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PF is a law abiding and peace loving party determined to improve the lives Zambians-Davies Mwila


PF Secretary General Davies Mwila
PF Secretary General Davies Mwila

The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) party has said that the PF is a law abiding and peace loving party determined to improve the lives of people pursuant to its manifesto and agenda for Zambia.

In a statement issued by PF Media Director, Sunday Chanda and Signed by PF Secretary General Davies Mwila, the party said that while others parties are sowing seeds of strife and discord, the ruling party and Government remain fully committed to fostering unity and development for every Zambian.

The party beamoed what it described as helpless attempts by a few attention-seeking and misguided groupings in efforts to distract the Patriotic Front and the Government from providing leadership to the country .

” We have witnessed systematic attempts to desperately paint the PF Government black in front of the international community for selfish reasons, attempts that have miserably failed, ” read the statement.

Below is the full statement

19th April 2017
Position Statement for Immediate Release


The past few weeks have been marred by helpless attempts by a few attention-seeking and misguided groupings in efforts to distract the Patriotic Front and the Government from the providing leadership to this great nation. We have witnessed systematic attempts to desperately paint the PF Government black in front of the international community for selfish reasons, attempts that have miserably failed.

As the whole world can attest, His Excellency the President Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu is peace loving, understanding, principled, tolerant, listening and democratic leader mandated by the Zambian constitution to ensure national security and the rule of law in this great republic. Zambia remains a stable, economically viable and secure nation led by a legitimate President ushered in by the will of the people through the potency of the ballot box.

The Zambia that we have come to know and love today was birthed out of the sweat and blood of our forefathers. The nation has since emerged as a peace haven where all must respect the rule of law. In this country we have systems that ensure checks and balances through the constitutional separation of powers distributed by the various arms of Government. It is therefore laughable to expect the Presidency to distract the operations of the Police and judiciary seeing as this would be tantamount to abuse of privileges as the President would be acting ultra vires his powers. This demand is especially preposterous owing to the President’s legal background; His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu is bound by his sworn oath to protect and uphold the rule of law and this entails ensuring that the law takes it full course regardless of the perpetrators’ social or economic standing. Indeed, Zambia is bigger than an individual!

The Patriotic Front is deeply concerned about the levels of anarchy and acrimony being peddled by sullen political elements in Zambia and would like to distinguish itself from the lawlessness being exhibited in the political arena.

Unlike others, the PF is a law abiding and peace loving party determined to improve the lives of people pursuant to its manifesto and agenda for Zambia. While others are sowing seeds of strife and discord, the party and Government remain fully committed to fostering unity and development for every Zambian.

We wish to enlighten our colleagues in the opposition that the Patriotic Front was once an opposition political party for ten years led by our founding President and Visionary the late President Michael Chilufya Sata. In the spirit of true Patriotism, while in opposition, the PF remained committed to building itself through membership mobilization while serving its democratic purpose of providing checks and balances on productive issues. The PF understood that the focus should be on selling party ideals and manifesto as opposed challenging the will of the people. Overtime the people of Zambia developed their confidence in our leadership and as a result, they gave us their votes in an unquestionable victory!

Opposition political parties must respect the will of the people and stay in their lane, they must take a leaf from us and begin to act responsibly. Countrymen and women, political power comes from the people through the ballot and not from burning schools, courts and markets. We urge the opposition to get in touch with reality and wake up from their self-induced illusion; the Patriotic Front won the 2016 elections and Zambia only has one President – His Excellency Edgar Chagwa Lungu the one and only President of the Republic of Zambia.

We have been presented with a five-year mandate to lead this great nation and we will not allow naysayers to distract us from our transformational agenda and disrupt the various developmental projects that we are carrying out on every corner of Zambia. Our detractors have established that they are no much to us and hence their attempt to provoke us. We are aware of their vain schemes and will not allow ourselves to give them undue attention.

The Patriotic Front further urges the Zambian people at large to safeguard peace and unity by promoting the ‘one Zambia one nation’ mantra through our day-to-day conversations, good neighbourliness and love as Christ expects of us.

Long Live Zambia! God Bless Mother Zambia!

I thank you!

Signed by; Hon. Davies Mwila
Secretary General
Patriotic Front

Issued By: Sunday Chanda,
Director for Media
PF Headquarters


    • Davis mwila is talking about Christ today, this is the same guy who ordered pf cadres to take over markets, bus stations was bragging ati aya ma politics, teku church tuli kuno.

    • I only wish Sata did not form this party, PF, Its full of people who can not think, No wonder Sata managed to lead it with easy because he was the only intelligent one and now that he is gone its like cutting the head off and letting the body live without its head, that is what is happening to PF, The head is gone and all that remains is the body.Just look at Lungu, how do you expect someone who has never done anything in his life to create wealth for you, All his classmates are rich and running their own law firms but not EL, That speaks volumes about this president.

    • Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

      Just what have these guys been SMOKING!?? Do they really believe that Zambians are so dull and St.upid that they will not see that these lies are complete and utter bull,sh1t?

      They have just insulted every single Zambian with such nonsense!

    • Ati owing to Chagwa’s legal background, hmmn, background of a thieving lawyer. This drivel can only come from Sunday Chanda, Frank Bwaly & Davies Mwila. Even their Chagwa is so embarrassed with them that he’s stopped them from talking anyhow.

