Monday, June 17, 2024

Chikwanda to present 2015 National Budget on October 10th, 2014


Vice-President Guy Scott with Finance minister Alexander Chikwanda before  a meeting at State House on July 14,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
Vice-President Guy Scott with Finance minister Alexander Chikwanda before a meeting at State House on July 14,2014 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

Finance and National Development minister Alexander Chikwanda is on October 10, expected to present the 2015 national Budget.

Mr. Chikwanda’s his budget speech presentation will then be followed by debates by Members of the House on the policy statements contained in his speech.

However, the house is expected to approve the National Budget for 2015 in early December, this year.

The Budget consideration and approval will be the main focus of the first meeting of the Fourth Session of the Eleventh National Assembly.

This is contained in a statement made available to ZANIS in Lusaka today by Parliamentary Media Liaison Officer Mathew Mukelabai.

Mr. Mukelabai explained that the house will during this session be expected to pass a number of budget related legislations in order to authorize the executive to spend the 2015 Budget and to operationalize government policy statements.

Mr. Mukelabai said the bill will include the appropriation bill, the customs and exercise (amendment) bill and the income tax (amendment) bill.

He named others as the property transfer tax (amendment) bill and the value added tax (amendment) bill.


  1. I have never understood our leaders. What’s the point of a budget that you never adhere to or even try to? Preparing such a lengthy budget is a waste of time. Debating this budget for two months by MP is even such a big waste. I would propose that each province be allocated their money and do their own budget. Each province then should come up with money-generating ventures. I would rather see province compete on who comes up with best ideas than see PF competing on who says the most lies or steals the most money. Time Will Tell

    • You are right my dear. When you look at these thugs the way their budgets are done they do not want to develop area like Northwestern province and instead, they take all the resources from that area and develop their own areas of interest.

      Years ago during Kaunda and Chiluba’s time they were saying why develop Northwestern province when there is nothing that comes fro the area. North westerners always remember late Mwanawasa whom they did not even vote for but opened the mines in that area where today they have employed their own relatives in high positions and have brought in their own pappets in leadership from other provinces so that they shut them off as they still their gold, Copper and Uranium. Chansoni.

    • @TIME WILL TELL: Dear colleague, what you are simply stating is that zambia should be a federal state with each province having its own laws, rules and regulations. My dear this requires Constitutional changes that will impact heavily on the performance of Federal states. Provinces will be called states and headed by GOVERNORS. This is good but our economy is not capable of handling federal states.

  2. Fossil Chikwanda is arguably the worst Finance Minster we have ever had…I personally wouldn’t let this empty tin run a primary school shop.

  3. Let us all tune in live on 10th October to listen carefully how Chikwanda (no longer Honourable Chikwanda) plans to steal from poor tax-payers in the 2015 financial year and share the loot with his fellow blood-sucking mosquitoes called mining companies in Zambia.

  4. Ba PF in Northwestern province are still on visibility studies and we do not know when the roads (link Zambia 2000) will take place. Many will cry when Kambwili shall be adopted as 2016 race to plot 1.

  5. The budget is a sham. A meagre (United states Dollars) 7,000,000,000 largely financed by pay as you earn (PAYE) and external borrowing. We are celebrating 50 years golden jubilee amidst abject poverty and high unemployment levels which currently stands @ 80 percent. USA JUST LANDED ITS SPACE CRAFT on PLANET MARS a week ago. A JOURNEY THAT TOOK 9 months for a million miles trip. A FEW DAYS LATER INDIA A DEVELOPING COUNTRY LANDED its own spacecraft. That unremarkable. WHILST Zambia has nothing show for their 50 independence anniversary. India has written its own story as a force to be reckoned with in its own space programme among its many other areas of technological advancement. blacks are lazy. They are only good at sex and beer drinking. Worse still mud slinging, & gossip,

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