Saturday, July 27, 2024

14 more trucks belonging to The Post Newspaper have been impounded in South Africa


One of Post Newspaper Courier truck
One of Post Newspaper Courier truck
Fourteen more trucks belonging to The Post Newspaper in Liquidation have been impounded in South Africa.

Provisional liquidator of the Post Newspaper, LEWIS MOSHO has revealed that the 14 trucks and trailers were impounded with the help of a combined team of Zambia and South African Police at a private car park in Johannesburg.

Mr. MOSHO told ZNBC News in statement that this brings the number of impounded trucks to 30.

He says the 14 trucks were impounded last Thursday at 134 Nasmith Avenue Germiston, Johanesburg at a private garage owned by Reddy Logistics, a South African company.

Mr. MOSHO said the Zambia Revenue Authority is also holding an additional 9 trucks which it seized in July 2016 while the search continues.

He has revealed that his office has since instructed its lawyers to commence criminal proceedings against former Directors of the Post Newspaper in Liquidation for concealing company assets.

Meanwhile Mr. MOSHO says his office has continued receiving claims from creditors of the Post in Liquidation with the debt portfolio increasing to over 189-million kwacha within the last two months.

He says among the new claimants are UTH, Workers Compensation Fund, Mount Meru, National Assembly and Zamtel.

Mr. MOSHO says former employees have also joined the petition.

Five trucks were impounded in South Africa about a week ago while 11 were impounded about a month ago hidden in Shimabala area of Chilanga district.


  1. Leave the trucks…..go looks for the thugs who were supposed to distribute fertilizer and did not do it on time…the problem is only few (two)companies are contracted to supply inputs due to CORRUPTION …Please involve more suppliers and stop this corruption …

    • Am sure you are Not a zambian come up life that. What has membe contributed in this country apart from Not paying our Tax. Government has no money my friend you to think twice in order for you and our future children to sourvive.

    • The govt has no money not because of Mmembe but because PF has stolen billions of dollars on overpriced infrastructure contracts. Now the broke-ass govt will scapegoat Zambians for minor infringements. Even street parking has gone up 150%, PAYE has gone up to 37.5%, and electricity tariffs are about to increased.

  2. Just wondering, what happened to the aeroplanes belonging to Zambian Airways of which Mmembe and Nchito were directors?

    • The real lesson is not to help create monsters that will consume you. Who could have guessed in 2011 that PF could finish off Mmembe!

  3. LUSAKA TIMES WHY HAVE YOU FAILED TO ANNOUNCE THE BEST BLOGGER. WHAT ARE YOU SCARED OF. WE DEMAND YOU RELEASE THE RESULTS. WHY DID YOU WASTE PEOPLE TIME VOTING IF YOU WANTED A PARTICULAR PERSON TO WIN. LET ME WARN YOU THAT THE LONGER YOU TAKE TO ANNOUNCE THE MORE CURSES YOU ARE BRINGING ON YOUR FAMILIES AND SHORTENING THEIR LIVES. DON’T SAY I DIDN’T WARN YOU. Just because I won you cannot stand it. As for lungu this man is sick in the head. He wont make it to 2021. mark my words. Nature has a way of dealing with undesirables. Lungu is a childish and petty man who is settling personal scores with mmembe. Lungu grow up you son of a beech

    • Tribal cartels have no place in Zambian politics; this explains why HH lost the election and will still lose in 2021. Why is that the preoccupation of small tribes is to persecute bigger ethnicities such as bemba and Nyanja? Mmembe today is paying the price for attempting to destroy a great legacy of FTJ. The bones of this great man have risen up and are exacting revenge on Mmembe and his evil associates.

    • And nature has a way of dealing with your so called bigger ethnicities you tribal dog. Where is chiluba if he is such a great man? The same fate will follow lungu since he is from “big tribe”. Kikiki kabiye uko with your tribal talk galu iwe

    • Lol!!!! Ba NEZ nishani zebige kekekekekekeke!!!!! oh poor soul! Mentally and socially frustrated soul. Cool it man, cool it kekekekekeke. Ndipo yakwela BP hmmmmm! Trust me NEZ, months back at Tumfweko, you made me believe you were one of theose level headed and smart bloggers with a sound character, mature and sobber. Awe kanshi LOMAO!!!

