Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu mourns with British people over terror attack


President Edgar Lungu addresing Zambians at National Assembly of Zambia during the Nation address on the application of Constitutional Values and Principles
President Edgar Lungu 

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has learnt with a deep sense of shock the horrific death of more than twenty people in the terror attack which occurred in Manchester City, Britain and left more than 50 people injured on Monday night.


The President said Zambia condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, and that attacks targeted at a youthful crowd clearly indicate the urgent need for concerted measures by the global community to combat terrorism and extremism.


“We in Zambia join progressive humanity to condemn in strongest terms acts of senseless violence such as this and pledge full support to Your Excellency and the people of the United Kingdom as they confront the ugly face of terrorism. Through various international arrangements, Zambia wishes to renew its commitment to global efforts to fight terrorism,” the President said.


The President said in a letter addressed to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May.


President Lungu said Zambia join the people of United Kingdom in mourning the departed and prayed that God will grant solace and fortitude to the bereaved families, and a quick recovery to the injured.


“On behalf of my Government, the people of Zambia and indeed on my own behalf, I wish to convey to Your Excellency, Mrs Theresa May, MP, the bereaved families and the people of Britain, our heartfelt sympathies and condolences on this tragic loss.  Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration and esteem,” President  Lungu said.



    • HH must concentrate of his treason charges, let him not try to imitate HE EL.

      This calls for presidential involvement not mere rebel guy in the name of opposition.

    • A rhetoric of crocodile tears from visionless Lungu who failed to mourn for the death of Mapenzi Chibulo. Shocking!
      Mapenzi Chibulo was killed in cold blood by PF bandits in PFolice uniforms but not even a single tear drop by the visionless & hypocritical Lungu.
      Someone is seeking for recognition through funerals. PF violent bandits & blind Lungu ni njala.
      The Skeleton Key

  1. Good, but let’s also stand with those families who have lost loved ones at UTH ….. 980 deaths in 21 days is a crisis

    • It’s ridiculous that the President has not made any comment regarding the 980. How do you just behave like it is business as usual? Should we remind you that some of these are PF members and then you will listen?

    • I challenge Lungu to say one of his inane tribal comments like : “The British even availed their education to Tongas and Lozis; that’s how civilised they are”. I am not sure how he sits in the same meeting with Mrs Wina and Given Lubinda. I suppose they are honorary Bembas to Lungu.

  2. How can you sympathize with another country on terrorism when there is too much terrorism in your own country? Terrorism is not only about bombs, but also the oppression and suppression of innocent citizens and trampling on their rights.

    • The President sent sympathies to the UK on his behalf and on behalf of the Zambian people in his capacity as Republican President. Is there any part that you do not understand or you are trying to trivialize the tragedy in the UK?

    • The part he does not understand is that Lungu himself is a terrorist against the Zambian opposition. How can he sympathise against the works of his fellow terrorists in the UK?

    • Buck Teeth Lungu – The day you will come back to your senses, is the day that you will feel liberated and become a happy man.

  3. Ezekiel 33:11 Say to them, As I live, says the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back, turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel?

  4. Chilankalipa you are very right. One has to sympathize first with the people who have been detained
    and are rotting in Police cells for the wrongs they never committed. God will punish such hypocrisy.

  5. Chakolwa Lungu – hypocrite!! You are a state terrorist too!! You should first remove the log in your eyes and “condemn in strongest terms acts of senseless violence” you personally perpetuated against our legitimately elected President of Zambia, Haakainde Hichilema.
    I noted that you also made your conclusion by saying: “Please accept and support, your Excellency, my application for the IMF bailout with assurances of your highest consideration and esteem,” President Lungu said.
    Chakolwa, I think that is Kaizer Zulu’s pigeon English which nobody recognises in diplomatic circles. The letter should have been addressed to Her Majesty, the Queen (not exactly his Excellency) through the Prime Minister’s Office!! With these PF thugs, it is just confusion everywhere and I am sure very…

  6. Chakolwa Lungu – hypocrite!! You are a state too!! You should first remove the log in your eyes and “condemn in strongest terms acts of senseless viol.ence” you personally perpetuated against our legitimately elected President of Zambia, Haakainde Hichilema.
    I have noted that you also made your conclusion by saying: “Please accept and support, your Excellency, my application for the IMF bailout with assurances of your highest consideration and esteem,” President Lungu.
    Chakolwa, I think that is Kaizer Zulu’s pigeon English which nobody recognises in diplomatic circles. The letter should have been addressed to Her Majesty, the Queen (not exactly his Excellency) through the Prime Minister’s Office!! With these PF thugs, it is just confusion everywhere and I am sure very…

