SLEEPLESS stars Jamie Foxx as undercover Las Vegas police officer Vincent Downs, who is caught in a high stakes web of corrupt cops and the mob-controlled casino underground. When a heist goes wrong, a crew of homicidal gangsters kidnaps Downs’ teenage son. In one sleepless night he will have to rescue his son, evade an internal affairs investigation and bring the kidnappers to justice.
- Good performance by Jamie Foxx.
- Interesting story line.
- Exciting shootouts and fight scenes that will have you at the edge of your seat.
- The storyline was at times predictable.
Vincent Downs: “Whatever you’re aiming at , make sure you’re prepared to kill it!”
Jennifer Bryan: “This city is crawling with dirty cops”.
Sleepless is a solid action thriller. Jamie Foxx had a good performance as a cop with questionable morals who will go to virtually any lengths to save his son. It has a gripping storyline that will have you questioning who are corrupt cops and who are the good ones.
Sleepless ends with some unanswered questions that may lead to a sequel.
This is not a movie that will live long in the memory but its a good way to spend a Saturday night.
3 out of 5