Saturday, July 27, 2024

HH declares next Monday as State Funeral for late Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom


President Hakainde Hichilema has declared Monday 19th September 2022, a day of the state funeral for late Queen Elizabeth II of United Kingdom as a day of National mourning.

The government has however informed the public that Monday 19th September 2022, has not been declared a public holiday.

Acting Secretary to Cabinet Patrick Kangwa explains that the Head of State has declared the one day of national mourning as a mark of respect and honour for the late Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the head of the commonwealth group of national.

Mr. Kangwa said in this regard, the Day of National Mourning will be observed in the country from 06:00 hours to 18:00 hours, during which time all flags will fly at half-mast while programmes of an entertainment nature should be cancelled or postponed.

Following the death of the e queen who died last week, president Hichilema directed that with effect from Sunday 11th September 2022 all flags in the country would fly at half-mast until the day of the State Funeral.

Queen Elizabeth II, the UK’s longest-serving monarch aged 96, died at her Balmoral estate on 8th September after reigning for 70 years.


    • Sipinya Ndongo – And how did she become your Head of State? Did you vote for her? This is why teaching our history to children is important

    • The queen is our head of state? Hooray! We are British! We are white! That should end all the cholera in Zambia! Our debt too! No more corrupt policemen! No inefficient civil service

    • Please read carefully and your followers must all go back to school too. He did not declare the day as public holiday but a day of national mourning in respect of HM Queen Elizabeth who died aged 96 and dedicated her life to public service for 70 years. Offices and businesses will run as normal but no entertainment and loud events. Chizungu imwe!

  1. He’s becoming repetitive. When the Queen died he told us that he had declared a period of national mourning and that flags were going to fly at half mast until the day of burial. Now he’s declared another national mourning day, aren’t we mourning already? He’s probably confused. Bowman & Malanji bweshenimo umutima mulapepa, Bally muntu wenu naimwe. May be he wanted it to be a holiday but when he saw the image of Lungu he changed his mind. Kkkkk

  2. Please stop this nonsense HH7 even in Europe the neighbouring countries around UK have carried on as normal …please stop this bootlicking and appeasement of your colonial masters ffs.

    • Not only neighbours but Britons themselves stuck a middle finger at their Queen. I was watching a Champions League game where fans of Fashion Sakala’s team raised a huge banner that read “F**k the queen”. And here you are spilling crocodile tears because you think this monarch is bigger than yours in their hundreds. Lets not have national mourning for other people’s chiefs. Lets also redefine this national mourning stuff. Only government institutions should observe it. I have never seen it observed here where Iam the way Zambia does it.

    • Ufumu – Yes those were Celtic fans who have an Irish following who have a tangled history with British crown of oppression, rape, murder etc dating back centuries…even closer to home there is a reason they have postponed matches for particularly Liverpool because their scouse fans have no love for the royal establishment. And here our President a black man who has no respect for history, thinks he is one of them is kissing up…

    • Ufumu – Yes those were Celtic fans who have an Irish following who have a tangled history with British crown of oppression, r@@pe, murder etc dating back centuries…even closer to home there is a reason they have postponed matches for particularly Liverpool because their scouse fans have no love for the royal establishment. And here our President a black man who has no respect for history, thinks he is one of them is kissing up…

  3. Did they declare national moaning in the UK when we lost our very own KK? Instead they send that chipuba who called us Zimbabwe.

  4. Did they declare national moaning in the UK when we lost our very own KK? Instead they send that chi@£$% who called us Zimbabwe.

  5. Kaunda died, Mwanawasa, etc never was the UK flag lowered or sate funeral announced in the UK so why us do that? Are we just too nice? Do as thy do into you – Just move on with your life and just announce someone has died

  6. Kaunda died, Mwanawasa, etc and never was the UK flag lowered or state funeral announced in the UK so why us do that? Are we just too nice? Do as they do unto you – Just move on with your life and just announce someone has died

  7. It’s not a holiday people, damn it, why are you getting hysterical about a day or mourning, can’t your read or are too damn ignorant. HH has done for Zambia in one year more than effing PF could have done in a 100 yrs, so bloody wake up.

    • This same old dilusions of thinking that the West and the East are your equals.That Zambia is also a superpower able shape its own destiny.Greater nations than Zambia some whom have even fought wars covert and overt against Great Britain have sent their condolences on the death of the Queen.But these things are very difficult to explain to children.The simplest I can put it its international diplomcy

    • Not all of us are PF sympathizers or supporters. Some of us are independent commenters. It’s increasingly becoming clear that HH is displaying traits of a house negro. Britain will NEVER declare a State Funeral for a deceased Zambian, regardless of status. If the British can’t do it for us, why should we do it for them? Are we still their colony? This is taking us back to the early 1900s when we were still under British colonial rule. Wake up, HH and your UPND! We’re not British slaves anymore!

