Sunday, June 2, 2024

PF Government should not have abolished basic eduction programme-Chitika


Rupiah Banda shakes hands with Mwansabombwe MMD candidate Chriticles and his counterpart for Kawambwa central Elizabeth Chitika Mwansa on arrival at Kazembe grounds
FILE: Rupiah Banda shakes hands with Mwansabombwe MMD candidate Chriticles and his counterpart for Kawambwa central Elizabeth Chitika Mwansa on arrival at Kazembe grounds

Movement for Multiparty Democracy MMD Chairperson for Arts and Culture Elizabeth Chitika Mulobeka says the removal of basic education in the country’s school curriculum is disadvantaging the girl child in the country.

Ms. Mulobeka said the MMD brought basic schools to encourage girls attain basic education which was closer to villages before moving to secondary schools which are far and wide apart.

What the PF has done by abolishing basics schools is make girls drop out at primary level because they can’t walk long distances to attend secondary school

Ms. Mulobeka who is also former Kawambwa Member of Parliament said places such as Luapula province secondary schools are few hence abolishing basic schools without a contingent plan of how to handle the increasing number of pupils going to grade 8 is nothing short of a blunder which needs to be ratified by reinstating primary schools with basic schools statuses.

She noted that girls are not belt like boys who can endure walking long distances and that girls are made to do house errands which boys excluded hence making them walk long distances when they are still little (in grade 8) is another burden which can be avoided by ensuring that basic schools are reinstated.

Meanwhile Chief Puta of Chiengi District has praised the US government for the continued support his chiefdom is receiving in campaign against early marriages in the area.

His Royal Highness said the support the US government through the USAID is rendering has helped many under age girls return to school after being married off by their families.

The Chief said his Chiefdom has been battling early marriages for long time and that the support has helped his community sustain the program.

He emphasized the importance of educating a girl saying the nation will only develop if there is full participation of women at all levels and that; that can only be achieved if more girls were educated.


  1. Chitika isn’t an authority on education to speak authoritatively on issues of basic education. She has no inkling whatsoever that the basic education system contributed a lot to mediocrity in the system.

  2. Actually basic schools brought more harm than good. 60 to 70% of pupils who complete basic education can hardly speak or write English or vernacular. Check the pupils from the copperbelt its a disaster. let the Chitika’s wallow in past glory of mismanaging the education sector.

  3. Elizabeth Chitika Mulobeka was a PF member of parliament for Kawambwa since 2006 to 2011. She is a traitor who betrayed Sata and PF when she joined a gang of rebels and gluttons who went to dine with RB at the time when Zambia needed concerted effort to trounce the infamous MMD for mismanaging the country. Chitika and others who thought PF and Sata were going nowhere politically when they rebelled now look foolish to have jumped out of the winning party and gone into the losing party MMD.

  4. Basic education in Zambia. This is a very important subject, if not the most important, because it empowers people to make the right choices and decisions in life. This subject requires thinking things through and weighing the consequences of each option. For example, is there a correlation between early marriages and early dropping out of school, particularly for girls? I remember a lot of study and work was done that lead to introduction of basic education. I do not know whether subsequently an equal amount of study was done that has lead to changing that course.

  5. There is no substitution for a good education. Basic schools are nothing but cynical offerings to the poor, because proper funding is not made available to allow equal opportunity to a good education for all children in Zambia. Inferior education should not be tolerated, nor should failure in funding local schools.

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