Saturday, September 21, 2024

Police attempt to search UPND Secretariat proves futile


Police officers manhandle a UPND cadre
File Picture: Police officers manhandle a UPND cadre

The Zambia Police service last evening had a tough time trying to search the premises for the United Party for National Development (UPND) Secretariat in Lusaka.
The Police wanted to search the UPND premises for seditious material and other stolen goods.

However, efforts by the police to search the premises proved futile after the lawyers who were being led by Sakwiba Sikota noted defects in the issued search warrant.

Mr. Sikota with other lawyers who included Chad Muleza and Gilbert Phiri of Muleza Company, Keith Mweemba of Vunga associates and Martha Mushipe demanded that the police produce a valid search warrant.

And Mr. Sikota later told journalists that the UPND will only allow the police to search the premises once they produce a proper search warrant.

And UPND Vice President Richard Kapita accused the PF government of being behind the continued political intimidation on the opposition.

Mr. Kapita said the UPND will continue to focus on scooping the 2016 elections and that no amount of political gimmicks from the PF will destabilize the party.

The Police did not have it easy when the lead officer detective Nkonde tried to have UPND officials and lawyers give consent to a note indicating the reasons why they had been denied access to the UPND premises.

Lawyers felt that consenting to the note would be used to implicate them as having blocked the police from carrying out their duty which amounts to an offence.

The UPND youths also kept vigil saying the PF government could have sent individuals to plant prohibited substances or weapons at their secretariat.

The youths vowed to fight for the freedom of the party saying they will not allow their leaders to be persecuted.



    •  The Human Rights Watch, Transparency International and International perception 4Zambia under PF, going to its lowest(back to Chiluba under SATA’s Chawama thuggery,SATA’s K1billion MMD Convention corruption &MERZAF scandal).Sata should learn great leadership qualities from Luther King Jr, Mandela, Ghandi, even his OWN KK’s 1991 people power.The power of peaceful resistance of the revolutionary is greater than any reactionary oppression&exploitation. Zambia’s reservoir of progressive revolutionary minds is bigger than silencing one person or group. Poverty&economic exploitation knows NO HH . It’s every citizen’s concern especially the majority! Old tricks won’t work in a democracy, too old fashioned!!.PF is putting servicemen in un necessary bad taste when govts change:)

  1. Prepare to fight for your rights dear non muchingans. A process is underway to frustrate any non Bemba perceived to be a threat from contesting the next elections. You are in a battle for your lives. This tribal govt means business and they want to create a Bemba hegemony to last for centuries. It sounds id.iotic but that is the level of thinking you will expect from mwamba, sakeni, kambwili, nchito, mmembe and their tribal warlord Sata!

    • its nothing to do with tribes here. Even some of us BEMBAS are not happy with what is happening,please stop condeming tribes . the one at faulty is SATA not all bembas.

  2. HH and UPND just have to check their approach to politics, whether it has to be conforntation and insults all the way through their mouth piece the Zambian Watch Dog. Dont think the State mechinery does not know that the ZWD is a UPNd propaganda machine and probably it is even run from the UPND Secretariat, hence the search for seditious material!! How do you declare to fight a President with his entire state resources at his disposal?????

    • Leaders of Libya, Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen are all gone despite their armies. The armies even turn against their governments. Let’s promote oneness not hate against people who are different from us.

    • There is no amount of state resources that will prevail against people fighting for civility. You may mobilise the army, airforce, police but you will not kill the spirit of the oppressed. #3 mpinganira Zeb, your memory must be very short or you are far behind current affairs despite blogging from the United States. Dream on with your state resources!

  3. GBM must be shitting his humongous pants real big time to see Sakwiba defending HH and UPND only a day after his (GBM) stinking press release fimo fimo citing Saki’s hounding out of UPND as a reason why all others should shan what in his opinion is a Tonga party. If the police are going to keep on taking instructions from drankards like Lungu, jaribu addicts like GBM, they should brace themselves for a none stop diet of expore to embarrassment. This Government of the Bembas for the Bembas is proving to be a full cycle CNP. Anyway, what could one expect from Sata, a train station sweeper?

