Monday, June 3, 2024

HH lying about attempt on his life – GBM


 FILES: ARCHBISHOP Ignatius Chama (left) hugging Minister of Defence and Kasama Central (MP) Geoffrey Mwamba
FILE: ARCHBISHOP Ignatius Chama (left) hugging Minister of Defence
Geoffrey Mwamba

THE Government has described as blatant lies claims being peddled by United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema that he has uncovered a conspiracy to have him assassinated.

And Police in Kafue impounded two buses ferrying only male passengers from Southern Province suspected to have come to attend an aborted UPND public rally in Kanyama Township.

Reacting to Mr Hichilema’s disclosure at a media briefing in Lusaka yesterday, Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba has since appealed to Zambians to ignore such seditious information, saying people should instead preach messages of unity and love.

Mr Hichilema alleged that he had information that police officers and Patriotic Front (PF) cadres planned to assassinate him and other party officials at yesterday’s aborted public rally in Lusaka’s Kanyama Township.

“It is a dark today. We have information that Dr Solomon Jere and one Judge Ngoma, who has been given a job at ZESCO, held a meeting to disrupt the UPND rally in Kanyama, we further have information that some cadres were carrying machetes to attack us at the rally,” Mr Hichilema said.

The Kanyama rally was called off after scores of police officers in riot gear sealed off the venue at Kanyama grounds, as early as 04:00 hours.

But Mr Mwamba said the Government had no hatred for Mr Hichilema and that it was saddened to hear that the UPND leader and other party officials were peddling lies about a planned attempt on their lives.

“This is a very serious and seditious matter which will be thoroughly investigated. As Government, we have nothing to do with Mr Hichilema and maybe he is just scared of something or maybe it could be that letter of some Tongas under Oath group, who are threatening to kill more Bembas.

“He just wants to portray a bad picture about the Government because Government can’t waste time to eliminate HH…for what? We have serious issues to do, such as developing Zambia and not what Mr Hichilema is alleging,” Mr Mwamba said.

He said the Government was also saddened that Mr Hichilema could not come out in the open to condemn the letter authored by the underground group, ‘Tongas under Oath’, who stated that they had killed three Bembas and poisoned more.

He said Mr Hichilema’s silence on the matter could raise concern saying as a political leader who vied for the highest office, he needed to condemn such threats of a tribe wanting to rebel against another.

“If he doesn’t condemn authors of the letter going by the name Tongas Under Oath, people will wonder because we expected him to condemn it as a leader instead of talking about plots to eliminate him,” he said

Mr Mwamba said President Michael Sata had not marginalised the people of Southern Province and he had continued to embrace every citizen regardless of their tribe because the country was founded on the principal of One Zambia One Nation.

He described Tongas as hardworking and loving people and that those who wanted to cause division between them and Bembas trading on tribal lines, would face the wrath of the law.

Mr Mwamba said the late UPND leader Anderson Mazoka worked towards uniting all tribes in the country and when he pursued his education in Northern Province, he embraced all Bembas.

A check at the Kanyama grounds found scores of police officers, who were deployed, turning away UPND cadres, a situation which prompted, Mr Hichilema to hastily hold a press briefing.

He alleged that Dr Jere was working under directions from President Sata to disobey the Court order for UPND to hold the rally after police reversed its decision to allow the party to hold the rally yesterday.

Mr Hichilema said Police had stopped UPND cadres in the most cruel manner to hold the rally when the party went through all rightful procedures and wondered why the PF was scared of his party having a rally.

Mr Hichilema also accused Chief Government spokesperson Kennedy Sakeni of fabricating a letter allegedly issued by the ‘Tongas Under Oath’to accuse UPND of formulating it.

Mr Hichilema said UPND would review the legal process at the court today.

Alliance for Development and Democracy leader Charles Milupi accused President Sata of destroying democracy and that what the Head of State had done was a political persecution.

And police in Kafue impounded two buses ferrying only male passengers from Southern Province suspected to have come to attend an aborted UPND public rally in Kanyama Township.

The passengers told police at the check-point that they were travelling to Lusaka to attend a wedding ceremony, while others stated that they were coming for kitchen party.

“The statements about the reason for their visit to Lusaka raised suspicion that is how we impounded the buses and want to find out who the owners are. We turned the passengers back and impounded the buses, but we are highly suspicious that they were coming to attend a kitchen party,” Dr Jere said.

And many other buses were seen in Monze loading


  1. GBM please name any Bemba from Southern Province who has been killed by UPND since june 2012.

    Continued lies will get you nowhere.

  2. Males banned from coming to Lusaka?

    This is discriminative and sexist.
    Does someone need a reason to travel?
    Do bus owners ask where passengers are going?

    If there were no weapons on board the bus then why was it blocked?
    Weddings and Kitchen parties are now violent?

  3. The proceedings in this nation are worrying. even rallies are barned and disregarding the court order by the law enforcers themselves……..?

