Friday, March 7, 2025

What the late President Michael Sata said about widows


maureen1On the 26th August 2008 the BBC news published an article entitled Zambia’s mourning turns political. Mr Sata told the BBC’s Focus on Africa programme, that a widow(referring to Maureen Mwanawasa) should stay at home to mourn not tour the country.

On the 25th August 2008 the then opposition Patriotic Front (PF) leader, Michael Sata,was ordered to leave the body viewing ceremony of the late President Levy Mwanawasa at Chipata Airport in Eastern province.Mr. Sata said in an interview as he was leaving the airport that Mrs. Mwanawasa did not assent to his presence and attendance of the ceremony.

Mr.Sata denied reports that he had been provocative to Maureen, who was taking the body on a tour of the country ahead of a state funeral.

“I said to her: ‘I’m very sorry,’ then she blew up,” Sata said.

Sata accused her of using the funeral tour as a bid for her to stand for president in three months time.

“It is her who has turned the whole funeral into politics,” Sata told the BBC’s Focus on Africa programme, adding that a widow should stay at home to mourn not tour the country.

Sources: BBC news


  1. The media is hounding her, she has every right to do as she please
    Whether he said that or not does not make it right.

    She is not going to win anything anyway, is she?


    • Well said Mushota, but then if she knows that her chances of winning are so slim why would she be doing this? She is causing herself a lot pain cause for sure her opponents will ride on the fact that she just interred her husband one week ago and she already showing such a bit appetite for power. its like the John Mwansa song of Mukamfwilwa bwelela!!!

    • Christine Kaseba is mourning her husband but the eminent departure from State House and the luxuries that come with the Presidency. Absolute Power corrupts absolutely and Kaseba has been corrupted so far that she has forgetten to save her face and “AT LEAST APPEAR TO MOURN HER HUSBAND.
      The other thing that is now clear, is that Sata never did any work while in the job and everyone around him didnt hold him in high esteem. Howelse do we get a scambble for the Presidency? They all must think that “If a clown like Sata can get the seat, how about me who OBVIOUSLY has a little more to offer then Sata”.
      Surely Zambians must come to their senses and “think long and hard” before voting in the next elections.

    • I am getting pissed off for continuous abusing women and especially widows. LT stop these abusive postings, you are going too low like other childish websites.

    • These are the cases of his dealings with widows:
      Zambia’s mourning turns political
      SATA Tells Off George Kunda’s Widow ‘Mourn Your Husband. MMD Will Never Bounce Back’
      3. Sata’s widow wants to succeed him, files in her nomination papers

    • I personally would not hold anything against ba Kaseba because of what her *****ic late husband said, once upon a time. I just think she should quit this rule by family dynasty boolsheet that is so common in those backward Islamic countries of the middle east. When they say politics is a dirty game, that is not a lie. Is she really willing to be drugged through the mud so soon after her husband died?

    • Not long ago I was teasing someone right here after they were complaining about their post being deleted by site Admin. Today it was my turn to face Admin’s shamboko. Unfortunately for me, I don’t even remember what I could have posted that ticked off the Admin. I know I posted something on this article only to find it had vanished like a fart in the wind. Must have been some asinine little remark I made perhaps, who knows..

  2. Do not cry for Dr. Kaseba cry for your selves and your children let her exercise her democratic right people like me and my family will fully support her even when it comes to voting for her.

  3. There is a time for everything; a time to mourn and a time to rejoice, if she wants to move on early; surly it is her right to do so; I have great respect for the ex first lady and it would be good to have a woman for president here as long as she is not controlled by the Meembe cartel.

    • The only political credential is that she opened her legs for Sata, like so many other women did, so should they all file for presidency???
      People, you should be able to open your eyes & use your brains, Sata’s “shaft” seems to be making decisions for you even when he is gone!

  4. This woman is just a gold digger,what is also suprising is that there are small brains supporting this evil move.
    Your husband has just died then you join politics? personally i will make sure i meet her and tell her frankly that she is evil.
    Maureen Mwanawasa was better than this CHI MUKAMFWILWA.
    she is not even ashamed sure!!