    • And what can one expect from thieves like HH. Thieves always try to cause confusion in order for them to divert peoples attention. If PF is a Bemba party, why do you deny that UPND is a Tonga party. Even a 5 year old kid can see that. Only people like you can’t see what is in your own eyes but want to remove a speck in  other people’s eyes. Shame on you UPND monger.

  4. The DPP should arrest GBM for issuing alarming statements.He is actually suggesting treason which is a serious offense.If he doesn’t have proof he should be arrested.HH (until now) had such little support he wouldn’t even think of overthrowing the govt.This is to do with the Watchdog exposing GBM’s shoddy contracts.He is out to get the watchdog and thinks HH runs the paper.

    • Ba Heka. I don’t see anywhere where HH is bringing tribal conflict. Either in the article above or anywhere. You must be so dull Bakalamba. Maybe you are a grade 2 dropout.

  5. 2016 UPND its not possible for them to win Presidential elections.

    They dnt have structures as a party National wide they put much of their energy in Southern, North Western,western and some party of central.

  6. The tribal govt is clueless and now the id.iots are afraid of their own shadows. Mwalafilila munsenga ba kolwe! You’re the fcuking tribalists running a fcuking tribal govt!

  7. All the names above in the UPND are Tonga ones. Can any UPND member or HH himself tell me that if , I repeat, if ever (ALTHOUGH IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN) HH became a president, can he include Luapulans, Northerners and Muchingans in his cabinet who are not supporting him? Regional support is everywhere, including in USA, the best democratic country. I rest my case. Ngawalanda sana kuti watuka imfumu.

  8. @ #10 KAPASO: I like your analysis. You have just confirmed what we all know about. So any one who is not from Muchinga, Luapula and the reminants of the former Northern province is now called a Tonga? Nice one, we are all proudly Tonga!!!


    • you get stuck with mr sat is stuck and see were u will end, things are happening and u ‘ll hv nothing to showoo except yo bitterness and hate,,,,

    • Bitterness and Hate!!! Are those the only two words they know in Zambia now? You all need to go back to school and expand your vocabulary. I do not belong to either of the parties. I just want zambia to be stable so my parents can live in zambia comfortably.

  10. I know that when most people see Sata think that damn he has it all but behind that ugly face there is a big empty hole!!!

  11. 2012 Grade Seven Answer shit:
    Question: Which President is likely to kill our nascent democracy because of his dictatorial sensitivity?
    Answer: Michael Chilufya Sata
    Question: Which World President is likely to die before finishing his term because of prostate cancer?
    Answer: Michael Chilufya Sata

  12. What the hell? Doesn’t the police have better things to do? How do u explain the issue of going with a defective search warrant? Whatever it is, I think the Patriotic fools are having sleepless nights about HH’s existence! They r thrreatened! So this is just an act of intimidation! They want to silence him. But I wonder why? If the Great Bag of Mealie Meal knows that what they r doing in their government, why are they so worried about HH’s business? Atase! Get a life Patriotic Fools!

  13. Question: Of the four Zambian President: Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa, Rupiya and Sata, which one does not know the difference between hardware and software?
    Answer: Michael Chilufya Sata
    Question: Of the four Zambian President: Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa, Rupiya and Sata, which one claims to be the first Zambian expatriate to work in U.K cleaning toilets?
    Answer: Michael Chilufya Sata

    • @N#17 i fil sory 4 u,u do’t evn no hw 2 count hw can u make a state leader?pliz do’t embaras yoself wen ther is noting u no jst kip quiet n leav things 2 thos that no wat thy r tokg abt.God 4giv u for u do nt no wat u r doin

  14. Question: Of the four Zambian President: Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa, Rupiya and Sata, which one practices/practiced nepotism, tribalism and regionalism?
    Answer: Michael Chilufya Sata
    Question: Of the four Zambian President: Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa, Rupiya and Sata, which one is the ugliest?
    Answer: Michael Chilufya Sata
    Question: Of the four Zambian President: Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa, Rupiya and Sata, which one uses/used sand paper to wipe his ass?
    Answer: Michael Chilufya Sata

  15. “I have warned you as somebody who, even if I don’t approve of your presidential abilities, I would wish you to stay on both for national security and because as a human being, I see no reason why a person who was democratically elected, even by foolish voters, should not be allowed to try our their ruling fantasies.

