Monday, June 17, 2024

Rupiah declares Monday June 27, holiday


Family spokesperson of the late Second Republican President Frederick Chiluba, Ben Mwila, addresses journalists at Belvedere lodge in Lusaka
Family spokesperson of the late Second Republican President Frederick Chiluba, Ben Mwila, addresses journalists at Belvedere lodge in Lusaka

President Rupiah Banda has declared Monday, 27th June, 2011, a public holiday.

Secretary to Cabinet Dr. Joshua Kanganja announced the development in a statement to ZANIS this afternoon.

Dr. Kanganja said this was done to allow the nation put to rest Second Republican President, Dr. Frederick Chiluba.

He said the body of the late Dr. Chiluba will lie in state at Mulungushi International Conference Center on Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th June, 2011.

The Secretary to Cabinet also said paying of last respects by the general public will start on Saturday and Sunday from 11:30hours to 18:00 hours will on Sunday the public will view the remains of the late Head of State from 08:00 hours to 18:00 hours.

[ QFM ]


  1. A holiday for what?.Surely we dont anything a better to do.No wander this country is poor.A public Holiday for Plunderer.What a fuss!!!

  2. what the heck! the holiday should have been declared just for government departments. the private sector should be allowed to remain open and drive the economy. this explains why our economy is in shumbles, our leaders luck the intellectual gravitus to correlate their pronouncements to the performance of the economic markets. as my favourite south african author would say; “cry my beloved country.”

    • Kanshi tamwakwata amano imwe ayi. Was on ly a president to the government workers? Come on man dont just think…reason as well.

  3. Holiday for what.let call a spade spade.does a person turn into an angel after death.

    pa Zed paliba pretence.

    • Point on, the man is being treated like an angel and yet almost the entire country was advocating for his arrest. Pa zed we lack seriousness hence politicians can play with us whichever way they please. We are a round ball and can be kicked in any direction. The best words ever on this funeral is to learn from FTJ’s mistakes and forge forward!

    • Come on guys he was once a president. If Kaunda died would you say the same? Don’t just think…reason as well

    • Only diasporees with a good reason to return like a good job, a successful family business, deep routed and rich family and employer responsibilities, or failures abroad and overseas should return. Otherwise, you return to suffering, and it’s gat nothing to do with Zambians but your own personal circumstances!

  4. Its true abou GB. .. his ass continuously produced Ash Plume, all flights in and out os Kasama have been cancelled. Sorry Mbuya!!!!!!!

  5. Great leadership, values and respect for the dead! Keep it up RB, even when Sata will collapse as it is alleged that he is ill, we will still mourn him til to the grave.

    Bravo RB, MMD &ZED

  6. Having just left Z for the diaspora, and seeing what a day lost means to productivity, I am worried.  We are destined for DOOM PA Z!!!

    • Ubufi iwe. What happens in December when the whole month is practically a “Holiday”? Just one day ati We are destined for doom.

  7. stop politicizing everything.whats wrong with that?if we want monday 27th to be a holiday we will do it that way.if you want just stay in diaspora it wont affect anyone.but in zambia we will do it the way we feel.go on RB

    WHAT A LEGACY…………………………….

  9. Late president Mwanawasa´ son Patrick has applied to stand as Member of Parliament on PF ticket.

    Sources in PF have disclosed that Patrick has applied to stand in Kufulafuta constituency currently held by George Mpombo.

    Patrick was born on 8th March, 1983.

  10. The way it has been put, as if we have to be physically there for him to be buried. Oh well, another 3D for us

  11. The cost of this extravaganza just grew exponentially!

    Apparently not content to burden only the public sector (….and whoever is silly enough to donate money for this thing), now the private sector must pay too.

  12. Miko Chiluba and his brother Kaindu don’t mind. They don’t have jobs anyway! They are just waiting for the inheritance. Wapya Regina!

  13. Mr President don’t  play around with the naation’s productivity! we cant  have a holiday over  aN ex president. Do your economics homework! kupusa!

  14. A dead ex plundering President has no use. Living, working Zambians have use and keeping them from productivity for 7 days to mourn a dead man is the shame of a nation.

  15. Lol how can you declare a public holiday three days in advance? What about the economic impact or do the Chinese just keep extracting copper anyway?

  16. What the hell is going on? Halting business production for a funeral taking place in Lusaka. That is why africa will remain poor because there is no respect for production and accountability. That man didnt have immunity so his weighting of former presidentship is very low. How sad

  17. First you declare a week off, as if that is not enough, you add another day, HEY RBish, the guy is not coming back, even if you mourned for the rest of the year – its ZILCH!!!! it probably another additional day for Per diems, kabili kuya bebele!!!!

  18. Shut up # 1, 2, 6,7,9,13, 22 & 23 fuuls and your unappreciative LPM who turned his master into a villain. FTJ was best intelligent President. Well done RB and let these fuus hang.You will be next you think you are wise.