    • First of all people should understand that after the loss of a loved one (if you’ve ever gone through this)she is not thinking rationally ,her throught are full of misplaced emotions ,and the people around her are feeding on these emotions ,she’s still going through the stages of grieving ,and all people griev diffrantly.
      Is she stupid I don’t think so ,gold digger don’t think so ,she’s a doctore and will have benefits from her late husband who happened to be president .
      Is what she’s doing right certainly not ,her grieving Brian is telling her that the pain she feels now from the loss she suffered will feel better if she can continue her husbands work .
      No one can ever prepare for death .
      All that she is doing right now is grieving and to will pass.

  5. I am sure once the election is over and she is not elected she will move on with her life and continue to take accolades for her work on cancer and her work as a surgeon. The people who will cry are those relatives she gave jobs to. The Secretary to the Treasury, The Ambassador in New York and the Ambassador in Brussels (brother and sister), Ambassador in Brazil, the list endless….Bashi Nono, Amb. in Germany, Secretary to Cabinet…yes jobs where handed out like gifts….it is the end of an era!

    • Musonda, I totally agree with what you have said. I am also sure that she has a nice personality but not presidential material. However, that is Zambia the standards are quite zero.

    • Am sure she will collect accolades but I for one will remember her as the widow who started a political career TWO WEEKS AFTER BURYING HER HUSBAND, THE FORMER HEAD OF STATE. Tjo! Somethings.
      She can polish her awards and pack them away in a glass cabinet every morning but she can’t erase what people will think of her everytime her name is mentioned. This is a wrong move at a very wrong time.

  6. This woman has disappointed a lot of people. Am sure by the time they were burying the late President, she was tired of the mourning period and couldn’t wait for it to be over. She could have waited until 2016 to share her political ambitions. She would have earned the respect of a lot of people. Whatever little respect people had for her has been shredded to bits by her behaviour. I always felt there was something shady behind that plastered smile, it has finally come out. Shame on all who advised her wrongly, she is a widow and she should have been left to mourn her husband. Its her democratic right to stand but surely barely a month? Lets get real.

    • You are 100% right, I too always thought behind that smile was an evil woman, a witch! can she vacate State House right away please!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. The circus has began. We ain’t seen nothing yet. A lot more drama is yet to unfold. Imagine Kaseba venturing into politics immediately after burying her husband! What a shame! I know some people will say she has every right to decide what to do. But remember there are dictates of society that border on our culture and cannot be ignored. I feel she tasted power as first lady and now she feels she cant leave it for anyone else. This is the kind of person who abused the constitution by pushing her husband to instruct parliament to allocate money to her when in actual sense she was not holding any government office. First lady is not a government or constitutional position. Therefore, government is not obliged to allocate tax payers’ money to such. In fact the Auditor General must audit her.

    • Not only Kaseba, but all expenditure since 2011 must be thoroughly audited by an independent outside organisation.

      Millions have gone missing, and our Auditor General has been sleeping on the job?

      This is grand theft on a massive scale. These thieves must be brought to book!

  8. The only solution to these PF problems is to kick them out of office otherwise the country will remain stagnant for a long time to come.
    There are too much drama on a daily basis and the people are not sure where it is leading up to.

  9. Kaseba is not standing as President. She is a red herring and a decoy.

    The game plan of Cartel Membe Scott Nchito Kaseba is to have as many related parties as possible to file for Presidency whilst leaving a critical mass in the CC to marshal things. It is called ‘operation galamukani’:

    Filing for Presidency and to participate in the illegal Guy Scott ‘presidential aspirants consensus’ are:

    1. Step Son – Mulenga Sata
    2. Step Nephew – Miles Sampa
    3. Basebele – Bashi Nono aka Mormon ‘womaniser’ Sichinga
    4. Cartel lackey – Wilbur Simusa
    5. Mukamfwila – Kasebanya Mwewa
    6. Ex officio – Muzungu wopusa (to orchestrate the charade)

    So this cartel will thump any dissent at the consensus meeting leaving in the CC the following to make the kill:

    1. Inonge Wina…

    • ….. following to make the kill:

      1. Inonge Wina – Fred Membe aunty
      2. Acting PF Chairman – Muzungu wopusa (tobela twice)
      3. Wynter Kabimba – represented by you know who – Sylvia Masebo
      4. Cartel lackey – Chenda
      5. Acting Gen Secretary – Atanga

      But bailasha…. Someone has filed an injunction against the CC holding Presidential elections. Great move. By the time the judge is res judicata, the powers of the CC will be clarified. I urge the other group to apply to join Atanga in so that matter is defended rigorously. Guy Scott and Cartel; woooo!!

