudder to think that unless the local folk ill be given free housing (yes like in Libya), they will only see the apartments as cleaner or maids!

  21. This is great news for Solwezi. It is exciting actually to see Solwezi have such plans. City planning is good and Solwezi should be commended for this. Good news indeed.

  22. Does anybody know what PF plans are for North-Western province besides insulting the people who come from there?

  23. Zambia needs to “reconstruct” new towns of nearly all towns! The planning of cities such as Kitwe, Chingola, Kapiri, Kabwe, Livingstone etc was pathetic and none in these councils gets it! None has the foresight to redo these poorly planned cities hanging on one main road! Expansion cannot even be considered! Where are our country planners?

  24. MB you are the one who has lost it. There are two mines in vicinity of Solwezi, Lumwana and Kansanshi. First quantum is also planning a big 1 billion dollar mine in northwestern province. the lowest paid at lumwana gets about US$1,000 inclusive of allowances. Lumwana has employed thousands of highly skilled zambians including zambia’s first female big dumper truck drivers. Zambians please learn to tell the truth instead of always being negative and partisan

  25. They said the parties also agreed that all Lumwana employees should now be on permanent and pensionable contracts while the old fixed term contracts would be nullified upon signing the new contracts. The lowest paid unionised worker would now get K1, 795, 635 from K1, 200, 000 and the highest paid would get K4, 585, 540 after a K600, 000 raise. The company shall pay 35 per cent of one’s basic pay as housing allowance to employees occupying rented houses with further payments in utility allowances of up to 10 per cent. An education allowance of K75, 000 shall be paid per child up to a maximum of four children or registered dependants of an employee every month. The company also agreed to contribute 7.5 per cent of employees’ basic pay towards a pension scheme, to which the employees…

  26. On conditions of service, Mr Michael said the wages structure was drawn and approved by stakeholders that include the Government, chiefs and the company. So far, the workforce, of which 85 per cent is Zambian, stands at over 1000. As motivation action, management would provide mortgages to employees to buy the housing units currently being built in the township.
    KANSANSHI Mining Plc has paid K1.8 billion in rates to Solwezi Municipal Council.
    Solwezi Mayor Jameson Kapumba confirmed this in an interview on January 20, saying the council received the money from the mining company this week.“Kansanshi Copper Mines pays K3.6 billion every year to Solwezi Municipal Council in land rates,” he said.

  27. No.11 please try to differatiate between MMD and solwezi council, coz with or without MMD solwezi council will be there and if these guys have done their home work then surely what can stop them from achieving their plans.

  28. Dr. XYZ. It is either your education, whatever the level, is done you no good or your use of English is very flawed. To say that since MMD came into power they have not started and completed a single programme/project and in the same posting say Sata is the Messiah we have been waiting for when he was part of the first 10 years of MMD is not only myopic but dullness too. Chawama pangas, Kanyama demolishings, Merzarf Saga, 2bn for MMD convention, Pioneer of third term and now homosexual promoter! Please give us a break. We were not born yesterday.

  29. Could the government please avail the plan for Solwezi town to the general public. Or am I the only one wha has not seen it?

  30. #11, I have to come to your rescue because I agree with you. The problem in Zambia, like most African countries, is that plans are in our leaders’ heads. This way you cannot hold them to their words. For instance no one knows which way we are heading in Education, ICT, Transport, etc. They build roads, hospitals and other infrastructure in selected areas as a way of buying votes. In this election year, you will hear all sorts of projects which they intend to implement in the future. The biggest problem in Africa though is lack of strong institutions. Even in China the president’s powers are limited. In ZED, the only reason Banda has not arrested Sata is because he fears reaction from the donor community. The danger is that we are always one election away from being another Ivory Coast.

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