Sunday, June 16, 2024

General News

Women for Change disappointed with the harassment of Hon. Lubezhi

Women for Change (WfC) expresses its displeasure with the remarks and conduct attributed to the Minister of Education Dr Michael Kaingu towards his...

President Lungu arrives in China

President Edgar Lungu has arrived in China for his inaugural state visit where he is also expected to address the Baoao Conference for Asia...

YWCA condemns Kaingu over his abusive language

The Young Women’s Christian Association Council of Zambia (YWCA) has expressed disappointment over the alleged gender based violence (GBV) act allegedly committed by Minister...

Sex offences top at Mwembeshi prison

Most prisoners serving jail sentences at Mwembeshi maximum security prison were convicted of defilement and other sexual offences. ZANIS reports that authorities at the maximum...

Nsanda’s body arrives on Sunday

The body of the late Patriotic Front (PF) member of the Central Committee Willie Nsanda arrives in the country on Sunday, 29th...

Eastern Province Water firm cuts hospital water supply due to no-payment of bills

THE Eastern Water and Sewarage Company (EWSC) has disconnected water supply to Chadiza District Hospital and Petauke Police Camp in a bid to recover...

Mtendere residents demand speed humps

Mtendere Ward Councilor Benjamin Chanda has condemned the behaviour of some motorists in the area who are in the habit of over speeding thereby...

Arrested UNZA graduates released

The Six former University of Zambia students who were arrested in Lusaka on Monday for unlawful assembly have been released on Police bond. The former...