Saturday, July 27, 2024


Why is Zambia using a vaccine rejected by South Africa because of low efficacy?

Disclaimer: This question is not about safety of the vaccine. Benefits of vaccines may outweigh the risks.This question is about efficacy( It may be...

Zambia: Lamentations and Political Views of a Bystander

Zambia is currently experiencing serious socioeconomic problems. A critical shortage of decent public housing, for example, has compelled so many of our fellow citizens...

How Zambia’s elected leaders treat each other

1.1997 Zambia's First President Kenneth Kaunda was arrested for 5 months on trumped up charges by the MMD government under president Frederick Chiluba.He served...

Zambia must resist foreign pressure to weaken laws on GMOs

Position on GMOs and the Revised Biotechnology and Biosafety Policy of 2003 Zambia must continue to uphold the highest biosafety standards Zambia’s approach to biosafety since...

Harry Kalaba affirms that he will remain in PF

Former Foreing Affairs Minister has affirmed that he has no intention of resigning as a Member of parliament and that he will remain a...

Foreign Minister Kalaba quits his Cabinet Post, cites rising corruption in PF

Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba has resigned from the PF government. In a Facebook post, Mr Kalaba said he has dumped his cabinet post because...

Meet the New US Ambassador to Zambia Daniel L. Foote

Daniel L. Foote was appointed as U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Zambia on November 20, 2017. At the time of his appointment, Mr. Foote...