Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambeef truck impounded in Mpongwe for not paying grain levy


Zambeef trucks

Mpongwe District Council (MDC) has impounded a maize truck belonging to Zambeef over the company’s failure to settle grain levies amounting to K234, 000.

ZANIS reports that district commissioner Keith Maila confirmed the development in an interview, yesterday.

Mr Maila revealed that Zambeef owes Mpongwe district council a total of K51, 000 from the year 2015 and a total of K 183,000 from January to June 2016 bringing the total amount to K234, 000.

He expressed disappointment over the company’s failure to settle its levies which has contributed to the local authority’s poor service delivery.

Mr Maila further wondered how local authorities were supposed to improve service delivery when investors were not honoring their statutory obligations.

Efforts to get a comment from Zambeef PLC proved futile by broadcast time.

According to statutory instrument number 37 of 2008, any person who exports crops out of a district shall pay a levy of 90 ngwee per 50 kilograms bag.

Crop levy was re introduced last year by President Edgar Lungu in order to increase local authority’s revenue base.


  1. From 2015… right there is the evidence of mediocrity. I am sure some !diotic protective has moved off and the corruption is in full view. The country is busy borrowing on stiff payback conditions and buffoons are failing to collect what is owed within the country. Ati bunda bwa tu ma statutory instrument quotes. Ubupuba ifya cabe cabe fye ba fipuli fyenu!

    • Since when did zambeef diversify into cereal grains?

      I thought Zambeef deals in beef & associated products (dairy, leather & hooves for glue)!

      I propose change of their Holding Company name to ZamAgric which captures all forms of agriculture be it crop cultivation, pastoral farming & agribusiness. They can then have subsidiaries like:
      ZamMilk-Milk,Cheese, yorghurt
      ZamLeather-shoes, jackets
      ZamGrain-maize, wheat
      Zamlegume-beans, g/nuts

      Zambeef is too narrow as a Holding Company name.
      Even at UNZA there is no school of Beef but school of Agriculture which teaches all forms of farming!

  2. Silly levy! Killing inter provincial commerce; the levy is far excessive. Zambeef will start growing their own grain and Mpongwe will have to sell their surplus grain at less than the production cost or else risk it will go to waste.

  3. Regardless collecting those levies, there is no development that is happening in Mpongwe, even at council no tar mac, where the tar mac of Chiluba ended is till there, so BIG question is those money you collect what do you do with is??????? Zambeef pay more taxes in Zambia, Toll levy, Road tax, Insurance levy, Crop Levy and Weigh bridge levy, so if they default once you go public, why??? Abafuma kwa Mukubwe they just pass their without paying anything, infact you even give them alternative road to use in order to avoid levy.

  4. The questions that beg serious answers are: 1. Do councils involve stakeholders when coming up with such levies? 2. Is it a realistic rate considering the already high cost of doing business / producing grain in Zambia? 3. How is this money used? I’m a Mpongwe resident myself and each time I ask this question, officers give very subjective answers, such as levies are used to pay workers. 4. Why should we be made to pay council workers and Councillors? For doing nothing?????

    Note that its only prudent resource utilisation that can mortivate a tax payer to be loyal. This is how developed countries have managed to be where they are today. Citizens are encouraged to pay taxes because systems are transparent and accountable…

    • Instead of just answering or correcting me u decide2 ‘insult me’ always assuming anybody who doesn’t rhyme with u is a Tonga herdsman . Thanx for inviting ins~ults from me, I’ll unleash a dose of insults in spurts 2shut u up.

      Story does’t explain what the grain is meant for. So what popped 2mind narrowed 2human consumption. Yes it can be used in fodder (coarse food for livestock, composed of entire plants, including leaves, stalks, and grain, of such forages as corn and sorghum).

      But it does not make business sense if whole grain is feed 2animal cos its expensive. All the same my proposal stands change name2 ZamAgric if the grain is grown by Zambeef 2capture diversity of their business.

      Try feeding it to yo delicacy of monkeys & Mbeba to see if u can afford!

  5. Zambeef is fully up-to-date with all statutory obligations.
    As a gesture of goodwill, at the request of the council the company paid crop levies in advance in 2015 and 2016.
    It appears that these advanced payments were not offset against on-going invoices, giving rise to the misunderstanding.
    Zambeef is a major investor in Mpongwe District, and we encourage the council to engage with the company about any concerns it may have.

  6. Where do you think the government will get money from if we don’t fullfill our obligations? Donor money is from taxes and here we’re refusing to pay or if it’s paid we steal it.

  7. The whole saga smells bad. It reminds me of the Emerald company that also Avoided paying what is due to the council. I do not think that it is a matter of ignorance of the Laws but that SOMEONE KNOWS how to avoid paying what is due by paying little which goes into individual’s pocket. These are cases where the DEC could come in on their own rather than wait for spoon feeding.

    • The questions that beg serious answers are: 1. Do councils involve stakeholders when coming up with such levies? 2. Is it a realistic rate considering the already high cost of doing business / producing grain in Zambia? 3. How is this money used? I’m a Mpongwe resident myself and each time I ask this question, officers give very subjective answers, such as levies are used to pay workers. 4. Why should we be made to pay council workers and Councillors? For doing nothing?????

      Note that its only prudent resource utilisation that can mortivate a tax payer to be loyal. This is how developed countries have managed to be where they are today. Citizens are encouraged to pay taxes because systems are transparent and accountable…

  8. Zambians will be taxed to death! Wait until it catches up with you. This just adds to the already high cost of doing business.

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