    • #27 chatile chobe! niwe makaka sana. tulelanda ifyamano, iwe waisa mukubosa ngeswau lyalwala akaswende. funga kanwa ka kabwa iwe!

  19. It makes no difference in Zambia, everyday is a holiday and a perpetual go-slow, no productivty, the workers are underpaid, not valued and not motivated.

  20. What inspiration can you get from Chiluba other than bu ule get inspired HIV is real atase Don by thieving to me sh*t hussle to me will remember him as the one a coward he feared competition he took out the likes of Penza,Paul tembo and main more the man was mean even mwanawasa’s appointment he thot he could control him but thing turned out levy was no match accept tha weak Nyama Soya 


  22. I am mauless… how many non productive days??.. then you wonder how the economy remains in the doldrums… this is pathetic!!!

  23. Anyway let’s quicky burry tha crook so get over it. Too much bull  talema all tha talk about Sata what about Kunda whose diarhea doesn’t  finish  whats your say MMD the man his finished his marely a moving coffin can you compare him to sata then you must be mad

  24. :-w PF has read the peoples mood wrong, it is clear sata does not have mature advisers or he simply doesn’t listen to advice. A few bad comments from people, supposedly zambians living overseas, who have no idea how we survive should not be used as basis for your blatant disrespect and despicable behaviour during this period of mourning. Tefyonse fibipa. Am afraid you have lost my vote. Your language and behaviour is just too unpalatable for a presidential candidate. FTJ… l hope you rest in peace, may your confession be your key to glory, i.e if you stood by it! F.Y.I Was touched that the marketeers, acknowledged ftj by donating foodstuffs for funeral despite being in ‘ PF stronghold’. Lundenipo mwebene… hope you understand.

  25. Don’t say ‘we don’t care’ because you do. Well I am away on holiday where It looks like my Fiancé may propose eventually, well I hope he does!
    I am off to Mallorca, I know some of you probably think Mallorca is in Kabwata, I am afraid It is not. It is in Spain.
    I shall miss you people, and wish me luck. You should be proud of your friends who doing well abroad. I am doing very well, and although I am not a proud Zambian and probably never will be, Zambia will always be in my thoughts
    I am flying from Gatwick Airport, my bags are all packed, I feel 16, young and marketable. I go butterflies in my stomach. Thanks

    • Shame you are putting all your life hopes on a white man marrying you. 
      I wish you more in life than satisfaction in a another human being.

  26. Before I go, The country is backwards and clueless and just as well questioned when decisions like these are made, Holiday?. Mr Chiluba was the most comical, con daylight robber the country has ever had, He will ofcourse be missed by pretenders here but i get the feeling that there are a lot of liars on this forumn who are happy he is gone.This is why you are backwards.Zambians may be poor, but It is fantastically rich – in minerals, land, labour and sunshine.
    The spectres of slavery and colonialism hover in the background of people there I am afraid. The country is not poor, It is poorly managed
    In the Interest of reincarnating the Scottish and Zambia I would strongly suggest voting for someone that brings this gap very close to understand, ie Hakainde How can you go wrong? Thanks

  27. Go your way Mushota. Stop blowing your trumpet for nothing. Is Mallorca something to be proud of? Has Spain gotten out of its economic mire?

  28. Ka Mushota very stupid thinking very arrogant what kind of a she is she? leave us poor and Proud Zambians alone

  29. The rantlings of PF bloggers scare even their own potential supporters. Sarcasm is the order of their life style. We hope they will be sober when their General Sata becomes a fossil. Besides it has been reported that the Chief Architects of violence, Sata & GBM, differed resulting in both suffering strange illnesses which confined Sata to bed and sent GBM to South Africa for treatment. The wise men of Chipata say that “Chaona muzako chapita, mawa chili paiwe”. Apparrently, the declaration of a Public Holiday is a normal gesture by Govt. This will enable the many Zambians mourn and electronically view the Funeral Processions as we deed when Mwanawasa was being put to rest. May God provide more strength and wisdom to RB to guide the Nation through Zambia’s darkest Hours.

  30. This MMD gov’t is very lazy, just good for begging and stealing…do you even take stock of the public holidays you have in a given year.You wonder why some countries are called Developed Countries.

  31. #27 chatile chobe! niwe m.a.k.a.k.a sana. tulelanda ifyamano, iwe waisa mukubosa ngeswau lyalwala akaswende. funga kanwa ka kabwa iwe!

  32. pf cadres, you can go to work on monday if you like, no one will force you to take the holiday or imprison you for that matter. but mr sata was a cabinet minister so he is entitled to one day of national mourning from 06.00hrs to 18.00hrs. now let’s be clear, so are you saying that when the time comes for mr sata, president banda should not declare a day of national mourning for his colleague? rb is a well mannered gentleman anyway, he does not listen to inzy.