    Yours faithfully, Austin Mbozi”
    This is an open letter to the President written by Austin Mbozi and posted on the Zambian Watchdog today, Tuesday 28th August 2012, has he not insulted Zambian voters???? Can someone question Austin Mbozi for calling Zambian voters foolish?????

    • No, he is not saying that Zambian voters are fools, only using a supposition, to accommodate those who think the majority voters were foolish in voting Sata.

      The argument is that Sata should be allowed to rule because the democratic system in place supported his ascent to power.

  16. There is nothing wrong with dying after you have achieved your goal of becoming President but what is so sad is dying before you even achieve even a simple majority win. Shame on your way of reasoning my friend. Do not provoke people when you fail to reach your goals. We are now seeing the true colours of the UPND

  17. The devil you know, is better than the Angel you have never seen. goes one saying. Its better with the devil PF than with the self righteous Angel HH.

    • why didn’t we stay with the devil we knew when MMD was there. Just because the saying suits you u want to apply it, hypocrisy at its best 

    • Your reasoning is too low, if the devil you know is better, why did you remove Rupia you knew if stead of your tribal man Sata, think, dont be double standard person, grow up,

  18. Iwe chi Donald, you are the one who uses sand paper to clean you mabisi ass. You are just envious of MCS. You will die before him. You are not God to know the future. You and your under 5 are so jealous that you have now started recruiting smelly cowdung, dumb-asses like yourself and Tekere to fight my MCS. Mwanya you will NEVER step your ugly feet into plot 1 at all cost ONLY if cows will be allowed to vote. Instead of mobilising your ka party, you are just fighting an innocent soul. By the time you wake up from your cow slumber, it will be 2016 and PF with or without Sata will continue in office.

  19. surely is this the way to govern the country? the best the govt can do is prove that the tribal tag is not true. Then people will see that the one who is alleging is wrong. This is a smart way of handling issues.

  20. The UPND chaps are not going anywhere.Dissolve the party,let someone else lead the party and the pipo might look at it again.Come 2016,PF is pulling thru wetha u like it os not and still if u wont change your stance i can even say even 2021 PF will carry it.UPND has showed the pipo tribalism which most of us didnt know.Its really shame on this party.

    • PF is for Bembas so is GRZ but still not tribal. It is either Bembas are so foolish that they have no shame or are Ghosts so they don’t qualify to be a tribe in this life but maybe in the world of the dead. Refer #25

  21. @21. Scared of losing your tribal breadwinner? Man why are you getting scared of words, mere words! Stop your medieval suspicions. No one has ever died because someone wished that person dead! Of course it might be a different thing all together if someone proceeded to kill the one he wishes dead! You’re such a primitive twerp!

  22. Livingstone, Donald Rumsefeld, Wishing the Presieent dead is a criminal offense, punishable by law, just remidning you!!!

  23. Sata imported Bemeba in GRZ for Bembas. Since UPND is a tribal party but the same does not hold for PF despite being govt for the Bembas, by the Bembas for the Bembas then Bemba is not a tribe but a ghost. One more thing, despite GRZ being for the Bembas, by themselves and for themselves, the same can not be said of Zambia. These ghosts are trying to make it that way but will never and cannot. Sata means stupid addicted ”Tall” ass.

  24. Mapatizya, Mufumbwe, Chilanga, Livingstone, Lusaka Central police and Columm mine. Violence, violence, violence. To buttress the huge quest for violence he hires the chiefviolence expert as his Special Advisor on violence. Cow fart has really distroyed this man’s thinking. Fellow Bantustans lets open our eyes in good time.

