Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The unrivaled Zambian culture


An amalgam of traditions, norms and values of a diverse people from over 70 ethnic groups make up the Zambian culture. The Soutern African country derives its name from the Zambezi River, which forms Victoria Falls (a major tourist attraction), flows into Lake Kariba and oi to the Indian Ocean. As a landlocked nation, Zambia has a small population of about 13 million, while most of its vast land is sporadically populated with a craggy topography.

The country’s diverse culture is a fascinating tale that dates back to the colonial era, when independent states came together to trade slaves, ivory and copper, in exchange for salt, jewelry and textiles. Brought together by trade, these ethnically diverse people integrated their cultures and traditions. Although to some extent the aboriginal values and customs have been watered down by westernization, most of them have been carried on from one generation to another, making Zambia home to some of the unrivaled cultures in Africa.

Music and Dance

A young Ngoni figther was a darling of the crowd during the street carnival with his enthrilling performances
A young Ngoni figther was a darling of the crowd during the street carnival with his enthrilling performances


Culture is so critical such that, Zambia’s post-independence development was quite dependent on it, like in many other African countries, in building a unique identity for the nation and its people. The establishment of cultural villages and private museums went a long way in endorsing the mien of arts. Part of the expression is through music and dance, which embodies the beauty and spectacle of life in Zambia; from the intricacies of the talking drums to the Kamangu drum used to announce the beginning of Malaila traditional ceremony.
The sound of the drums is customarily a call for song and dance. With the accompaniment of other traditional instruments, which despite rivalry from western ones have stood the test of time, the dance is imperative in socially bringing the people of Zambia together as one in the spirit of Africanism.


Chief Chitoshi greets Northern Province Minister Obious Chisala when called on him at his palace in Mporokoso during his familiarization tour recently. The Chief expressed disappointment at the wrangles at Senior Chief Tafuna in Mpulungu district
Chief Chitoshi greets Northern Province Minister Obious Chisala when called on him at his palace in Mporokoso during his familiarization tour recently. The Chief expressed disappointment at the wrangles at Senior Chief Tafuna in Mpulungu district

While English is the official language in Zambia, the country boasts over 72 local parlances with Bemba being the most spoken by more than two million Zambians in Lusaka and across the Copperbelt. Other languages include Nyanja/Chewa which is spoken across the country, Lozi- spoken along the Zambezi, Tonga which is common in the south while Lunda, Kaonde and Luvale are spoken in the west.
Greetings are considered customary in the Zambian culture, expected before the start of any conversation. The greetings are then followed by an inquiry on the other’s well being after which the parties indulge in their tête-à-tête. Proverbial communication is common even in the education system of Zambia as maxims are considered part of the oral tradition.


Nshima kapenta chicken and cabbage

Zambia’s main staple food is nshima, made of cornmeal (maize). The cornmeal is cooked in boiling water and mixed to make a thick paste which is served with ndiyo (Relish). The food is traditionally eaten using hands. Breakfast is commonly buns served with tea or porridge. Plenty of food and traditionally brewed beer is served in ceremonies such as weddings and funerals, a factor used to bring together members of the community.


Time to eat... A group of women going to deliver Matebeto to a would be husband
Time to eat… A group of women going to deliver Matebeto to a would be husband

One of the most thrilling discussions of any culture, marriage is considered sacred in Zambia not only religiously but also traditionally. In line with this, some traditions do not allow people to marry outside their tribe, but a marriage union within a clan is considered taboo.

When a couple decides to marry, the groom is accompanied by a negotiator to meet with the potential bride’s family in a bid to get to know them and negotiate for a lobola (dowry). The lobola comprises cattle or other livestock, which is seen as recompense to the family for the lost services of the woman. While Christian weddings have become common in Zambia, traditional religious wedding customs are still largely practiced in both cities and rural areas, varying from the different tribes.

Such a rich and unsurpassed culture could be the game changer for the undeveloped tourism sector, which accounts for less than 3 percent of Zambia’s GDP. If well nurtured, the cultural perspective has the capability of increasing tenfold the visitor numbers in Zambia that remain steadily at approximately half a million per year.

Apart from the regal Victoria Falls, Zambia offers a natural taste of life with innumerable pristine resources. Offering and sharing its consummate indigenous culture is a huge step towards awakening the sleeping giant that is Zambia’s Tourism sector.

By Josephine Wawira, Jovago


  1. Its ok for a start but let us be critical. “The country’s diverse culture is a fascinating tale that dates back to the colonial era, when independent states came together to trade slaves, ivory and copper, in exchange for salt, jewelry and textiles.” So in short we waited for the colonists to come and define our culture isnt it? nothing could be further from the truth. The article however has some eye openers which should make us think. Like why does the author bear a white name,Josephine, if our culture is rich. why should we have english as the official language if we are so rich in language (72), why is the beautiful falls in livingstone called victoria when our people have a name for it. If we dont defend this small things now, even the watered down culture she says in her article…

  2. The daughter of Archbishop Desmond Tutu has said she felt part of her had been “stripped away” when she had to relinquish the Anglican priesthood after marrying her female partner.

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