      In latin they say, vox populi, vox Dei “the voice of the people is the voice of God.”

      However much the Cartel wriggles, if Lungu is the peoples’ choice there will be now way out and no Donchi Kubeba!!

      Your time ba…

  10. Reminds me of property grabbing. Since it’s four members of the same family wanting to grab the late president’s title. Sata has probably moved in his grave at embassy park.

  11. ….. he following to make the kill:

    1. Inonge Wina – Fred Membe aunty
    2. Acting PF Chairman – Muzungu wopusa (tobela twice)
    3. Wynter Kabimba – represented by you know who – Sylvia Masebo
    4. Cartel lackey – Chenda
    5. Acting Gen Secretary – Atanga

    But bailasha…. Someone has filed an injunction against the CC holding Presidential elections. Great move. By the time the judge is res judicata, the powers of the CC will be clarified. I urge the other group to apply to join Atanga in so that matter is defended rigorously. Guy Scott and Cartel; woooo!!

    In latin they say, vox populi, vox Dei “the voice of the people is the voice of God.”

    However much the Cartel wriggles, if Lungu is the peoples’ choice there will be now way out and no Donchi Kubeba!!

  12. The Cartel have lost their ploy. Madam Kaseba will not endure the slugfest that will befall her in the coming weeks.
    What will follow her will be suspicion, suspicion about the circumstances that lead to her husband’s death. Questions around why Mmembe was in London at the very time. Good idea, but many would advise her- the timing just isn’t right!

    • Why did Kaseba allow King Fred Mmembe to remain alone in the hospital room with MCS when she knew very well that after MCS fired Wynter, things were not right between the two? So she was told ” salapo kimo, power or sick husband?'” she chose power, she won’t have it!!!! Kaseba and Mmembe know how they killed Sata!!! That’s why she was crying too much, to fool us…..Just to have that poor ZAF girl walking behind her all the time, napacililo, carryn her handbag all the time, ala fila pwa abene nga bafwa. The President was Micheal Chilufya Sata NOT Christine Mwewa Kaseba, that was our man…

  13. Let Christine have a go at the presidency. Why are you people being so jealous. You are always using the excuse of tradition when it suits you. She has a right to do what she is doing and I support her.

    • She is probably a suspect to a recent murder or manslaughter, this has yet to be determined, OBVIOUSLY, our Police Service made up of Kanyangu’s has failed to realise that people DON’T DIE FROM MEDICAL CHECKUP’s – as such, THIS IS A HOMICIDE – until we get a diagnosis for the death, THIS HOMICIDE IS NOT CLOSED!!! As such, suspects can’t file for Presidency till they are cleared of all criminal suspicion!!

  14. @siamanengo

  15. very surprised with altitude of lady the so called former first lady,she must learn to respect the died,especially the father of nation, this woman kaya. what kind of woman is she.from which planet or province elders should talk to her please.

    • Is mourning her husband going to bring him back? He is dead and buried period. Time to move and let the dead be, they have no influence and will never come back to say this or that. Besides, moving on in life does not mean you have stopped mourning. Do you really want to quit everything because the hubby is dead? It is finished baba!

  16. Zambia will never develop because every jim and jack directs their energy and brains to other people’s private issues. People are now driven away from real national matter to discussing personalities and what this one said and that did, bullshit! Whatever happened in 2008 between Sata and Maureen had nothing to do with Kaseba and besides Kaseba has her personal opinion over such issues. As much as I would not vote for if I had a chance, I think the media is blowing her presidential candidature out of proportion. Why attack someone over words which where spoken by her husband anyway?