  4. Hakainde has just failed to offer checks and balances but opt to peddle lies. In fact Hakainde has breached the UPND constitution. His mandate expired along time. So UPND has no leader to talk about.

  5. GBM you are a heap of fOOLishness, That is the problem of putting grade 12s in the government. Adress the issues HH is rising & not that nonsese of Tonga , Bemba. You are the magots that are busy promoting divisions in the country. Why dont you wake up & start governing the country instead of dividing. Pf is a pathetic faillure & in the Zambian records you will go as such. Leave HH alone & start consetrating on the Zambian people.

  6. But Hon. GBM is a very wrong person to speak in this matter! I don’t see anything that should implicate him as the one responsible to speak on this issue at hand. If anything he is a threat to national peace and security. 

    By the way, why should HH apologize to a fictitious letter which is similar to what Tufweko publishes???????????  Any fool can do write that letter and it would be stupid for HH to condemn a letter whose source you don’t know. That is work for ZP to investigate and not Hon. GBM to force HH to condemn someone’s shadows or ghost! Such idiocy will really bring serious problems is this nation! Do such people have any conscience or they are just sick! 

  7. And this is the scum that passes for government leadership in Zambia! Can someone tell this heap of rubbish that it’s relative in State knows the people who authored the PF piece of propaganda in Lusaka. Why should HH or any decent condemn a letter of dubious origins? Why give credence to propaganda? And honestly, is this Mwamba fool the type of leadership some Zambians are proud of? Yaky!

  8. Why should HH or UPND for that matter be expected to condemn the group, when no one else and no other party has been compelled to do so? In what capacity should HH or UPND condemn the group more than what has alsready been said against the group, by police and govt spokespeople? This is in addition to the many questions of authenticity of the letter raised by bloggers above. True HH is Tonga, but he does not represent all Tongas, so why should he be condemned for not condemning Tongas?

  9. First of all, the so called GMB is a fool, as a defence minister, you dont comment on issue like this secoundly pf has failed the ppl of zambia, thirdly ppl of zambia you wasted your votes on these fools you put in govnt… wake up and put someone with a vision in govnt.. unlike the old satan in power, what can he offer? the guy is old and dying with no ideas.. he still thinks this is

  10. I think HH is being careless, you can not be this antagonistic to someone you were calling a ‘workmate’ a few months ago. What has changed, is it envy?. I feel for the young Man because if Sata uses Chiluba’s tactics, HH will soon be history. He should remember that FTJ made KK to sit like a cabbage. He should also remember how Mazoka was taken away from this earth, so he just have to play his cards right.

    • Munayamba kudaaala kukamba HH will be history, alas but the opposite is true.. VIVA HH..gbm and bitter POST will never change the way you are attractive.. Soulder on God will make Zambia’s president one day.

  11. The Great Bag of Maize is now a defacto Govt Spokesperson. But the man is a proper dunderhead and lacks simple logic coherence. Does this mangwam know his role as defense minister. He is too overzealous for nothing and from nowhere. He has overtaken all the other motormouths the PF had and with exceptional lunacy. Someone needs to put this embicile where he belongs before the sparks things to diabolical proportions. Am sure some sane colleagues within PF are now realising they have insane  MoD.

  12. Anyway who is Hichlema? This guy seem to be power hungry, but who is he going to rule. Zambia is so big than he thinks. He is so petty

  13. So if HH is lying so is GBM about the plot to assassinate the President, he is inciting Rwanda in Zambia what is wrong with this man, parliament should caution him or give him a vote of no confidence so that he steps down and runs PF since he wants to be the next President. My friend this time around Zambians have woken up if your party does not deliver you will surely loose in 2016 there is no wamuyaya anymore.

  14. How could the same people who wanted to assassinate him stop the rally, the normal would have been to let it go on and the clear him

  15. Stop for a second!!!!!!!!!!this chap GBM and his PF gov are now crazy, you impound a bus just because it is full of mem? give a break. Funny some people have short memories, just less than 12 months ago when in opposition you complained about the Banda gov harasing you all the time, now its your turn doing it to UPND and others, time will come also for you to come down thats the way it goes

  16. I hope GBM un derstands that HH does not in any way represent the people od Southern province or Tongas as it were and therefore there should be no exolicit requirement for him to Condemn an alleged terrorist group, in case GBM hasn’t noticedm, the entire country is convinced this is largely a figment of his imagination and no such group to author the oisoning letter exists.

  17. Is Zambia a christian nation or a Hypocritic nation. The president once said this country shall be governed by the Ten Commandments. Sata further went ahead and said quoting from the Bible, “Do unto others, as you would like them do unto you”. Does this government really adhearing to this teaching from the Bible? Country men and women let us all reflect on what Sata said. Can he be trusted, does he do what he preaches, especially when he said this contry shall be governed by the ten commandments. May be its his catholic doctrine he once said. God is watching…. I end.

  18. why stop HH rally if he’s not a threat? Is zambai now a police state? Are police now a law unto themselves? Why should police go against a court order?

