Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia Tourism Agency set eyes on Chinese tourists




-The Zambia Tourism Agency (ZTA) says Zambia  should scale up tourism promotion to increase tourist arrivals from China which has 100 million nationals visiting various destinations across the world annually .


ZANIS reports that ZTA Executive Director Felix Chaila said Zambia needs to vigorously sell her culture if she is to tap into the Chinese tourism niche  to position herself to benefit from the 100 million Chinese nationals visiting various tourism sites around the world.


Speaking in Chengdu, China, Mr. Chaila said the Zambia week exposition is an ideal platform for the country to market its tourism potential and entice Chinese nationals to sample Zambia’s tourism.


Mr. Chaila said his agency will use the Zambia week exposition to promote the various facets of Zambia’s tourism through cultural exhibitions, fashion shows and cultural dances in order for Chinese nationals to appreciate Zambia’s culture.


“The Zambia week is significant in the promotion of tourist arrivals from China because China still tops the world in terms of outbound tourists. Over 100 million Chinese are traveling every year”, said Mr. Chaila


Mr. Chaila said cultural tourism is cardinal in promoting and sustaining tourism development as it is the first contact point for people visiting any land.


He said its cardinal for Zambians to value their culture as it is a useful development tool as demonstrated by China which has used it effectively to spur her development.


Mr. Chaila said his agency has since embarked on initiatives of promoting and holding cultural festivals across the country  to consolidate national identity and avail international tourists an opportunity to sample the country’s culture.


He said there is also need for Zambia to improve its tourism infrastructure as limited bed space continues to disadvantage the country against her competing neighbours such as Zimbabwe and South Africa.


    • Simply look at Tanzania am sure they have hit their target already as all these footballers have visited the place these past two months meanwhile the tins at ZTA will again fail to hit target like last year…we need experienced people there with global networks!!

  1. Here in the West, Chinese and Japanese are valuable Tourist Clients. They have money and spend. It’s worth trying to attract them. Except they usually like luxury, good tourist attractions and spend on shopping. Can Zambia match those? We are still behind on providing good holiday attractions and hunting is now out of the question, environmentally.

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