Saturday, June 1, 2024

Google partners with AfriConnect to host cache servers locally


The World’s leading search engine Google and leading video sharing website You Tube has partnered with local Internet service provider (ISP) AfriConnect to host the internet giant’s local cache operations.

AfriConnect Marketing Manager Janice Maliwa-Chipenzi announced in a statement in Lusaka today that AfriConnect will become the host operation for the Google and YouTube servers in Zambia.

“The effect of hosting this caching equipment is that all Google searches are carried out locally in Zambia (rather than in Europe or further afield), and that ‘popular’ searches from around the world are ‘pre-fetched’ or ‘saved’ on the servers – meaning search results are already on a server in the country, making searches notably faster, and saving international bandwidth. She said.
Since Google also own YouTube the same facility applies to searching for and viewing all popular videos – now held locally.

Ms Maliwa-Chipenzi said to make this service available to local internet users, AfriConnect has installed several high-powered computer servers linked to their own dedicated high-speed Internet link, all housed in a secure facility with fully resilient power and cooling systems.

She said the partnership with Google and you tube shows the level of confidence the international ICT sector has in the local ISP’s, a situation which will further enhance Zambia’s internet connectivity to the world.

“AfriConnect has been tirelessly building capacity on our network and thus Google choosing to partner with us as the Zambian location for hosting because of our ability to provide the necessary infrastructure to an international standard.” She added

Ms Maliwa-Chipenzi said AfriConnect is now working to ensure that users of other ISPs in the country can take advantage of the speed and savings.

“Our integration into Vodacom Business has also seen more resources put into upgrading our technical support. Our call centre has been expanded and now has more staff to handle all manner of technical queries. Our call centre which is open from 07hrs to 23hrs daily now has more dedicated lines. Our customers can reach us through our customer support email. We will continue to improve upon our infrastructure and support as we push to offer more than just internet.” said Janice Maliwa-Chipenzi.


  1. Just tried the system….When is the service coming into operation? I still cant access my YouTube feeds without the anoying breaks on Africonnect.

  2. What this means is that Africonnect can now view what is popular in Zambian web searches. Things like: 

    1. Jobs in South Africa
    2. Second-hand Japanese vehicles for sale 
    3. My boss is sleeping with my wife 

    you, know the usual …

  3. Does this have anything to do with improved connection speed?
    If not then it is not my cup of tea.
    Was in Zed recently and it takes a while to connect just like the good old Dial up and then before you know it says you have 5 minutes remaining!

  4. See the bright side. It’s better to have than not to have. It’s small things like this that constitute tiny but sure steps into a better developed future. This is not about RB or Sata – some of you are so dull you rely on politics to say something about life. We will see what you will be saying after elections….BUT knowing how creative you are, you will start discussing the next elections!!!!! YAWN…!!!!

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