Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu meets 5 Investors invested in Luapula province


President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (right) interacts with Investors from Luapula Province on Investments and Developments programs in that region during a meeting at State House in Lusaka on Wednesday,October 17,2018. The Investors were in the company of Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa comprised of Sunbird Bio Energy Limited,MMRP Mining,Mansa Sugar,Kawambwa Sugar Project,GED AFRICA LIMITED. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2018
President Edgar Chagwa Lungu (right) interacts with Investors from Luapula Province on Investments and Developments programs in that region during a meeting at State House in Lusaka on Wednesday,October 17,2018. The Investors were in the company of Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa comprised of Sunbird Bio Energy Limited,MMRP Mining,Mansa Sugar,Kawambwa Sugar Project,GED AFRICA LIMITED. PICTURE BY SALIM HENRY/STATE HOUSE ©2018

Five investors who have invested in Luapula province arising from the 2017 Luapula Province Investment Exposition hyesterday met President Edgar Lungu to update the head of state on their investment.

The five companies that have invested in Luapula include Mansa Sugar Company, Kawambwa Sugar limited, MMRP Manganese Mine Limited, Sunbird Bio Energy limited and GED Africa limited.

The representatives of the five companies called on the President at State House in Lusaka to give their respective update on the status of their investments in Luapula Province.

The five companies have invested over US$1.5 billion in various sectors of the economy arising from the Luapula Investment Exposition which was held in 2017.

President Lungu commended the investors for bringing their investments in Zambia and pledged to continue making the investment environment suitable for all investors.

The President said his government will like to see more investments in various sectors saying his Ministers and other officials will always be at hand to facilitate the rolling out of projects for investors.

He said the investors in Luapula should not hesitate to engage the Provincial Minister for Luapula or himself whenever they have difficulties.

The President pledged to visit the province to physically see various investments in that part of the country although he receives reports on all projects taking place in Luapula and other provinces.

Sunbird Bio Energy limited Group Chairman Rajan Mahtani told the President that his company is investing approximately US$200 million in the energy sector to produce 40 megawatts of power and 100 litres of ethanol.

Dr Mahtani stated that everything is on course regarding the projects except for the Power Purchase Agreement which his company has not yet signed with ZESCO.

He thanked the President on behalf of other investors for the good investment environment which government has provided.

Dr Mahtani said the smear campaign to hurt the economy which some sections of society have mounted has not affected the investors adding that everything is moving on well.

He said the investors have confidence in Zambia and its government which is the reason his company has trusted its investment into Zambia.

All the investors were given an opportunity to brief the president on their investments and progress made on their projects.


    • I swear this guy lungu has sold the river. why cant ge stick to his province. watch this space. that team is worse than the picture of the Texas bandits. god held

    • HH the crook, has resurfaced HAGAIN. This time he wants Zambians to show him the bedroom! Hell no! Last time we showed him the living room and the kitchen he store the money and took it to PANAMA! Not HAGAIN.

    • Money launderer king of Zambia is back in statehouse to fool President Lungu.

      He does not know President Lungu has all the briefing from RB.

      DEC shall disclose Indian Thug’s money laundering activities.

      Start with per day allowance of USD20,000 everyone he visited Finance Bank Malawi.
      Same amount he git from Finance Bank Malawi as well. A whopping USD40,000 a day and he was in Malawi on an average 8 days till the bank was closed by Reserve Bank of Malawi for money laundering, insider borrowings and foreign exchange theft through 10000 fake passport enteries.

      Back home in Zambia, Zambezi Portland Cement fraud, insider borrowings , money laundering through Finance Bank, Chimanga Changa , Professional Insurance, Finance Building Society and Leasing Finance, an outfit to bribe…

    • Rajan Mathani strikes again.
      He is able to fool and loot Zambians in daylight. A money launderer who has bribed annoyed and crossed every President of Zambia.

  1. Manganese, I wish Mansa batteries can be revamped again. We used to play game yama “baba” with batteries from Mansa batteries called Spark. And those days watching Spark United vs Mansa wanderers or Mansa Medics. Dr Kaunda had a vision bane. I miss those days.

  2. Why does a president have to meet these investors. They should be meeting the permanent secretaries of the province, and the related ministries. This is one of the reasons corruption begins at the top, because president is the first to involve himself in matters he should not and does not know anything about.. Zambian leaders should stop this nonsense.

    • Stop lying I we! You tell me you have never seen or heard business CEOs even in places like the U.S.A meeting the President at the White House? How many times did CEOs of companies such as Google, Facebook, GE, extra, meet President Obama or Bush at the White House? Be informed!

  3. Mahtani the crook resurfaces again? What happened to your case with Zambezi Portland. Who have you conned to get this solar bio invest firm.

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