    • This is the blogger I was telling you about this chap “Buckteeth lungu” who was saying the crown jewels are all from India…this is chap embodies what coonery is about.. the skincringeing nonsense he spews on this forum is unbelieveable I hope he has not brought any offspring on this earth!!

  8. HH is the most unpatriotic President in the world….does he know the Zambia is a sovereign country….The so called queen is for the UK and HH is showing his house Negroee antics…..and Zambians are dying in Hospitals no ARV’s….HH is not the messiah that most gullible Zambians thought he was……

    • GRZ issued a statement that there is only shortage of a hiv drug that is being phased out……..

      Even a grade 7 has better grasp of news than you………

  9. This same old dilusions of thinking that the West and the East are your equals.That Zambia is also a superpower able to shape its own destiny.Greater nations than Zambia some whom have even fought wars covert and overt against Great Britain have sent their condolences on the death of the Queen.But these things are very difficult to explain to children.The simplest I can put it its international diplomacy

  10. Muzungu anikonde inferior complex mentality.
    Looks like he does not only boot leak them, he also worships them.
    What an embarrassment!
    What an act hot air blowing croc tears.
    Attention seeker.

  11. Bwana HH on this one i strongly and emphatically disagree with your directive.This queen oversaw the systematic oppression,deprivation and deaths of Africans by her colonial comrades .

  12. Wow. I didn’t know that HH is such a Mzungu worshipper. Is he not aware of the so many atrocities the British perpetrated on the African people, including on our own country, Zambia? This is totally unbelievable. Does this guy have well informed, educated advisors ?
    Who is he trying to please? The former colonizers? While corrupt lazy Lungu was worshipping the Chinese, HH is a mzungu worshipper. Totally disappointed.

  13. Never forget when Micheal Jackson decided to do a feature film that show cased the greatness of Black Africans in ancient Egypt, in the 90s!!
    This is the most accurate depiction of the Kemetyu Africans ever put in the mainstream media. His close fr!ends Steven Spielberg and David Geffen refused to help M!cheal because of this, so he decided to finance the music video himself.

    Our President HH has a long way to go …he maybe rich in Zambia but to these muzungu billionaires he is just a waterboy.

  14. How cheek..Cecil comes here and names our lands Rhodesia after himself.
    I sent my condolences on social media as an individual.

    • Some other bugger comes to our mighty Zambezi sees that he can’t take the falls to Britain so decides to name it Victoria Falls. And we have kept the oppressor name. Why? What for?
      It’s the muzungu wanna attitude of our leaders that you can now see in cowboy HH

  15. Might as well have made it a public holiday, that way we can drink on Sunday and cure our hangover on the day of burial, spending it sleeping and having more light beers.
    The epic laziness of ECL would have seen him declare two full days of national mourning and public holidays.
    Should have made it a public holiday so that we celebrate the Queen’s death (sorry, so that we mourn the Queen’s death).
    Anyways, whose got the keys to my Toyota funcargo? It’s time for fun, we gotta go!

  16. The British Empire brought Education, which we terribly lacked at that time and facilitated technology and skills transfer to us, I will forever be greatful to them! With education we are able to survive in this World of strategic and competitive advantages that we all need to learn, understand and take advantage of. Queen Elizabeth was a great Queen as a Zambian I am greatful for her work in Zambia and I saw her in Ndola when she visited during my childhood. She is our former Head of State. My her soul rest in peace.

    • Chiza Chirwa – Next he will say Ronald Regan is his saviour who helped African liberation struggle and fought cocaine trafficking from South America. There is too much misinformation this chap thinks the coloniers came all the way from England to just educate his ancestors, In reality, European colonization devastated traditional African societies and economies. The leaders spearheading the movement cited the “white man’s burden,” a term popularized in Rudyard Kipling’s poem to morally justify imperialist expansion. The philosophy underpinning the “White Man’s Burden” consisted of the “Three C’s of Colonialism: Civilization, Christianity, and Commerce.”

  17. She is also head of the CommonWealth and Zambia is a Member all we are doing is lowing a flag , no holiday and the rest of most of the world (except Russia and few other dictator states} are doing it as well, only our current colonizer China is not, but we will lower the flag for them and have a public holiday, when the head china man goes . KK was a good friend of QE 2 and the British did lower the flag for KK when he died at the High Commission..
    i didnt see SA or Zimbabwe lower the flag for KK either after all we did for those countries.

    • LOL. SA reported on KK death before our State House did.
      SA had one week national mourning, Zimbabwe had three days and all other neighbouring countries did too.
      Just search “SA declares national mourning Kaunda” replace the SA with all countries in Southern Africa, you get your answer.

    • You dont even know what a friend is …really laughable…you really dont know how the British Royal Establishment operates, Mugube was also a “good friend” until the stabbed him in the back.

  18. Who took part in taking our black brothers across the oceans to Americas? The effects are still being felt today! The British Empire was a key player accompanied with the looting of our precious metals, historic artefacts etc…..
    Ba HH, you are forgetting history.

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