Sunday, June 2, 2024

Police will protect all citizens – Kapeso


Zambia police commissioner Graphael Musamba and spokesperson Bonnie Kapeso addressing journalists

The Zambia Police Service says it has an obligation to protect all the citizen in the country.

Police spokesperson, Bony Kapeso said the police will not discriminate against political parties but provide security to all the citizens.

He said this in an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka today.

He said police officers provide security to all the citizens of the country regardless of their political affiliation.

This follows concerns from opposition Patriotic Front Munali and Kabwata Members of Parliament and Forum for Democracy and Development (FFD) President Edith Nawakwi who have allegedly been threatened to be attacked by suspected Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) cadres.

The alleged MMD cadres on Sunday threatened to beat up Mr. Lubinda and Ms. Nawakwi for their continued attacks on President Banda.

The MMD cadres are alleged to have threatened to gang rap Ms. Nawakwi and attack Mr. Lubinda if they continue their careless attacks on President Banda.

And Munali MP Mumbi Phiri has said she was attacked by unknown people yesterday whom she suspects were MMD cadres.

But Police spokesperson Bonny Kapeso could not confirm receipt of the trio’s formal complaints to the police.

“Go and ask them whether they have complaint or formally written to us on what happened before I can comment” he said.



  1. You dont have to wait until someone gets hurt. By law these cadres are already at fault by by threatening violence and should be arrested. But it is taking the Police to issue a statement instead of arresting them. So this is what I mean by saying some are more citizens than others. Mike Mulongoti threatened violence and the police are still quiet up to now! Where is the law? or is it JUSTICE FOR HIRE?

  2. We do not entertain voilence from anyone. The police should continue the insurmountable task of arresting those who are breaking the law despite their status or political affiliation. Nefarious leaders are not wanted in our nation Zambia. Political leaders should take appropriate action against those who are found guity. We want to continue enjoying the peace in harmony. Viva democracy!

  3. If these threats were made public and are on record, why doesn’t Ms Nawakwi either report these thugs to the police or sue if she does not trust the police service? She was wrong to drag the President into this. If the President also has the facts of this case, he should not hesitate to act against the alleged perpetrators and expel them from the MMD party. I trust that His Excellency the President will not tolerate hooliganism in MMD which is a remnant of Mr Sata’s days. The thugs should be booted out to join PF were there ‘father’ is.

  4. Actually the threat to gang rape Nawakwi is all over the international media. The person who issued this threat has been identified by Australian Herald Sun newspaper and Johannesburg based as Chris Chalwe an MMD Youth Chairman. The Zambia Police m.o.r.o.n.s who are on site in Zambia are predictably saying they are not in the know. Why then did you call a press conference you i.d.i.o.t.s?

  5. You are right THE SAINT. The president does not encourage voilence. He is very calm. But some cadres are too thick to engage with the opposition constructively. They think behaving in this manner will get them a job. Not anymore.

  6. Bony Kapeso should be ashamed of himself for accepting the Zambia Police to be turned into an MMD wing.
    How on earth can a police service see the MMD thugs threating violence on TV and still want the people who are threatened to file complaints when evidence is there. What type of I_D_I_O_T_S are running the police service who can condone blantant hooliganism and lawlessness to be preached by Mulongoti and his thugs?
    Come 2011 and all these useless police bosses should be sent o their villages together with brainless Marco Polo Rupiah Bwezani Banda.
    Twanakanenu ba kelenka

  7. Imwe naimwe ba LT what is wrong with the word ‘gang r.a.p.e’? This is the crime that has been threatened to be commited against Nawakwi. All newspapers that have reported the story are referring to it as such. So ba LT when you blackout words what exactly do you hope to achieve. Honestly you people are just making yourselves look backward.

  8. RB is a very gifted individual and will not suffer if someone takes over plot one. He has the brain just like you and me. But some people hate him and no matter what he does they will not appreciate. It is all about politics. Personally I am neutral and will not insult anyone.

  9. Amazing!! The country’s name is being brought to shame internationally by these MMD thugs and the President is conveniently missing in action. What has come of “the MMD and its govt”?

    RB, say something and stop this nonsense. Being president does not just mean using the govt jet flying to meaningless meetings all over the world. The president’s atmost responsibility is the security of all citizens against all threats, INTERNAL and EXTERNAL!!

    Your own supporters are threatening Zambian mothers & fathers with r.a.p.e and mutilation and you are quiet about it?! Your reputation, Mr. President, is being dragged into the mud by your ridiculous tolerance of thugs. You are gaining nothing but scorn for not putting a stop to this insanity—–ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, FOR GOD’s SAKES!!!