  17. Zambia will never develop because every jim and jack directs their energy and brains to other people’s private issues. People are now driven away from real national matter to discussing personalities and what this one said and that did, nonsense! Whatever happened in 2008 between Sata and Maureen had nothing to do with Kaseba and besides Kaseba has her personal opinion over such issues. As much as I would not vote for if I had a chance, I think the media is blowing her presidential candidature out of proportion. Why attack someone over words which where spoken by her husband anyway?

  18. I am very surprised with the altitude of this lady so called former the first lady,she must learn to respect the died,especially that it all about our father of the nation , this woman kaya. what kind of woman is she.from which planet or province elders should talk to her please.

    • Well, how high is she, such that you don’t understand her ALTITUDE?? I guess the ATTITUDE that got her to plot 1, was “legs wide open”

  19. Only ancient people will condemn her. Let her do what is in her mind. This is democracy. No one has defined the length of mourning. If she reported for work at UTH would people have condemned her? The company i work for only allows 7 days of mourning for spouses and children. When u return to work from mourning does it mean u ve stopped mourning. My family and i will fully support KASEBA.

    • Did you assist in her probable covert homicide? What is so ANCIENT about questioning this woman who’s husband died in MYSTERIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES after she proclaimed to the world ,he was FIT & WELL, WAS HAVING A MEDICAL CHECKUP ONLY??

  20. Lots of VERY SHALLOW THINKERS OF ZED are hereby arguing it is her democratic right – True, BUT BEFORE THAT, she has serious questions to answer – SHE SWORE/PROCLAIMED TO THE WORLD her husband was FIT & WELL, he had gone for a Medical Checkup – he died during the process, SHE HASN’T QUESTIONED WHY HE DIED!! She wants to brush this under the carpet – THIS HAS TO BE CLASSED AS A HOMICIDE, as such, A SPOUSE HAS TO BE CLEARED OF SUSPICION OF FOUL-PLAY, of course expecting a police service made up of ba malonda & ba kanyangu, withoutany CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION APPTITUDE, is like expecting manna to fall from heaven!!

    • Why is it that in Zambia when a married man dies the wife is either to blame or a suspect? Sata was sick and had every right to step down but he told off the sympathetic Zambians. He killed himself.

  21. Sata seems not to have understood the wise saying: “Ichi kupempula, echi kulya”, in his case, it was “eicho utobela, echi kulya!!”

  22. She should a leaf from Vera Chiluba. Who even she was divorced found a platform for herself. She went to contest as Member of parliament and won the sit. Ba Kaseba would have done the same. she would waited until 2016 and stand as a member of parliament in central province. This would have been the beginning of her political life.The same applies to Mulenga Sata. if they really wanted to carry the Late SATA’s vision they should start from the basics of politics where Mr sata started from to build his name.It took Uhuru Kenya 34year since his father Mzee Jomo kenyatta died for him to become a president. Don’t follow Joseph Kabila’s steps he is product of a coup-detat.

  23. Having thrown out of the window time honored and hallowed traditions and cultural norms she might as well begin dating and acquiring a string of toy-boys. What’s there to respect anymore?

  24. Blame Guy Scott for all this total madness in PF!out of all those who applied,Edgar Lungu is the one many voters want and not these Sata family members who must be mourning now!

  25. There is a lesson we can learn from Sata’s political and social life….while in opposition sata never spared our beloved president late Mwanawansa… Called him cabbage —- chiluba… was told go For HIV test…..George kunda was called red lip and Maureen to go balangizi…. and non of these have ever revenged….. but God is trying to do all these things on their behalf…vengeance is for God…. let it be a lesson to all zambians especially Kaseba and the family….. the question that rocking in peoples mind is… did you have a hand in Sata’s death? did you relly love Sata as your husband or you were just a gold digger? you the person who even appealed to zambians to mourn you husband with dignity, what has come over you? a good name is better than riches. Sata is ripping what he…


  27. The PF is gone……..Are they going to manage to scheme against all of us??? Let us try the others may be may be maybe they will look after our affairs very well…… I am very very disappointed with this PF issue. This party is closing its business in next few weeks.

