Monday, June 17, 2024


Sata on to Nevers Mumba

Allegations of financial irregularities at the Zambian mission in Canada have disturbed President Michael Sata. The President is concerned that information obtained so far suggests...

President Sata names Committee of Experts to Review Zambia ‘s Constitution

President Michael Sata has named a 20-member Technical Committee to draft the new Republican Constitution. This is contained in a statement released by the...

We are not investigating Rupiah Banda-MMD

Movement for Multi Party Democracy (MMD) National Secretary Major Richard Kachingwe has dispelled reports that a committee formed by the party’s national executive committee...

There is no cabinet memo on Government’s intention to increase stake in mining companies-Chikwanda

THE Zambian government is not yet ready to increase its shareholding in the mining companies until such a time that Cabinet thoroughly examines the...

President Sata revokes Dr Simon Miti’s appointment and demands update on 2009 financial scam at Ministry of Health

President Michael Sata has revoked the appointment of Dr Simon Kamwendo Miti as Zambia’s Ambassador-Designate to Switzerland. In revoking the appointment, the...

Government won’t re-introduce windfall tax – Veep

VICE-PRESIDENT Guy Scott has said the Patriotic Front (PF) government will not re-introduce the windfall tax to save the economy from collapsing and urged...


The past articles have concentrated mainly on mens workouts. This series will be just for the ladies. This first work out will concentrate on the...

Court Orders KCM To Pay K 10 Billion In Compensation

The Lusaka high court has ordered Konkola Copper Mines PLC –KCM- to pay 10 billion kwacha to 2000-Chingola residents for polluting the Kafue River...