Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Provision of power to rural areas will eradicate poverty-Luo


Higher Education Minister has said the provision of power through an off grid stand alone and clean technology would provide the rural communities with impetus to break out from the shackles of poverty and improve their living standard.

Professor Nkandu Luo said an off grid stand alone and clean technology  is vital for enhancing education and introducing better learning conditions such as computer facilities and internet.

Prof Luo said at the launch of phase one project of Lundazi Green Village at a total cost of US$ 1 million held at Egichikeni primary school in Lundazi that reduced isolation and marginalisation by the improvement of communication and information channels such as mobile phones, cinema as well as computers would improve education.

The Minister said the move would enhance safety measures that could be implemented such as security and street lighting.

She said the electrification of the area would improve health care by providing lighting and power to the rural health centres where medical equipment could be installed and stored.

The Minister said irrigation and processing of agriculture produce could be improved to increase the productivity.

Prof Luo said the success of the  project would entail many other rural communities stand a chance of being electrified using solar energy through replication of the appropriate technology.

She said the sustainability of the project was such that it meant to facilitate achievement of energy and financial independence by the rural communities as it was designed to be flexible modular and aligned to the specific needs of the communities.

Prof Luo said the project was underpinned by an effective multiple stakeholder involvement.

She said her ministry has a mandate to lead all sectors in fostering the adaption of science, technology, and innovation at national level.

In an effort to drive innovation from the grassroots to full commercialization, Prof. Luo  said the Government through her ministry has put in place certain institutions with specific roles and mandates.

Prof Luo commended National Technology Business Centre (NTBC)’s role which she said was unique as it would serve as a commercial wing of the ministry.

Speaking at the same function,NTBC Director Luwodzya Mwale said the project was an initiative of the Government.

He said 300 households and other places were expected to benefit from the project.

He commended various institutions for partnering with NTBC in the realisation of the project.

”The Lundazi Green Village project shall thus provide electricity for lighting and electrical appliances through a stable solar based power supply which shall cater for both household and business use,inevitably leading to job creation and higher incomes,”Mr Mwale said.

Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) Director General John Msimuko said ZEMA was pleased to be associated with the successful story of the Lundazi Green Village Project which has been supported under the interim environmental fund.

He said the provision of energy would without doubt reduce the negative impacts on natural resources and help to address issues of climate change.

Patriotic Front Chasefu Member of Parliament Gerald Zimba said the population of Lundazi has been growing steadily since the last Census of 2010.

Mr Zimba said the implementation of the Lundazi Green Village project would foster massive benefits to the people of Chasefu Constituency and Lundazi district.


  1. How long have people in compounds have had power and yet are poor?? This is a stoopid assertion by an ignorant politician. Power, like land, does not make anybody rich. It is what you do with them that matters, not just access to them.

  2. Irrigation is done in Farm’s?you can find those farms in rural areas, not in compounds .The richest people in Europe are farmers.just for your on information

  3. And that’s coming from a professor. Isn’t that the other way round? electricity will make them even poorer in some cases because they have to start buying power.

    • The daft sata was smarter than this fake professor because he related power to what was practical in his personal life,killing lice.Access to power alone wont just do,lets give quality education to our people so that they are empowered for life.

  4. an illegal minister and empty tin MP who calls herself professor kiki how naive and dull can one get? How can you simplify the complex conundrum called poverty by assuming simply that a lit bulb will ensure poverty eradication. Do these ministers have advisors who look into the useless things they come up with? I really feel pity for zambia under pf. We are been ruled by chimbwis starting with that teethy excuse of a president. PF must go and let the petition be heard

  5. @#2 Raph,
    Please get your facts right before you expose your ignorance on this blog. Every year, there is what we call the “Rich List” that is produced by the Sunday Times in the UK. For the last thirty years, no farmer in the UK has made it on this list.So please do not misinform your relatives about Farmers being the richest people. Is Branson a farmer? How many Zambian farmers have viable irrigation systems at their farms and how productive are they? Even if you took power to your village, how many of your relatives will have the capacity to pay the electricity bills? Zambian politicians are all NATO esp the PF and Edgar Lungu( No Action, Talk Only). He promised his cadres that he was going to create 500,000 jobs by the end of 2016 but the official stats is that there are actually…

    • 100% agree, as a matter of fact many farmers in UK do not even own the land, They rent farms from rich people. Farmers are struggling selling milk and the hence most fruit and vegetables are imported from Spain and Portugal. Rich farmers?? He must be jocking.

  6. Official stats is that there are 516,000 Zambians in formal employment today and out of that 286,000 are employed by the GRZ. Under PF, everyone is interested in making allowances only. Top of the list is Edgar himself. As President, why should he and his minions be getting allowances for leaving Lusaka. Just watch the size of the delegation that will accompany Edward to Muchinga for three days. They all need to be fed, accommodated and then given allowances and free talk time to chat to their concubines and wives and you wonder why we are a Least Developed Country. KK was never getting allowances for visiting Zambia and his Ministers were never claiming allowances either. RB was the master allowancw claimer with the late George Kunda, Remember how the Cobra used to sing about Vasco da…


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