  19. @Cunt Hatembo, if at all that’s your real name. Could you rise above pettiness and see things as they are. HH may be Tonga but I don’t think he should be judged by ethnicity. What you are exhibiting is high level prejudice and you are just exposing your tribal orientation that your mind suffers from. Let HH be judged as a politician for all he does. Take away HH, Tongas will remain Tongas; the same goes for Sata and people like you – your ethnic groups will remain as they are after your demise.

    The failure by people like you to rise above tribal discourse is the malaise affecting many Zambians, and the people who repeatedly chant the tribal tag are the ones who are highly tribal. Let’s grow up please.

  20. These are dark and Sad times in Zambia.The Zambian Police Force(Z-PF) have become agents of oppression and are propelling a repressive agenda of Lawlessness,deception,treachery,brutality and harassment against the citizenry.Its indeed sad that tyrants and despots are at the helm of public office in Zambia and are using laws and instruments to suppress the freedoms and liberties of every Zambian.Zambia must and should remain a free country governed by freemen for freemen.Freedom of association and freedom of choice and thought must be the bedrock of all other freedoms we implore every Zambian to rise up and defend our motherland from being turned into a ONE PARTY STATE and a POLICE STATE.How sad its has become when you need a police permit and permission to travel in your own country. 

  21. AND so, why did the Police stop the rally if they wanted to assassinate HH and others? Why wasn’t the meeting allowed so that the PF Cadres could use their vibembas to harm the UPND leaders?

    It is beyond me to understand the goings and comings mwe.

  22. HH no wonder most pipo say you plotted poisoning Mazoka the great, you think of the top though you not the material for the leadership of this nation.Just keep your cows

  23. This Genetically Bred Maggot (GBM) can really irritate. Hamiyanmze, you are fool. Use your brain to think and not your stomach coupled with your buttocks. I hate your mention of the name HH. Give our leader a break for once. What kind of a lizard are you. Your bootlicking of UKWA will not take you anywhere you makaka.

  24. I don’t Know why PF even bothers with HH. This man is going nowhere fast! Its only his tribesmen that will ever vote for him. God will raise another opposition leader for checks and balances. HH is running around aimlessly and thats not helping the country. Just forget about this guy

  25. Who cares about hh being killed.After all he is always being voted for by the same tonga tribal seperatists who number no more than 500,000.If iwas some one popular like Sata I would be very worried.

  26. Guys Its not GBM being a spokesman but as a concerned citizen and minister , he is free to air his views. Hichilema seem to be so provocative who is he fighting by the way?Is this democracy we should embrace, This is totally rubish. Assassination on him for really for what? This guy is comfused and lost. The game he is playing is not politics but madness, look at the performance in the last elections, doeshe think Zambians are now ready for him The man is day dreaming and comfused. We need positive criticism to the government not aya masushi we’re seeing please spare us out of this *****isim kind of politics .

  27. It seems GBM has learnt a new word ‘seditious’ .How can HH be spreading ‘seditious’ information about himself when he claims someone is after his life.The word relates to treason and HH is not head of State for his information to be described as seditious. Oh boy…we need to outsource some government positions mwe!

  28. Gundix – spot on. Paranoia and politics are happy bedfellows. It defies logic to be both assassin and saviour of intended target. Character assassination is more the style of all 3 paranoid parties at the moment…

  29. PF why should you waste time on HH? Let him hold as many rallies as possible so that he purges away is bitterness and Frustration for losing last years elections. Just ignore this nonentity HH. He is not a factor in Zambian politics. They always boast of winning elections during campaigns but when the results come out…..its disaster for them. So ignore them they are going no were but of they are increasing in Insults. 

  30. Being a straight faced liar is part of the DNA of politicians globally. It’s on all their CV’s in invisible ink :) And yet the world over we get all hurt and pissed off when we catch them at it then comforted by the next cozy porkie… or become keyboard warriors with permanent high blood pressure. There is a silver lining on the cloud though. Sooner or later they have to do something real good for the people or get bumped for the next smooth talker. They run their mouths more than they run the country which leaves room for people with plans to progress. Do what you can. Life is too short.

  31. GBM and Sata are bitter because HH is much richer than they thought. Most PF supporters are also bitter because HH is making more money than them.

  32. @50 bricklayer, u a right.. Sata and GBM are bitter coz the money haha boosts about having is blood stolen money. Most zambians died as a result of theft of their money by haha thru privatisation. Haha recked in grudas in his own pockets.

  33. @Tony Blair No No No No …..There is no blood money. You and Sata and GBM are just bitter because you have never run businesses and created wealth on your own. It is true, however, that you do own 7 guns each. You are also bitter because he is young and more handsome than Sata and GBM who are both Ugly and have felled to have successful marriages because you are fond of abusing your wives. This is why Sata and PF supporters are Bitter. If you had any sintiler on evidence that HH’s money was obtained through illegal ways, you would have sued him. That’s a fact!!!

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