Tuesday, January 21, 2025

KCM extends financing to support Government Teachers conducting Adult Literacy



Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) today announced an extended financing programme to support teachers from government schools conducting adult literacy classes in order to reinforce the Government’s plans to achieve education for all by 2030.

KCM has provided eighty thousand kwacha (K80,000) in the current financial year ending March 2017 to be used for paying allowances to teachers in six adult literacy centres which the company supports in Chililabombwe. Part of the funds will be used on educational materials for the learners.

KCM Manager Community Relations Brian Siatubi said KCM is proud that 400 adults, who are mainly market traders in Chililabombwe, have enrolled in this year’s adult literacy class.

He said over 20 of the adult learners who passed their 2015 grade 7 national examinations will have a chance to take a giant step in their efforts to complete high school study.

“The education will enable adult learners to have sufficient knowledge to access privileges like micro-financing. This should improve income at the household level thereby enhancing livelihoods,” Mr Siatubi added.

Coordinator for the adult literacy programme, Elizabeth Simuchimba, said the payment of allowances will motivate the teachers to execute the lessons as it would help to meet their transport costs.

“We have opened the sixth centre at Chililabombwe High School for a grade 8 class which started this month. We have also incorporated some grade nine adult learners who could not manage to pay school fees in regular classes,” she said.

Chililabombwe District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Paul Mulenga said the programme would absorb adults who did not have a chance to pursue high school study.

Mr. Mulenga shared the ministry’s appreciation of KCM’s efforts, and applauded the opportunity for youth and adult dropouts to enhance their education.


  1. Great initiative but impiya shinono ba KCM. K80,000? It reminds me of late Abe Galaun, when I worked at Daily Mail and he had donated K10,000 (K10) to some charity and wanted coverage in the newspaper.

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