  28. This woman is just power hungry and doesn’t want to vacate state house and leave all those servants! Power corrupts and obviously it has gone to her head! Is it possible for a person to stand for presidency if they have never been a member of parliament (MP)? Someone enlighten me on that…

  29. That example is completely out of order that time the body of the late Mwanawasa was still going round the provinces. But Sata has been put to rest, morning will be there even for many years to come but we should move forward with life….. by the way can someone give me a specified period time to morning your spouse?

  30. Everyone knows that late president Sata was reputed for speaking untruthfully throughout his political career. Must what he said to Maureen Mwanawasa be taken as gospel truth and the standard against which we must measure our morality?

  31. Could it be the reason she could not advice him to step down that she was waiting for his demise so she can be the one to rule. Why can’t she wait for the next elections if the motives are right?

  32. Just vote for HH and forget about these PF cartoons. They are taking us NOWHERE. We told u that Sata was Pf and Pf was sata. When he dies, things fall apart. That’s what u r seeing.

  33. I do not agree with Kaseba’s decision to contest not because she must continue to mourn the departed MCS but rather that the whole thing is part of plot to perpetuate evil.

    It brings to bare a whole lot of things and suggests why so many people close to the late dictator could do nothing sensible about his illness and impending demise preferring lies and deceit instead! When evil and satanism leadeth, this is the result …

    It also bring in question how Zambians in general are obsessed with mourning the dead. There are many ways we can show lasting respect for the departed while respecting our customs.

    Prolonged mourning and expensive funerals are simply not viable. In this case however, Kaseba cannot use it as an excuse as she is playing to the tune of evil doers!

  34. Where were you some of you when Madam Kaseba was issuing a statement that her husband was well and fit and working in state house? In the meantime he had not been seen in public for ages. The man then re-appeared, to open parliament in a very frail state. Kaseba had to lead him by the hand. Then they drag him to New York where he fails to address the UN assembly as he has to be treated in the hotel room. He comes back after a week looking very sickly and disappears into state house. The next thing, he has been flown out for a “medical checkup”. Even at this stage, when it is understood he was in a vegetative state, there was no admittance from the state or wife about his critical health prognosis. She now wants to be President and you tell us she is suitable? Disgraceful!

  35. God is watching , at the end of all, The Almighty shall put every thing in public . No one does with out God knowing . He is watching us . wapapusha ichalo iwe wemwanakashi

  36. “…… Sata told the BBC’s Focus on Africa programme…………………a widow should stay at home to mourn not tour the country”.

    There you are, Dr Kaseba, that was the vision of one Michael Chilufya Sata as recorded by the BBC. Not the nonsense that you are trying to peddle in a vain attempt to justify your candidacy for PF president.

  37. Dr. Kaseba is entitled to stand for elections as long as she fulfils the constitutional requirements. People have been very vile towards her taking issues personally. Instead of recycling and reuse of outdated politicians why not give her a chance and hear how she intends to move Zambia and its citizenry forward? People are being very critical of Dr. Kaseba for the venomous tongue of Late Michael Sata! You voted Sata in with full knowledge of his uncontrollable, demeaning and derogatory tongue towards the opposition, voters, and investors alike just name a few. Judge Dr. Kaseba by merit and not by attaching her the deeds of her husband…he is history. No matter how loud you bark, won’t bring Sata back. Analyze all the mandates of the presidential aspirants and then comment. Look forward.

  38. Surprising that most of those insulting Dr. Kaseba are PF members. Why cant you argue or debate in a civil way without insulting her. She is like any woman, our mother. And she is just exercising her democratic right.

    Only men without class insult women.

  39. @9 Siamanengo and 1.2 It’s a worry. You have said it all.

    It’s not that Kaseba takes part, or widow takes part etc. it’ just that she is part of a very devious campaign to return Sata family into power.

    I hope the info. given by Siamanenga is correct about the injunction application to prevent this group from reaping from bad seed is true.

    Zambia we need to stop this group. They have no respect for our voice. Edgar Lungu is entitled this care taker period and beyond if he makes good.

    This Guy Scott is an imposter and terrible leader of the pack.

  40. We have chosen to move on as a country without questioning what killed our head of state.

    As usual burying our head in sand.

    Why is the person who said even up to his death , the President was well and executing his duties?

    Kaseba is a chancer and she should not get this chance!

    Viva young blood (non PF).

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