  33. # 27 Atase. Mulekwatako insoni. We know your lives thrives on being thieves. God forbid and have mercy on us. Chiluba’s passing is a blessing in disguise. Zambia has been striped off its wealth by people like Chiluba, RB etc. These people have got morals and today you want us to pretend because they are no more. Hell no! Zambia has got so much resources but never develops due to corruption engineered by Chiluba , RB etc. Even small kids below ten know that that man was a thief and has failed us as a country. Go and waste your time mourning him. Some of us have bills to pay and we earn every cent.

  34. Why do people walk right into Mushota’s trap?

    About the holiday Monday, I don’t remember Levy’s being one. I think it might have been more deserving than FTJ’s. What card is RB playing. Politics are mad and bad.

  35. Haters …yaba ala kwena mulansekesha …just enjoy a holiday on Monday guys …mukaye nwako utujilijili na chibuku pa chris corner….hehehehehe

  36. You sometimes wonder whether this Bwezani knows any levels of gutl’essness. It is bad enough that he declared 10 days of national moaning for stinking dead thief but to crown it all with a public holiday in an insult to all society. Banda is a painful day light nightmare and Zambians will for decades to come be paying a dear price for this Malawian’s misdeeds. 

  37. Mushota you not fun anymore.wish your ka holiday bad lucky may your evil words follow you where you going.

  38. #37 you are very dull. you call someone a fiance after they propose to you. you are one desparate chick. you call your boyfrend fiance and you call yourself educated. pathetic

  39. What holiday, for Kafupi, where is the money he stole. Any way Civial Servants it a holiday everyday, No wounder they is no production in Zambia

  40. Mushota prostitute prostitute, selling her thing in mallarco with her crack head fool. i’ve seem em’ crack heads looking for lov in the mushotas. I bet yo’ both leak each other so weired. Any way holiday my a.s.s. Put this squirrel to rest and move on

  41. I saw for myself, Michael Sata’s state of health. I’m so worried about him. He is that sick and he looks like an elephant bull looking for a fight. Ba MMD if this man recovers he will be nothing less than a cross breed of a T-Rex and a Dragon. Mwapia ba Kabwalala!!!!!

  42. Business persons hate holidays but workers enjoy holidays coz it makes them relax. Those who condeming the declaration 27/0611 as holiday should pack their bags and go. This our country and those we have elected have make decisions and we follow suit. Even in the traditional set up when a chief or village headman dies all activities especially on burial day comes to a standstill.

  43. A country for Sale?? $1.00 Zambia, Useless, even Sheikhs/ Kings when they die no such nonsense happens. It is Life & business as Normal, This is why Zambia will never develop. Young Women & men where are we, let’s take over our country, these OLD FOX will take our Country to Dogs. Enough with Nonsense Bandas.

  44. Say my Hero not ours, He stole some ones wife thats not a Hero for me!!!! R.I.P Kafupi, He was lucky he was forgiven by AlaBee otherwise it was going to be a Sad end for him.

  45. Holiday for what? anyway am one of the lucky zedians who will be working on his day and if i may ask ,what was zambia before chiluba declared it a christian nations ? was it a country of pagans or what?

  46. So whose going to inherit the plunder spoils? is it chiluba’s new found family of Regina mwanza or the og fam of vera chiluba?

  47. #10 wandepula muchifuba on lighter note hahah… sily mushota again at her very best only God knows what goes on in her head.she urgently needs a CT brain scan to assess if there is a brain inside the skull.hopefully she wont return on LT again as nobody will miss her. lets bury Mr FTJ and quickly move on…. thats life,one her to die at some stage..MHSRIP.

  48. #38 , how come you claim to have a fiancé when has not proposed ? He is just your shagging partner nothing more.  

  49. #14, Have you thought about the impact this day will have on school going children who will be sitting for their exams this year. The examination calender has been set and it can’t be changed, and teachers will lag behind in their teaching because of these unproductive holidays. 7 days of mourning is enough without a holiday.

  50. The best way to handle Mushota is not to respond to her postings. She craves the attention that she receives not matter how negative they may be. I believe RB is just doing what is expected of him by declaring Monday a holiday. One thing we should not forget is that no matter how much we liked or hated Chiluba, he was and is part of Zambia’s history. I liked him and I believe he did what he had to do during his tenure and has now moved on. Today it is RB , tomorrow it may be Sata and who knows who is going to come after that. We are not going to inhabit this Earth forever. . 

  51. This means OVERTIME for me, this probably must be the best thing I’ve got from Chiluba. Rest In Eternal Peace bally one.

  52. May I wish to remind fellow bloggers that Chiluba helped get us from one party rule, shortages of essential commodities, serious transport blues among other things. I would like to remember him for this and may his soul rest in eternal peace. Oh.. and he was the champion of the workers’ trade union movement at a time when doing so demanded a lot of personal sacrifice.   

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