Saturday, July 27, 2024

First African billionaire pays tribute to Zambia


African Rainbow Minerals founder, Mr. Patrice Motsepe speaking at the 2016 ARM Broad-based Economic Empowerment (BBEE) Trust and Motsepe Foundation meeting in Sandton, Johannesburg on 22nd November, 2016.
African Rainbow Minerals founder, Mr. Patrice Motsepe speaking at the 2016 ARM Broad-based Economic Empowerment (BBEE) Trust and Motsepe Foundation meeting in Sandton, Johannesburg on 22nd November, 2016.

South Africa’s business magnet, Patrice Motsepe has paid glowing tribute to the people of Zambia and other countries in the Southern African region for contributing to building his business empire.

Mr. Motsepe, who is founder and Executive Chairman for South African based African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) which has a 50 : 50 per cent share in Konkola North copper mine with the world’s second largest miner, Vale, was speaking yesterday when he met over 80 kings and chiefs at the 2016 ARM Broad-based Economic Empowerment (BBEE) Trust and Motsepe Foundation meeting in Sandton, Johannesburg.

The traditional rulers were drawn from Zambia, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Botswana, among others. The meeting also included representatives from religious organisations, churches and civil society organisations.
Zambia was represented by Paramount Chief Chitimukulu, Chief Mumena and Chief Madzimawe. Invited guests included Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa, His Excellency Mr. Emmanuel Mwamba and other diplomats accredited to South Africa; Dr. Tshepo Ramaphosa, wife of South Africa’s Deputy President, Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa, and King Goodwill Zwelithini of the Zulu in Kwa Zulu-Natal province.

“People of Zambia, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, South Africa and other countries in the region are important to us because they are the ones who have made us who we are. This is why we realise that we need to give back to the community,” Mr. Motsepe said.

Mr. Motsepe and his wife Dr. Precious Motsepe, personally handed out cheque donations ranging from R325, 000 to R2 million, to various organisations and churches being supported under the BBEE Trust.

A number of ARM, community development efforts are delivered through the ARM BBEE Trust, which was established with the primary objective of contributing to the improvement of the living conditions of the poor and marginalised persons. The ARM BBEE Trust provides funding to various provincial rural trusts throughout South Africa. The provincial trusts were established by ARM to fund various education, health, welfare and enterprise development projects.

According to Forbes, the 54 year-old Mr. Motsepe is Africa’s first black billionaire after attaining the feat in 2009.
Speaking off the cuff and in an emotional speech, Mr. Motsepe noted that there were a lot of people who had “very little in this world. These are people who sacrifice even when knowing that they may not have a decent meal the next time. Yet they still give. These are the people who encourage us to do what we do.”

Mr. Motsepe has also condemned segregation of people, particularly by world leaders, based on religious faith and other beliefs.He called for deliberate action by individuals in positions of influence that will bring people together regardless of their beliefs or race.

He said his Foundation was honoured to have been graced by the presence of the kings and chiefs because “we want to respect the role of traditional leaders and we want our children to grow up respecting their culture.”

And South Africa’s Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Mr Senzeni Zokwana, who was guest of honour, commended Mr. Motsepe and his Foundation for the initiative pointing out that there was need for the world to unite so that it could effectively tackle the challenges it was faced with.

Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (CONTRALESA) president, Chief Setlamorago Thobejane urged other wealthy businesses and individuals to emulate Mr. Motsepe and give back to the community.

Chief Thobejane said CONTRALESA has been observing and believed that Mr. Motsepe’s generosity was nothing but something that came from his heart.
“If only all those who control the wealth of South Africa could be like you, we could have been a great nation. We call on others to emulate you as they cannot continue making profits out of the 50 million South Africans without giving back,” he said.

The high table at the 2016 ARM Broad-based Economic Empowerment (BBEE) Trust and Motsepe Foundation meeting in Sandton, Johannesburg on 22nd November, 2016.
The high table at the 2016 ARM Broad-based Economic Empowerment (BBEE) Trust and Motsepe Foundation meeting in Sandton, Johannesburg on 22nd November, 2016.
L-R Chief Mumena, His Excellency Mr. Emmanuel Mwamba and Paramount Chief Chitimukulu with African Rainbow Minerals founder, Mr. Patrice Motsepe at the 2016 ARM Broad-based Economic Empowerment (BBEE) Trust and Motsepe Foundation meeting in Sandton, Johannesburg on 22nd November, 2016.
L-R Chief Mumena, His Excellency Mr. Emmanuel Mwamba and Paramount Chief Chitimukulu with African Rainbow Minerals founder, Mr. Patrice Motsepe at the 2016 ARM Broad-based Economic Empowerment (BBEE) Trust and Motsepe Foundation meeting in Sandton, Johannesburg on 22nd November, 2016.


  1. Motsepe has great respect especially for Zambians. He believes they are a very intelligent people. Probably also wonders the paradox of an intelligent people who have also failed to develop their country. It simply defies logic. You have the intelligence and all the natural resources at your disposal but yet you are poor and depend on donations to survive.

