Saturday, July 27, 2024

Green Party President Peter Sinkamba calls on Home Affairs Minister to end Police Brutality


Video images circulating on social media last week showing Police brutality against citizens in Luanshya and Lusaka, especially women are extremely depressing for a Christian Nation. Regardless their political affiliation, there is no justification whatsoever for the Police to use brutal force against defenceless citizens, especially women. The constitution grants citizens, including women, the right to freely participate in building a sustainable political, legal, economic and social order of the country and all must be supported by government in the attainment of these objectives.

In the case of women, President Edgar Lungu, has tried hard to champion rights of women. In this regard he has created ample space for women participation in the affairs of the nation. This is demonstrated by, among other accomplishments, his appointment of the first-ever woman Republican Vice President.

However, the images circulating on social media of police brutality against citizens, especially women are disgusting. The images are not helping at all in terms of promoting women rights and claiming their space in the socio-political dispensation of the country.

We therefore call upon the Minister of Home Affairs Hon. Stephen Kampyongo to forthwith stop this brutality. We urge the Minister to re-orient the Police from the disgusting brutal strategy to exercising maximum restraint when dealing with citizens on political and civil issues, unless the lives of the officers are at risk.

Such acts of brutality against women tend to tarnish the standing of the President Edgar, who not only is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, including the Police, but also an advocate of women rights. Furthermore, the President has sworn to uphold the human rights and fundamental freedoms of every person and principles of democracy and good governance. In addition, the President has a constitutional responsibility to uphold every citizen’s right to freedom of conscience, belief or religion regardless the political orientation of the persons involved. The Minister therefore has a responsibility to insulate the presidency from uncalled acts of Police brutality. In other words, the Minister has a responsibility to ensure Police actions do not in any way compromise the President’s constitutional responsibilities and accountabilities.

As the Green Party, our fourth principle is non-violence. Whilst we know that we live in a complicated world where at times one may be called to arms, however, it is our strong belief that violence is almost always a self-defeating solution. It actually causes more problems than it solves. We therefore call upon government and opposition parties alike to work together to end violence, and eliminate its root causes. We strongly believe that violence must always be the very, very last choice, and applied only in instances of self-defence, as provided for in the Constitution.


  1. I will differ with u on this one Bo sinkamba. Instead of condemning the police or Lungu, u should advise women to stay away from being used by politicians..! A decent mother cannot leave her family and go in the streets fighting with police..! Democracy does not mean breaking the law at will. I blame hh and gbm for inciting their followers not to recognise Lungu as president..! Don’t promote lawlessness by defending law breakers..! Ur the next president..!

    • Romans13 Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. 2 So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. 3 For the authorities do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong. Would you like to live without fear of the authorities? Do what is right, and they will honor you. 4 The authorities are God’s servants, sent for your good. But if you are doing wrong, of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you. They are God’s servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong. 5 So you must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to…

    • That pepper spray those police unleashed at the un-armed people and pulling the people from the moving car can not be justified. Now you coward you justify such brutality. walipena makaka iwe

  2. Utterly unacceptable behaviour. This must be condemned by all well-meaning citizens.
    Their actions constitute a gross violation of human rights which should not be tolerated in Zambia

  3. Stop bringing gender bias and stereotypes of the female as well as breaching decency by quoting scripture. Look at the human condition? We are losing compassion and all you can do is ask women to be mothers or to read about submission to authority??? Where is your humanity in all of this? Did you even see that clip? Do lenses really lie that you can ignore them and start doing the 1960s thing of propaganda and force-feeding the population with non-nutritive drivel?? Get a life people – do get a life! There is a people to serve and save.

  4. Those women have rights to go in the streets and reject Lungu as their President. But their rights on end the right of the person who believes Lungu is the President. If they start disturbing our rights as innocent people. Police help us. beat them so that we also feel good. infact jail them. So enjoy your rights reasonably. We in PF are enjoying our rights in peace. Are we demonstrating that HH is on the Copperbelt No!!!!! coz we know he has the right. But does he have the right to disturb us ? No!! So beat them Police

  5. The law is the law why should should a women be seen fighting in the street for HH surely if you want peace practice it.You can shout,insult and fight Lungu will still remain president.HH promised to give president Lungu no peace in his tenure as president but little does he know that this is having a negative effect on him.He stands no chance of winning 2021.Come 2021 Halusa hapitilila hagain

    • this true. I liked and loved the man but over time my perception over his behavior has changed a lot. I was, maybe, mistaken that he was down to earth and very humble. his behavior has changed a lot too. am surely not voting for him next time around.

  6. A Dagga-Smoker (SINKAMBA) makes more sense than a Drunkard (LUNGU).

    Today the brutality is on UPND. Tomorrow its gonna be on u when u protest at UNZA, protest mealie-meal shortages, or when LUNGU amends constitution to go for a 3rd term.

  7. Simkamba, tell thug Lungu to stop this brutality. The home affairs minister is a thug under the chief thug hiding in plot 1. We should stop calling Zambia a Christian nation because there’s nothing Christian in Zambia today

  8. Ba munene naimwe Ba sebenza women are like all others men alike was inonge wina used by lungu to stand firm to have lungu elected by raising hand in kabwe. if not then women can have choice of whatever they want be it in politics. no wonder she has not managed to make even one mp where she comes from cos people must believe like that she is being used. quarting the bible in this matter is madness cos only authority that is not under question need not to be challenged. we ask the international community to come in.

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