  7. Chakolwa Lungu – hyp.ocrite!! You are a state too!! You should first remove the log in your eyes and “condemn in strongest terms acts of senseless viol.ence” you personally perpetuated against our legitimately elected President of Zambia, Haakainde Hichilema.
    I have noted that you also made your conclusion by saying: “Please accept and support, your Excellency, my application for the IMF bailout with assurances of your highest consideration and esteem,” President Lungu.
    Chakolwa, I think that is Kaizer Zulu’s pigeon English which nobody recognises in diplo.matic circles. The letter should have been addressed to Her Majesty, the Queen (not exactly his Excellency) through the Prime Minister’s Office!! With these PF thugs, it is just confusion everywhere and I am sure…

  8. Chakolwa Lungu – hyp.ocrite!! You are a state too!! You should first remove the log in your eyes and “condemn in strongest terms acts of sens.eless viol.ence” you personally perpetuated against our legitimately elected President of Zambia, HH.
    I have noted that you also made your conclusion by saying: “Please accept and support, your Excellency, my application for the IMF bailout with assurances of your highest consideration and esteem,” President Lungu.
    Chakolwa, I think that is Kai.zer’s pigeon English which nobody recognises in diplo.matic circles. The letter should have been addressed to Her Ma.esty, the Que.en (not exactly his Exce.llency) through the Minis.ter’s Office!! With these PF thugs, it is just confusion everywhere and I am sure very soon…

      very soon that Mad thug will be sending another letter to Ther.esa M.ay and the Queen! They (PF) don’t know who is in charge whether president or mere MP for Kas.ama! Vi Chim.bwi no Plans!

  9. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those mourning their loved ones. Ideologies that promote intolerance should be condemned strongly. Coming back home, Mr President you need to walk the talk. Dont just condemn some abstract concept that is detached from our reality in the name of terrorism, our country is being destroyed by evils of the same magnitude as terrorism such as tribalism, nepotism, and cadrerism. The bottom line is that lives are lost senselessly whether by political or religious intolerance in the name of terrorism. Your ministry of national guidance is one such vehicle that has the potential of breeding religious intolerance.

    P.S. RIP Sir Roger Moore.

  10. African presidents! They dont send such messages to fellow African countries whenever disaster happens here. I never heard Lungu commiserating with Somalia last week and Libya where 100s died but when colonial master Britain is in trouble Lungu, Zuma, Mutharika, Kenyatta name them, all rush to be seen to be mourning with the Master

  11. We are but candles in the wind. The candled didn’t burn out but was snuffed out by the enemies of liberty.

    • That is what happened to the candles of Mapenzi and Choongwa – snuffed out in their prime by Lungu and his militia.

  12. Guys I think we have gone back wards. We need to fight tyranny that’s taking place in Zambia. We need to uproot it. Even though I disagree with policies of HH but arresting is not mockery to our democracy but insult to all Zambians. We can disagree without oppressing each other. I feel that justice must be to all including those we disagree with. Let’s not allow politicians to divide us. We are all Zambians and we all love our country.

  13. Opportunistic style, trying to show sympathy, when he is a terrorist himself. This guy wants to fool everyone that he cares for others.

  14. Pretender of a President when he doesn’t care about his own people. He commands Police to kill his own people. Love or kindness should start from Jerusalem before showing it to outsiders.

  15. Your pf police has killed people. So how can can we believe your condolences

  16. Well said president Edgar Lungu on this one!!
    As for you UPND cadres,please note that ECL just like many Zambians in 6.5 provinces have no sympathy for UPND cadres currently in jail because they are law breakers.yes,they are some innocent Zambians in jail but those are not political detainees.almost all upnd cadres in jail have broken a law here and there;e.g.Mwaliteta and his team stole ECZ materials and attacked ECZ employees,some burnt houses in Namwala,some asaulted PF members in Monze,HH misbehaved in Mongu, all those are culprits but still innocent until proven guilty by the courts.i recall some upnd cadres from monze were jailed.ALL LAW ABIDING UPND CADRES MOVE FREELY IN ZAMBIA.NO ZP CAN TROUBLE THEM!!ONLY LAW BREAKERS FROM UPND ARE CAGED!!!hence never blame ECL on this one…

  17. Well said Mr President Sir! Unfortunately though had Gaddafi been alive and had the war in Syria not gone out of hand as a result of the interference and complete mishandling by the Obama admin whose foreign affairs was totally run into a mess by Killary Killington these sad and many other such matters may have been avoided. is a sat.anic organisation whose growth can only be halted by the brave and gallant Iranian guard soldiers and their affiliates in the form of Hezbollah and others! Sadly President Trump and allies have not realised this! The gains made in Iraq against are as a direct result of the brave Iranian military, the US and allies are now only coming on the scene after Iran has defeat this deash scum!

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