  10. There maybe people who hate RB personally, but I think the majority hate his ineffective leadership—-BIG DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. You have to be naive or have selective amnesia to believe that RB does not condone violence. Successive administrations (including the present one) in this country have thrived on perpetrating violence against the good people of Zambia. Banda has taken this to a higher level, using state funds to pay thugs. Kapeso is a spineless ‘yes’ boy who just does what Nyamasoya tells him. If the comments made by these MMD demagogues had been made by PF or UPND cadres, he would have been personally leading the arrest. But because the comments were made by MMD cadres, he is waiting for a complaint. Nyamasoya has turned the police into an extension of the MMD millitia. He has been taking lessons from Mugabe.

  12. RB is just a dull person. He is a naturally a DULL individual who coupled with age has even become worse. By his standards the guy really tries and is working. The only problem is that he can’t function in this era period. His level of thinking and understanding is from the 1960’s.

  13. #14
    Walasa zoona,u hav said it all..the big man’s brain is spining in all directions in this era,if it were the 60’s maybe he could have peservered..nomba ilelo awe kwena,if its the challenger na milage katwishi epo yafika,intsead of working,bena ni chiling tym.2011 kuya bebela,same apply’s for bonnie kapeso.i just don’t understand wat evidence they want to be presented to the.Mulongoti is on record of supporting the violence and the cuuting of Mpombo’s legs..the stupid MMD youth chairman chalwe fimo fimo goe’s on Muvi TV talking crap and Bragging of hw he and is baboon friends wil rape Nawakwi,and the Police want this to be reported to them.what kind of Police Service is this?i wonder where our Nation is headed to with such type of leadership incharge.

  14. #5 Mbulawa & # 7 mule….Very disturbing ……This is how seeds of civil strife are sowed . If an MMD youth chairman made such a threat on TV , then it’s clear for all to see …..I wonder if the journalists present at this press conference took Mr. Kapeso to task over these threats ….So people are now being taken for fools all the time..!…This behaviuor is all so reminiscent of UNIP days.

  15. Kapeso is so du.ll and stu.pidy person. He cant think with his brains. Sure what evidence does he want when he saw these guys on Muvi TV ploting to gang ra.p.e Nawakwi. The international comunity is watching RB. Its really a disgrace to Zambians.

  16. If it was the opposition who did that it was going to be another story, The Zambia Police force has been reduced to Alabee security gurds. In Zambia protect the rich and those in govrnment. The Poor and those in opposition are CRUSIFIED. THE LAW IS FOR THE POOR[-(

  17. Ba Saint, you don’t sue for a threat. There is no law that works like that. You can only sue if you have suffered bodily or financial damage. The law allows the police to protect and defend the weak from the threats. That is what to police is for, TO PROTECT. Anyway some of you have selective memories. Just few days ago a marketeer was killed by MMD/ZANAMA vigilantes, will you tell this blog who instead was arrested? Please!

  18. I am at a loss to understand what the incompetent policeman is waiting for. Who made a formal complaint over the pornography issue, who made the complaint over the ‘car horn’ protest? This is stupidity at its height. People like this poor imitation of a police officer are bringing shame on our beloved country.

  19. Cacine nambala 19, the whole chisokone issue was so politikalized they ended up arresting the area MP, that is Police at work

  20. Number 19, as a civil matter, you can take out an injunction against someone in this case the thug involved and/or his employers and stop them from making such threats, but as a criminal matter, the police have a duty to intervene, regardless of a complaint being made, if they are of the opinion that a crime has been committed. In my opinion, threatening violence is a crime. The president clearly has a duty to uphold the constitution, and as leader of the thugs involved, he should have shown true leadership by distancing himself and his organisation from threats to comit a crime in addition to taking disciplinary action. His inaction shows a tacit approval.

  21. The statement from Commissioner of Police Mr. Musamba is confusing from what is in today’s Post where the TOP Cop Francis Kambonde is quoated as having said threatening violence does not constitute an offence. Unless he was misquoated by the Post. May I be corrected on this issue. Its uncivilised for those cadres to threaten violence and gang rape Ms Nawakwi. Beating the likes of Given Lubinda and others who comment on RB will not take us anywhere. These guys offer constructive critism and its health for democracy. Let us tame the cadres.

  22. It doesn’t take a genius to realise that these thugs have the backing of *****s in leadership. I honesty can not understand how the Zambia Police Service could even defend something like that. Could they honestly behave in the same way if the threats were made against Rupiah Banda’s wife? What a bunch of losers! How could the IG, Francis Kambonde still be in the job? Are we Zambians so used to violence and incompetence that we will accept just about anything? President Banda, show some leadership and fire this *****s.

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