    • Despite this intelligence we still fail to give ourselves good leadership. Ever wondered why big industries are owned by foreigners?
      Because we give leadership to the worst amongst ourselves, they spend their time fighting petty wars. Banking, retail, mining, farming all the big names in these industries are foreigners because the few locals that dare to get in will be stopped by the likes of Freedom Sikazwe.. Look at how they killed the Post.

    • And you ask why? All zambians want to be in politics no matter whether you’re are an engineer, doctor etc. Even on LT you’ll get more responses on NKANDU ‘s election nullification than on transportation of fuel by rail

  2. Zambia is on record of making not only individuals such as a 50% share holder in KCM Mr. Mostepe richer for nothing, leaving our people poorer. This is because Zambia has a lot of resources not fairly distributed and has continued to put in office selfish leaders whose interest is the pocket.
    From independence day Zambia has only had (2) selfless and patriotic leaders. Year in and year out we have had people confessing of how they have made money out of selfish decisions our so called leaders have made at the expense of over 15 million Zambians. Mr. Mostepe’s speach simply shows that Zambia still needs a leader and that we are still fare short of one.
    KCM, Chambeshi metals etc. still remains an insult to the people of Zambia and if we have leadership this situation would have been…

    • Those who invest reap from what they invest in. Which Zambian richman came out to invest in the mines when Hichilema and MMD where busy selling the mines to other nationals and those foreign companies? Most of us Zambian are good at talking and complaining and no real action to make a change for our country. Then we complain about our political leaders as though they hold the password to our economic development. Let us just wake up and invest and contribute to our national development. Otherwise the foreign nationals and companies will invest and reap benefits in our country while we simply watch and become perpetual complainers.

    • Not quite right. Zambians under Kafue Consortium had bid for out right purchase of ZCCM, but government rejected the bid apparently on instructions from the World Bank that the mines must be “unbundled ” and sold to international investors.

    • Hey Jay jay, this is not the owner of black like me Herman Mashaba is.
      A point of correction to writer of this article, Partice Motsepe is not the first African Billionare. There are many legitimate beillionares before him

  3. This is clear testimony of the difference between a Zambian & a South African & other African nationals. Most Zambians spend much time blaming bad leadership of the country whilst doing little or nothing for themselves although there are some like Motsepe. Us we are still crying about August 2016 presidential results whilst Americans have only cried for 1 week & realised that they don’t eat election results & have all gotten back to work focusing on their future. The question is what causes a string of bad leadership in Zambia? Is it not our poverty which make us vote for Chibuku, chitenge, t-shirts, lunch throwers?

    • How are we then going to get out of this problem if we don’t work hard like Motsepe. Motsepe rose to the occasion at difficult time of Apartheid of which most Zambians may have spent time complaining about Boers instead. Even now things are still tough for Black South Africans. For example numerous opportunities have been given to Zambian coaches such as Kalusha, Chiyangi, Chanza, Lwandamina, to coach the Chipolopolo, but have all given excuses of bad leadership & left. The same job given to a foreign PE Teacher, Zambian coaches who have chicken out will be happy to come back as assistants carrying his socks, and he will bring the second Africa Cup. We enjoy sweets in exchange for hardwork & genuine opportunities.


  5. Well in Zambia we have tenderprenuers. These are folks who despite GRZ giving them a lead they turned out to be miserable failures. They get government contracts in say roads then they on-sale these contracts to the Chinese. So for just under 3million dollars they give up on a contract worth billions. The other group enter into ‘partnership’ they pretend to be successful business people but they are infact corruptenuers. Everything they do is shady corruption, theft and non-delivery. We even have pimps who enter into relationships of convenience…Come 2021 our party will ensure such crooks are made to account they will pay back everything they took we shall change the economic growth landscape…

    • @12 Charles..for you, the place where minerals are is where there is a mine operating! Zambia is vast and 45% is not yet surveyed and documented for minerals. If you think beyond copper,then you will realize that how much can be discovered in the other areas of the country! What is the Luvale areas that is being exploited now apart from perceived presence of oil and gas which is also being talked about in the greater part of Luapula and part of Northern Province??

  6. Inspired by the Zambian Chiefs, Chief Chitimukulu an engineer, Chief Mumena, a graduate of UNZA, Chief Madzimaye a graduate I understand. There is forward thinking add to the least Chief Mukuni, Chief Nyaphande,Chief Gawa Undi ,who is an electrical engineer. I hope young ones can learn something on education and cutting school wont take them anywhere.
    Thank you our chiefs.

  7. Chozi. Just because Chief Gawa Undi worked for ZESCO it does not mean he is an electrical engineer. He is a civil engineer. That is how lies spread on social media.

  8. A Zambian was awarded a contract for security by ZCCM as the company was scaling down on mine police labor. He got his first cheque and the first thing he did was to buy a very expensive Mercedes Benz car and go on a tour of the US with his entire clan. The workers were not paid and the contract was terminated.

  9. I do not need to be introduced to Mr. Motsepe because his history is written allover. Just like there are kings ,chiefs and presidents, he is what he is and we can not all of us be like them because there shall be no one to clap for them. If you wanna be in their position work hard and start by speaking less and acting more. One thing worth noting is that an anthill and a mountain are both made of small grains.

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