Saturday, July 27, 2024

ActionAid Press Statement on actual cost of Boreholes in Nalolo


ActionAid Zambia Director Nalucha Ziba
ActionAid Zambia Director Nalucha Ziba

We wish provide clarity on the reported article which appeared on Lusaka times captioned as
ActionAid Zambia spends over K750, 000 on eight boreholes in Nalolo

The article made reference to ActionAid Zambia Country Director Nalucha Ziba during the handover ceremony of boreholes in Nalolo District. We wish to clarify that ActionAid Zambia in partnership with Nalolo District Council has planned to drill over 15 boreholes in total in the District over the three year period of the project with 8 boreholes which have been referred to in the article being drilled in the year 2017. The amount of money quoted in the article is therefore not a true reflection of the money spent on 8 boreholes which were handed over.

The correct amount for the 8 boreholes launched on 28th March, 2018 in Nalolo District was ZMW 204,000 (ZMW 25,500 per borehole). These figures can be confirmed with the Local Contractor; Luena Water Wells and the District Council which oversees implementation and local procurement who have been part of the monitoring process.

We wish to put it on record that our approach towards service delivery is to demonstrate alternatives to government and other service providers so as to ensure progressive resource use that benefit the intended beneficiaries. We have demonstrated alternatives to government by building schools,
pupils’ dormitories and clean and safe water points. This is aimed at providing evidence to government that we can achieve a lot with the available limited resources if accountability is upheld in the process of service delivery. This approach is founded on the principle of Value for Money
and this demonstration is one of the many endeavours the organization has embarked on to use service delivery as a vehicle for promoting accountability in public resource management.

ActionAid Zambia’s position in terms cost efficiency and effectiveness remains untainted and we will continue to promote accountability to ensure progressive resource allocation and utilization as it is at the centre of public resource management for improved public service delivery. It is
important to note here that our motivation and driving force is that, it is an inherent right for every human being, especially women and children to have access to clean and safe water as it plays a vital role in our daily activities.

It is our sincere hope this clarification will help set the record straight and that our office is open for further engagement on the matter.

Issued By: Nalucha Nganga Ziba
ActionAid Zambia Country Director


  1. My borehole cost K8,500. Yesterday, I wanted to sink another, the same company charged K12,500, saying government has slapped extra fees on them. But at over K25,000 last year for ActionAid!!, kaya!

    • What were the supporting facilities at that borehole you drilled? These boreholes are drilled in villages (Do you know where Nalolo is versus the distance from the drilling company’s HQ?). These village borehole come with facilities at and around the borehole to make their use more environmental friendly. You are comparing drilling a borehole at your house against a borehole for an entire community. Specifications defer baba.


  3. Imwe, let the experts comment on these bore hole issues by providing all the basic details such size, depth, wet or dry bore holes etc. Where are the water and hydrology experts kanshi mwebanu? These are very simple matters where data must readily be available on the net like other institutions do. The cost of a bore hole must be uniform whether in regardless of the area.
    Transport logistics should not be lumped up to the cost of actual drilling, please people lets talk serious matters

  4. ActionAID is the first to chase to the Zambian govt for accountability and transparency the best they can do is lead by example and publish the receipt from Luena Water Wells what’s there to hide….not just issuing statements by Nalucha Nganga Ziba, I am the Country Director blah blah…utter nonsense..what if I told you I am a sponsor to ACTIONAID and I donate £10 every month am I supposed to swallow such nonsense as stakeholder blaming the reporter provide proof
    You can do better …

  5. Naimwe ba Action aid muli mpupu, Bolehole 1, is at K6,000….even if the contractor said inclusive of transport, can’t exceed K10,000, even if we add out of town allowance, can’t exceed K12,000….now that’s the cost of drilling one borehole, now if drillling 8 as you claim, the truck will only go to Nalolo using one road trip, en b there for say 10 to 15days to drill the 8 boleholes…this would make drilling 8 boreholes at jst K10,000 very profitable….Elo umuntu goes on public media at mfwee mfweeee, clarifying K25,000, guys, Let’s b utilizing even such donar funds properly, someone paid taxes to make the donation possible, by working so so hard, elo imweee ati u used K25,000 for sumthing which costs an oridinary Zambian jst under K12,000….Lesa akamikanda imweeee, akamikandaaaaaa…

  6. Dear Nalucha Nganga Ziba – ActionAid Zambia Country Director,

    It’s a joy to see a young Person in a position of responsibility. Good you are taking steps to correct the situation. That’s the way to go.

    But remember you are not done until you actually scan and PUBLISH INVOICES AND RECEIPTS of the transactions showing the correct figures. Please please please, don’t screw this up, or else it will blow in your face and you can kiss your young career goodbye.

    Now is the time to ‘Hit the Rod while it is hot’ as the saying goes, by showing an evidence-based response from you, that will make this story die a death. Be smart and do the right thing as you have a promising career ahead of you.

    Needless to say, you have an obligation to protect your team in ActionAid Zambia from…

  7. ….. from further undue stress and embrassment caused by the alleged error in the earlier figures.

    As you well are aware, due to the abnormal amount of questionable instant riches among most of our leaders right from State House all the way down without corresponding Pay-as-you-earn Tax, funders are watching mother Zambia closely.

  8. Personally l do not support the reasoning by Ziba. Madam your justification does not hold water at all. You think by mentioning small money then we will find sense in your transactions. Indeed, we are grateful for supplementing government efforts. The money spent is not the issue, it is the quality of work proffered. You can not tell us that one borehole costed K25,000 in Nalolo considering the type area it is. The place is sandy and therefore the types of borehole required there can not be like the ones in other areas. No and big no!! All things being equal that K25,000 is too little my dear. If indeed you spent that much, then the people of Nalolo should start asking for other boreholes as those are not lasting even to years. Let us face reality people and stop testing our…

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