    • If only I could agree with Davies Mwila but sorry for the situation in Zambia is far off what one could build hope on! When will our leaders wake up to the fact that the national frontman (president) is not God but just a mortal as any other citizen only assigned the privilege to advertise the country for investment and to oversee equitable distribution of services from acquired resources both internal and external to the citizenry! Instead those who bestow this privilege become the disadvantaged as the frontman grows his ego and glutttony! George Orwell’s Animal Farm should indeed be a must read for everyone conversant with the English language! Elected representatives turn themselves into a cult no longer sympathetic with those that put them into leadership roles!



    • Just the very fact that these clowns need to say “the Patriotic Front (PF) party has said that the PF is a law abiding and peace loving party” shows what absolute hypocrites and liars these people are!

  2. If i am not mistaken you Are the Davis mwila who directed PF caders to steal council plots and take over public places like bus stops and markets???

  3. Ala mubi uyu chikaIa kwati ubwamba uli circumcised. Ugly son of a bITch

  4. Ala mubi uyu chlkaIa kwati mb0l0 uli circumcised. Ugly son of a bITch

  5. Ati kuti mwatekwa na kumbwa. This is exactly what is happening in Zambia. The country is run by somebody who has no clue about his job description. Zambians wake up, don’t accept this mediocrity.

  6. Kupaya chakasumbi kutota halikala, Insoni shamuwelewele shipontelwa mukanwa kachipumpu.
    The two are are not even ashamed of what comes out of their mouths.

  7. Pf is not a loving party at all. They are a lot of savages in pf. Mr Davies Chama which pf are you talking about? Is it the one lead by Sata or Lungu?

  8. Yes, PF is a law abiding party; it abides by the law of the jungle, marshal law, and the selective laws against UPND, dispensed by its kangaroo courts especially Concourt.

  9. Comment:The only problem is that you have no shame Chandra and Chama no matter how you scream to the World to paint your disgraced party PF as a good one no any sensible person will take it serious coz the evidence of the way your party has embarrassed our Country is their for all to see even the international community knows it all. Which law abiding when you are sending 600 police pf cadres to go and invade and root someone,s home and you chanda and your SG expect the World to believe your mischevious screaming u are just wasting your time the time of reckoning is coming and you surely pay for your misdeeds God can not be mocked.

  10. This is the west government I have ever seen In my life. I loved pf at the time of Mr Sata. I wish he was alive this stupid things could have not happening. An Obbiding party. Your gvt is very corrupt, thieves, judiciary has been destroyed by you. Stop cheating people.

  11. From the comments above, maybe ba Davis was better off not making this unfortunately misleading statement, even PF sympathizers and supporters are finding it hard to add credence to it……the tide is slowly but surely turning.

  12. “…law abiding and peace loving party…”

    Words of the uneducated clown directed at the 1mbeciles which believe that pigs can fly

  13. Liar. This chap should have been in prison for shooting at the innocent than HH. PF is a violent party of thugs, thieves

  14. – Is Torture of suspects, putting Teargas in private parts & putting pepper-spray in the mouth of suspects your version of “Law abiding & Peace-loving”?
    – Is stealing Food, Forex, Sh!tting on someones bed your version of “Law abiding & Peace-loving”?
    – Is making suspects sleep on hard-floor without blanket or mattress your version of “Law abiding & Peace-loving”?
    – Is charging someone with treason for a traffic misdemeanor your version of “Peace-loving”?
    – Is turning the country into a police state your version of “peace-loving”?

    Kwena Mwaitaya apa peve!

  15. PF had a lot of people between 2006 & 2011. As we moved towards 2012, some of us saw the ship changing direction & we jumped out as that was not the promised land we were told. At the time of Sata’s death, a lot more people had left. This fact was attested by his excellence ECL, remember when he was urging pf members to accept working with other parties as PF in its current form can not win an election without the help of other parties? One reason i personally left PF is the fact that the part adopted lawlessness & have since adapted to live under this state of affairs. it is this same lawlessness that has seen vendors everywhere as though there is no govt. thieves steal and sale stolen goods in the open streets, Carders are today more powerful than the police. in a party that abides by…

    • My brother, i agree with yu. Vendors are all-over. Marketeers are now found along the corridors of shops through out the country, worse in lusaka. Ask them why. They will tell yu that PF has created jobs for them. I belonged to the old PF of the late Sata, not the current MMD/PF.

  16. Ba mwila our constitution allows opposition ….dont hate opposition…they are helping you to control your excesses…..

    • Kay 1, opposition in it’s current form can not unseat PF. Reasons are that opposition is full of insults, HH AND GBM openly insult fellow political leaders. Additionally, they are pompous laeders. You will attest as to how UPND insult to every contribution as bloggers. It is common knowledge that Zambians dislike people with vulgar language and people with no respect for authority. This is what UPND has demonstrated right from the top most leadership to youngest UPND blogger. When l say Zambians I mean North, west, east, and South.

  17. Why do they want to kill every opposition on their side? This is something to worry as Zambians. We should be very careful otherwise more trouble for us poor citizens.

  18. Respect for the rule of law just be seen to be fairly applied. You can’t keep arresting opposition cadres whilst your own run loose. First arrest Kaizer Zulu, Kennedy Kamba and Mumbi Phiri, then issue such a statement.

  19. From the comments above this is damage control gone sour.This is the price Edgar will pay for his misconceived idea that working with dull chaps like Kaiser,Kampyongo and others will make him look inetelligent and wise.Right now we cant tell the difference between him and the pipo who surround him.

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