Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia Chamber of Mines opposes two-tiered mineral royalty tax rate


The Zambia Chamber of Mines (ZCM) says a two-tiered mineral royalty tax rate differentiated by mining method is not conducive to the long term health of the industry and government revenue.

The Chamber has since reiterated its support for the application of one mineral royalty tax rate for all mining operations.

Chief Executive Officer Maureen Jangulo Dlamini says the two-tiered mineral royalty tax rate does not address the need for continued investment in the country’s mines, nor does it address the fact that there are some opencast mines with higher operating costs than underground mines and vice versa.

Mrs Dlamini says Zambia would be the only country in the world to enforce different royalty rates based on mining method.

She adds that a key ingredient to achieving a sustainable win/win solution is for Zambia to have in place a fiscal regime that is able to attract investment in an increasingly competitive global environment.

Mrs Dlamini further states that the Chamber maintains their recommendation that the 2014 fiscal regime is reinstated for all operations whilst consultation takes place for a more amicable regime with all relevant stakeholders.


  1. Repeat, One Royalty, Mineral Tax for All…..and so say all of us.

    As for attracting ‘investment’ in Zambian Mines…….um….. so far ‘we’ the people of Zambia seem to be providing livelihoods to ‘the investors’ at our own cost. Where is the fruit from this ‘win win’ nonsense?

    Nationalise those Mines.

    Enough already! Stop attracting more vultures to our Mines.


    “Mrs Dlamini further states that the Chamber maintains their recommendation that the 2014 fiscal regime is reinstated for all operations whilst consultation takes place for a more amicable regime with all relevant stakeholders”

  3. Mrs Dlamini sounds naive and ignorant; operating an underground mine is more expensive than open pit/cast. In fact that is just common sense, which unfortunately is not common!

    That is why in an open pit/cast you can mine low grade ores profitably, which is not the case for underground mining.

    So, just go away despicable vultures!

  4. Chamber of Mines is headed by Zambians who are expected to appreciate our needs as a nation. Madam we all know the difference between the two mining methods. Even a fool knows that a frog has no hair

  5. For you to join the Chamber of Mines, one qualification is that you must be unpatriotic to your country, Zambia. You must be ready to see roads in the mining townships full of potholes, communities surrounding the mine areas with no water, like Wusakile. Then you become a member and start receiving allowances from the mines

  6. So, how is possible that these so called proffessionals did not know that in unique cases, an open cast mining set up can actually be more expensive than an underground set up…..all dependent on various factors like wetness of the mines, depth and grades to mention a few…..amd these nincompoops thought 1 single rule applies to a particular type of mining method? give me a break!!!

    • No my friend, that woman is only trying to protect “her” interests. Conditions in Zambia cannot be too different from one mine to another mine especially open pits. It would have made sense if she gave us detailed conditions for each mine. Open pits have one big advantage over underground mines in that their trucks can haul more than 50 tonnes per hour as compared to 5ton skips used by underground.

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