    • You are the one who is so childshi with your date mind, God is the one who is looking after our lives and Not your date thinking. And may God the Almighty forgive you

  4. Fred thinks he is smart chap…what do you think they are going to liquidate old useless Post newspapers to poor rollup smokers…really laughable!!

  5. But ba NEZ nibapuba, title says one thing he is commenting on other things. The guy must be very thick, You see the problem with such chaps is that they do not normally know that their brains are not up to date and will continue to argue. It might not be his fault, the guy is just thick in the head. He does not know that you can engage each other in healthy debates on the blogg

  6. Only “black people” will celebrate when one of them is in financial troubles. I just can’t figure out what’s wrong with us in this regard.
    And mostly it’s the failures who rejoice when their own comes down.
    God help us

  7. Lesson here is, don’t buy that many trucks or assets with cash, Leasing is the best option.
    If Lungu or whoever is Zambian president wants to exact revenge or be mean to you by grabbing your assets, the assets simply belong to the banks!!
    When your business starts to grow and you have stable contracts lease majority of assets, don’t pay cash- hide your cash from scavenging politicians.

    • @Gringo do you know why a company leases in the first place…if you have the credit facilities available why not just buy outright. Have you seen the price of fleet leasing in Zambia? Just pay your Tax promptly no one will bother you …even Al Capone thought they didn’t have anything on him.

    • The real lesson is not about financing, it is about ownership. Post Courier should have been a sister or associate company and not a subsidiary of the Post Newspapers. A subsidiary is just another asset of the holding company. I am surprised Mmembe missed this lesson in his legal studies.

  8. Kikikiki…..this particular “black” should have been born a hyena…..kabolala icine cine…..wait until HH joins the queue of creditors… the moment HH is still financing him..kikikikikikiki

  9. Chaona mzako chapita maba chilipali iwe…what your friend has seen today has come to pass tomorrow it is you.Mr chagwa also is owning a trucking company called LUNTEX,so we just wait for the immunity to freeze one day then we shall see what comes next…..

  10. But Mr mmembe those where bad manners,,you can’t just squander our monies like that,maybe you are leaping what you sow.

  11. What our money? U talk rubbish no penny will come in pocket it all goes where it belongs . Don’t be daft , im sure u know where it will go . There is no need to talk and write soon much when it’s a total wasteof time with this thugs . They all up to no good . Big time pocketing !!!

    • Tax is the money that Govt. uses for among other to provide public services. So when citizens say our money they do not mean having that money literally in their pocket. It is public money. And all public money essentially belongs to the citizens. The politicians voted into office are our custodians of that money that is used to provide various public services such as roads, clinics, hospitals etc.

  12. We heard that he bought 80 trucks at once. PACRA, ZAR and RATSA would have all the information needed to determine the assets of the Post Co. He may have used the trucks and other capital equipment to claim the VAT.

  13. The bully Mmembe is being humbled every single day. Let the criminal pay back what he stole. Lungu should finish the job – don’t just wound the snake, make sure it vomits what it has eaten.

  14. This was definitely a viable ongoing business concern and the govt could have found a way of making them pay the money owed as opposed to committing another Zambia Airways Chiluba style. People will one day go to jail for this vengeful act of stupidity.

  15. Even the same reddy logistics they are thiefs they smagle things from south Africa into Zambia they don’t pay divers what they sweat for k1200 driving copper from solwezi to durban and are bullies right now building the big warehouse in ndola with smagled material from south Africa. The owner is just like membe he is big headed and ZRA should visit Reddy logistics its a company registered in Zambia. They abuse workers and insult. ZRA please Here is another company that doesn’t pay tax. Reddy logistics Zambia

  16. I.T. Specialists at Lusaka Times, cant u workout a program to block people whose mouths are dirty whose speach are insults? Honestly, how do you call the President ‘SON OF A BEACH’ even if he’s not your favourite? NEZ must be blacklisted and blocked if possible.

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