  25. Yayayayaya, what is it with people and power, it’s like everyone who ascends to the Zambian presidency, leaves his brain behind. What’s the deal with that?

  26. Anyway, we expected a new constitution, six months ago and the restoration of BRE, those promises came out of the mouth of a spitting cobra, so one tends to, dont divert our attention, we have our eyes on the ball my friend, the UPND is not the problem here.

  27. The search warrant was as defective as the the brain of the person behind hichilemas persecution.

  28. Sata should be recorded in the guinesse book as one of the biggest liar in the world who cheated Zambian electorates that he would change the country’s political and economic landscape within 90 days.

  29. I do not agree with the direction PF and the President have taken, but I believe we need to respect the president even when we want to make a point. The direct insults I have seen in these comments leave much to be desired. the problem with blogs is that they are not just restricted to Zambians and have such insults paints a wrong picture of our beloved country

    • You are right. but the problem is when something bad happens on the opposition, others celebrate, hence the retariation. why dont we all condemn it when oppositioon is brutalised by police for example? i dont encourage insults but i can blame those who respond by insulting back either!

  30. #LIVINGSTONE.Dont be childish and sound naive,u are the same pipo who are inciting tribalism and division in this peacefull surre ,u are from thats side.we believe in 1 zed 1 nation ,instead of u fostering unity you yapping and yelling about triabalism,think positive ,u r taking us bakwards iweeeeee!


    AUSTIN MBOZI is 200% correct how on earth do you elect fools to preside over your lives,you must equally be it is a nation of foolish men and women.imagine GBM shaping your destiny with don`t even feel pity for yourselves fooolish nation.

  32. I don’t & will never support any political party, but honestly speaking- Saying that UPND will win the 2016 polls carries a  palaver of optimism.

     If they fail to scoop 3rd or 4th position- they are doomed!, As 4 PF, victory in 2016 will only come if they trash their cheap talk and act, its almost a year!!!—– MMD is cleaning its stained image, and likely to win-over voters from the PF, famers to be precise- The biggest flaw MMD has as a party is the 20year stained image. Just the letters MMD puts off any potential-educated person.

    As for rest of the chaps out their, learn from these 3 parties blunders!!!!

  33. When a cow eats a certain weed while grazing, it goes into a fart frenzy. Boys herding the cows when they inhale this fart become stubborn, violent and unreasonable. What we see in UPND today is as the result of the cow fart right from the chief of UPND to its Kaponya cadres. Ever wondered why violence is common in our people? Fortunately for me, I was born and grew up in Lusaka and worked on Kopala

  34. This has been a big problem with us Zedians. Why are we insinuating on tribal or regional issues when we are saying 1 Z, 1 N? and are a Christian N for that matter? Have you 4goten just last year when MMD was in power and how PF was being mistreated? about Chanda Chimbwi? Surely, our memory is as short as that of a chicken. Somebody tell me, who doesn’t like cow milk and beef? Why talk bad of cows some of you bloggers instead of researching and find the true about the story in question? It’s like your only job is to sit on the internet and expose your defective medulla oblangata. I rest my comments here….or else….!!!!

  35. No one seems to be reassuring the public, the investors, tourists neighboring countries …we have just gone into opposition mode..including the ruling party….deporting,insulting former presidents,uncouth comments, arrest, search

    1. Micheal hold a press conference ( not for your sake but our children)
    2.You will reassure, the youth,investors, tourists etc in a calm yet firm reasonable tone..
    3. Engage various stake holders …rise to the occasion man…manage the peoples expectations properly….

    To sit back and watch what you fought for so hard come to nothing would be sad. The tell tell signs are there, disgruntled youth, unhappy catholics, unhappy ex-presidents…

    Things are not the same.


  37. Zambia Police force is unprofessional, like in 1992 in Ethiopia,  the outfit must be disbanded because it is not fit for purpose. Dr Malama was fired because he was a professional compared to criminals running this institution. Why are search warrants obtained in the thick of the night?

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