President Edgar Lungu says his government is determined to continue promoting diversification and value addition of raw materials produced in the country.
President Lungu says value addition to crops such as soya beans, sorghum and millet provides an opportunity for more investment in the agriculture sector.
He said he is confident that industrialization and value addition will provide employment for the Zambians especially women and the youth who are the majority.
President Lungu was speaking today in Ndola when he commissioned the 120 million dollars soya beans crushing plant by Global Industries Limited.
The Head of State said the plant brings to reality his continued call for value addition and diversification, which is within government’s broader mission of accelerated diversification under the 7th National Development Plan (7NDP).
President Lungu reiterated that government will continue to provide a conducive environment for investment in the country.
Speaking earlier, Global Industries Limited Chief Executive Officer, Malolan Sampath, said the 120 million dollars crushing plant is the most sophisticated in the whole of Africa.
Mr. Sampath said the crushing plant has increased production of soya cake from 500 metric tons per day to 1,000 metric tons adding that the company has targeted to produce 315 thousand metric tons per year.
He said the soya cake produced by Global Industries Limited is the best in Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Common Marker for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) regions, with 8,000 metric tons now exported to South Africa alone and 15,000 metric tons exported to the rest of the region every month.
Meanwhile, Agriculture Minister, Michael Katambo said there is need for more companies setting base in the country to embrace backward and forward linkages as a way of creating more jobs.
Mr. Katambo urged Global Industries Limited to also take keen interest in buying soya beans from farmers at bulk centres being established in all parts of country.
And Copperbelt Province Minister, Japhen Mwakalombe, said the region is diversifying from mining to agriculture and is happy that the company is working in line with the 7th National Development Plan, which has value addition and diversification as one of its pillars.
Mr. Mwakalombe added that Global Industries Limited is also helping realize government’s vision of providing employment opportunities to the citizenry.

Vote up if you believe he is the best precedent Zambians ever had.
Kikikikiki more Nyama Soya mu mpoto.
Let’s roll …
best who? precedent or president @ Phd holder? i doubt he is even close to that!
So why are u buying Zampalm ??? The most baffling and mind boggling IDC transaction …
They want cheap labor; even China is doing the same. Get cheap labor; take the dollar back home.
“Global Industries Limited Chief Executive Officer, Malolan Sampath, said the 120 million dollars crushing plant is the most sophisticated in the whole of Africa.”
Last year this CEO stated that the plant was valued at $60million …today he is stating double that !!
Last year my house was valued at £70000. After adding a new kitchen and bathroom, value has doubled. So what is so surprising about the enhanced valuation of the plant in 12 months?
They have already added something to the plant being commissioned today? Hmmm Duda!!!
Duda when you borrow for plant..it doesnt work like that you cant commision a private construction project at $ 60m then at handover its valued at $120m…that ridiculous…
Duda is applying lungunomics to construction prices…….
In fact such a useless plant is not even worthy more than $10m, it is just that a fool can be fooled by another fool like inchenjeshi shibili Mu Nkwashi. We have done assessments of certain plants in this country whose worthy have been exaggerated and only sympathize with the ignorance and stupidity of those who believe such lies.
The company will have spiral effect on other things linked to soya beans.
Price of soya cake, major ingredient in feed stock for cattle, pigs and poultry. Consequently bring down price of beef, pork and chicken products.
This in long run will increase food security at household level.
@ Ntondo, i also wish that happened, but zambians are heavily exploited even with locally produced products! we all hope for a Zambia that wud be in a production mode!!
Dept of HaJealousy, wing of Hooligans and Bullies of a tribal grouping masquerading as a political party is HaJelousy Hagain! Keep working Mr. President! The next best thing Childish Under Five can become is Paramount Chief Hazaluza Hagain of the Namwala people.
That company is a private firm …just seeing your lazy man cuttin ribbon does not make it his!!
Jealous immigrant.
Daily Mail – Global Group commissions soya mill plant
July 4, 2017
GLOBAL Group of Companies has commissioned a US$60 million edible oil soya bean crushing processing plant in Ndola to enable its soya meal product to penetrate the export market.
The company is in cultivation of soya beans, sunflower and canola at its farm in Lufwanyama and also supports small-scale farmers by incorporating them in soya beans out-grower schemes.
Company chief executive officer Malolan Sampath said the company has trained Zambians who are managing the high technology modern plant.
“The most sophisticated plant in the whole Africa!” Someone will pee in his pants due to jealousy.
Sharon so you believe those lies, someone saying things without any proof to validate their claims. There is even no need to be jealous about a business that’s not even on the top 20 global businesses
3 Jay Jay, read this: “Speaking earlier, Global Industries Limited Chief Executive Officer, Malolan Sampath, said the 120 million dollars crushing plant is the most sophisticated in the whole of Africa.
Mr. Sampath said the crushing plant has increased production of soya cake from 500 metric tons per day to 1,000 metric”.
What is it that you don’t understand Mr Jay Jay? I thought that today h.h has provided you with something more useful to talk about, like advising him to seek mental treament?
I am comparing to a story in Daily Mail last year…
By the way the new oil plant is in Ndola, you can go there to see for yourself. If you can’t, you can send one of your party officials in Copperbelt to check for you, unless you are admitting that upndeez is non existent there. Where is that provincial Chairperson of yours, Elisha Matambo it was?
Mazoka was truly a leader, coz UPND was for all Zambian. But the current UPND is truly a Tonga party.
What surprises me most is that, about 99% of Tongas support HH.
Otherwise, congratulations bwana ECL. We appreciate your developmental foresight as 2021 draws near. Keep those eyes on the ball. Revisit your compaign tapes and execute those promises.
Thorn in the flesh, That’s the spirit, I salute you.
Makes a change from the shopping malls the rats always are sontaring at……
Spaka, if you care about your leader tell us what you will do to help h.h get a cure for his latest mental illness? If you do nothing he will be declared insane and cannot stand as your candidate in 2021. And you have only three weeks like I said earlier.
What ever HH decides he will remain in the zambia 10 richest person list…..safe in knowledge there will be no bounty hunters after him , as for lungu , who ever becomes leader , as sure a the sun rises , lungu will be hunted for stolen monies….so I would not worry about HH.
Even seeing the mess Zambia is in , come 2022 when we have to start paying the kalobas, I would not blame HH for being indifferent , whatever happens in 2021.
Who ever leads after 2021 is in big sh.it…with a mountain to climb
I can assure you that in the future while HH will be enjoying his retirement ……we will have young politicians who will be campaigning and making….
” bring lungu and his gang of thieves to justice..”
….a campain promise …that is how bleak the future is for lungu….
Tax payers’ money spent on private trips to open ka SIDO. This is supposed to be paid for by the inviting party. Or both are paying for the same trip. Kwenakubuta uku. When is he commissioning new pit latrines in Kanyama and Misisi? The Commissioning President.
Comment:Sharon and dununa pakati stop using stomach to think but use your heads.Nevertheless pf is a party of surrogates and dull people.
How can the opening of a modern plant which is beneficial to Zambian farmers, beneficial to ZRA, beneficial to the diversification agenda and puts a dent on unemployment numbers spark such cynicism and condemnation. Are some people sick in head??? Do you actually Love this country??? Or is it that: your hate for lungu is stronger than your Love for Zambia??? May your hate deliver you a fatal stroke or heart attack, either one will do just fine.