Saturday, July 27, 2024

North Agro dealers perform below expectations


Farmer practicing conservation agriculture
Farmer practicing conservation agriculture

Muchinga Province Minister Malozo Sichone says most of the Agro dealers in the province performed below expectations in the last farming season.

Speaking on a live radio programme on Muchinga FM anchored by Christabel Chulu and monitored by the Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in Chinsali, Mr Sichone said most of the small scale farmers were not given the inputs by the agro dealers despite having their cards swiped.

Mr Sichone has since directed law enforcement agencies in the province to follow all the agro dealers who failed to supply the inputs despite swiping the cards for the clients and ensure that they account for their deeds.

He said he will not allow a situation where agro dealers fail to supply inputs to the farmers despite government fulfilling its obligation of paying its contribution to the individual farmer.Mr Sichone has also appealed to the Ministry of Agriculture to increase the fertilizer allocation to the region because the area has a good weather climate condition and rainfall pattern to support agricultural production.

Mr Sichone said while other regions in the country such as Southern Province experienced serious drought affecting agricultural production, Muchinga had relatively good rains but it did not receive enough inputs.

The Provincial Minister said Muchinga Province has potential to feed the rest of the country if only supported with adequate inputs which should also be transported on time. And Mr Sichone has re-emphasised his call for camp officers not to shun their duty stations.

Mr Sichone said all the camp officers who have left their stations, should immediately go back. He said the successful crop production by the small scale farmers depends on the technical service they get from the camp extension officers, hence the need for them to remain in their duty stations and offer their much needed services.

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