Sunday, June 9, 2024

General News

LAZ declares Presidential elections free and fair

The Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) has declared the just ended Presidential Elections which elected Edgar Lungu as 6th Republican President as free and...

Unknown people kidnap three pupils and dump them at a cemetery in Kalulushi

Some unknown people yesterday kidnapped three pupils of Angels Park School in Kalulushi on Wednesday and later dumped them at Chambishi Cemetery where they...

Kalulushi pupils abducted, recovered in cemetery

Three pupils of Angels Park School in Kalulushi were found tied together at Chambishi cemetery in a development that has shocked residents. This was after...

President Edgar Lungu’s inauguration Speech

Your Ladyship, the Acting Chief Justice, Madam Lombe Chibesakunda; Your Excellencies; Heads of State and Government; Your Honour, the Vice-President of the Republic of Zambia, Dr....

FODEP believes Lungu will deliver his promises

The Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) says President Edgar Lungu has shown commitment to delivering on his promises. FODEP Executive Director Macdonald Chipenzi says the...

Sondashi commends Lungu for recognising Sosala as Chitimukulu

The opposition Forum for Democratic Alternatives President Ludwig Sondashi has commended President Edgar Lungu for recognizing Henry Sosala Kanyata as Chitimukulu. Dr Sondashi said...

Standards Body burns K245, 000 substandard goods at Chunga dump site in Lusaka

The Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) has destroyed an assortment of substandard and second hand goods worth K245, 000 at Chunga dump site in...

Southern Province chiefs congratulate Edgar Lungu

Traditional leaders in Southern Province have congratulated President Edgar Lungu on his victory in the just-ended Presidential election and pledged to support his development...