Saturday, July 27, 2024

Couple remarries after 39 years of separation


98-year-old Mushiba Imonda feeds his  82-year-old bride Sitali Kalaluka a piece of cake
98-year-old Mushiba Imonda feeds his 82-year-old bride Sitali Kalaluka a piece of cake

After being on separation for a 39 years, 98-year-old Mushiba Imonda and 82-year-old Sitali Kalaluka yesterday re-married at a colourful wedding held at Mongu Trades Training Institute.

The newly-weds’ motorcade brought business to a virtue standstill as it moved from Nalumba Lodge where the couple emerged from separate rooms to the venue of the wedding where a horde of people were anxiously waiting to see the duo.

People of various age groups and sexes lined up the roadside ululating, singing, dancing and waving as the motorcade led by a traffic patrol vehicle cleared the way.

At the reception, the master of ceremonies announced that among the pledges the newly-weds received was K3,500 as contribution towards their honeymoon by lawyer John Kapepe of Mak Partners.

Blessing their union, Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church Pastor Ndala Kayongo said in line with the theme of the wedding ‘Omega’, the couple had pledged to reunite and live together ‘till death do us part’, and urged other couples to emulate Mr Imonda and Ms Kalaluka.

Efforts by photojournalists, among others, who jostled to get picture of the couple kissing on three occasions, failed as the bridesmaid got upset after being told to go through the process more than once.

The couple is today expected to undergo the same re-marriage process at Moole Village where Mr Imonda is the headman.

Guest of honour Nathaniel Mubukwanu, who is Mongu Central Member of Parliament, said people should learn lessons from the couple and reflect on their marriages and the country as a whole.

Mr Mubukwanu, who is also North-Western Province Minister, said people should not politicise the ceremony as it had no political inclinations.

Prominent among those that attended the wedding were Western Province Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga, Information and Broadcasting Services Deputy Minister Poniso Njeulu and representatives from the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE).

[Times of Zambia]


    • Thus why I left you for 39 years. I thought you are now a changed person, but I am surprised you still behave the same. I am leaving you again.

      Mark my words.

    • Little to be inspired from this. Why divorce in the first place, and for such long time? Didn’t I tell you that Lozis are difficulty people? 39yrs of separation?

    • It should have been ” what led to the divorce” unlike “what lead to the divorce”. Just a positive correction being made please don”t politicize it.

  1. Efforts by photojournalists, among others, who jostled to get pictures of the couple kissing on three occasions, failed as the bridesmaid got upset after being told to go through the process more than once. Either the Bride or Groom got upset… why should the bridesmaid get upset?

  2. It’s a great sign that what God has put together let no man put asunder. Real Love will never last because it comes from God above.

    God is Love and will always forgive and forget!
    Cogratulaions…….!!!!! our Grand parents.

  3. Does the old man & woman regret the divorce? Where are the children or grandchildren of the couple. There seems to be no lessons drawn from the reunion if they cannot mentioned what was wrong with the separation. After spending the best time of their lives else where, now what?

  4. …..most are seeing this episode more on a lighter side than on a serious side….they are enjoying the ‘joke’ part rather than the ‘reality’

  5. chilipo chebabvuta asikulu chimodzimodzi nao ambuya, but uve not mentioned anything abt their past life, hw long were they maried and did they have anyyyy childreeeeeeeeeeen?

  6. your friends were dipping for 39 years and then you decide to dip your stick in the muddy diptank/ no good wash

  7. Now am begining to believe what the Westerners say that there’s bias against them by other Zambians in general. Nearly all the comments about this reunion are negative. Would you have said the same things if this was a Copperbelt, Northern or Muchinga couple? @ 8 is right. They did what God said they should do:
    1 Corinthians 7:10-11 (New International Version)
    10 To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. 11 But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.

  8. Bad comments come from bad people.if it was your mother and fathers what would the bible say or what would you say?what guts do people have to insult old people.some people are curse you can tell from their comments

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